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1632 lines (1285 loc) · 86.5 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to "Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ IDEA" will be documented in this file.


  • Added support for Managed Identity Authentication in Web App Resource Connections.
    • Support update the identity configuration of Web App to connect Azure resources (Azure Storage Account/Azure Key Vault/Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL)
    • Support grant permission to managed identity to connected resource (Azure Storage Account/Azure Key Vault)



  • Support IntelliJ 2024.2 EAP
  • Support workload profiles environment type in Azure Container Apps
    • Support create workload profiles during the creation of an Azure Container Apps environment.
    • Enable setting of workload profiles during the creation of container apps and function apps.



  • Added a "get started with Azure Container Apps" course.


  • Error occurs when pushing image to container registry with docker file.
  • WebApp of deploy WebApp run configuration shows incorrectly after deploying to a slot.
  • "Load .env" before run task doesn't show in cases when deploying Azure WebApp.
  • Some other know issues.



  • Support creation/deployment for flex consumption function app.


  • Fixes duplicate before run tasks for Azure Container Apps deployment run configuration



  • Support for deploying source code/artifacts to Azure Container Apps directly.


  • Error throws when starting streaming log for container apps env.



  • Support for connecting Azure Storage account with connection string and managing them in both Services view and Project Explorer.


  • #8205: Could not emit tick xxx due to lack of requests (interval doesn't support small downstream requests that replenish slower than the ticks)
  • [azure-sdk-for-java#39214] (Azure/azure-sdk-for-java#39214) msal-* libs are falsely treated as deprecated.



  • #8206: After saving the web app run configuration, the app settings will be cleared.



  • Support for managing Azure resources in integrated Services view.
  • Feature recommendation based on user project dependencies.


  • Startup notifications are quequed to prevent distraction.


  • The link in warning for java 21 goes to a wrong page.
  • Function fails running using cli downloaded with the plugin.
  • #8139: NPE at web app configuration validation.



  • Support for containerized FunctionApps (based on Azure Container Apps)
  • Support for creating docker WebApp/FunctionApp
  • Support for Managing Azure Container Registries (ACR) with bundled Docker plugin (2023.3) in integrated Services view.
  • Warn user when creating/deploying WebApps/FunctionApps of (to-be-) deprected runtime.


  • Update icon of WebApp/FunctionApp to indicate its runtime.


  • #8118: NPE at EnvVarLineMarkerProvider.
  • #8113: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException at AzureModule.getDefaultProfileName.
  • #8109: java.lang.ClassCastException at StoragePathPrefixCompletionProvider.addCompletions.
  • #8093: Speed Search not working correctly.
  • #8081: java.lang.AssertionError at AzureCognitiveServices.accounts.
  • #8063: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at TreeUtils.selectResourceNode.



  • Browse Azure sample projects and create new project from them.
  • More "shortcut" actions to manage Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) resources with bundled Kubernetes plugin (2023.3).


  • Migrate to use App Service stack API to get supported runtimes for Azure WebApps/Functions.



  • Add Azure Key Vault support in Azure Toolkits
    • Resource Management features in Azure explorer
      • Create new secret/certificate/key in toolkts
      • View/Download secret/certificate/key (need Azure CLI installed)
    • Code assistance of Key Vault for Spring project


  • Get the error of "AzureToolkitRuntimeException" when opening project with resource connection configuration file
  • Get duplicate property key when connect resource from .properties
  • Generate deprecated configurations with code completions in spring properties
  • Build task will be removed for project with resource connection



  • Code assistance of Azure resources for Spring and Azure Functions.
  • Azure Functions flex consumption tier support.


  • #7907: Uncaught Exception Operator called default onErrorDropped java.lang.InterruptedException.
  • other known issues.



  • #7897: Uncaught Exception: Error was received while reading the incoming data. The connection will be closed.



  • Bring all new feature to IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3


  • Upgrade Azure SDK to the latest.
  • More UI actions are tracked (Telemetry).
  • Resource Connections Explorer is deprecated.
  • Some minor UI updates.


  • NPE when creating storage account if region is loading.
  • other known issues.



  • Azure OpenAI (chat) playground for GTP* models.
  • Guidance (Getting started course) to try Azure OpenAI and its playground (chat) in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Azure OpenAI resource management.


  • some useful subsequent actions are added onto the resource creation/update success notifications.
  • newly added resources connections/deployments will be automatically highlighted in Project Explorer.


  • Fix: reset/save doesn't show/enable when removing existing values of jvm options and env var in spring app properties editor.
  • Fix: the default runtime version of new spring apps doesn't match the version of current project/selected module.



  • Fix: Code navigation was not working for bicep files.
  • Fix: Textmate rendering was not functioning for bicep files in IntelliJ 2023.2.



  • Support for creating Azure Spring apps/services of Enterprise/Standard/Basic tier in IDE.
  • Support for managing deployment target services directly in Project Explorer.


  • status shows inactive after creating/refreshing spring app.
  • error may occur when importing document into SQL container.
  • error may occur when connecting to the storage emulator and running locally.
  • error may occur when deploy function app.
  • HDInsight Job view nodes are displayed as 'folder icon + cluster name'.
  • HDInsight Linked cluster cannot display in Azure Explorer when not signed in.



  • Fix: error pops when starting/stopping/restarting spring app.
  • Fix: error pops when deleting cosmos db document.
  • Fix: updating firewall rules in sql database's properties editor view doesn't work.



  • New UX for Azure resource connections in IntelliJ project view
    • Support list/add/remove Azure resource connections in project explorer
    • Support edit environment variables for Azure resource connections
    • Support manage connected Azure resources in project explorer
  • Support IntelliJ 2023.2 EAP


  • Fix: System environment variables may be missed during function run/deployment
  • #7651: Uncaught Exception DeployFunctionAppAction#update, check if project is a valid function project.
  • #7653: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: No display name is specified for configurable in xml file.
  • #7619: Uncaught Exception Uncaught Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid arguments id/nameId.



  • Azure Spring Apps: basic Standard Consumption plan(preview) support.
  • Azure Storage Account: local Storage Account Emulator (Azurite) support.


  • Azure Spring Apps: performance of creating/updating resources is improved.
  • Azure Functions: users are asked to select an Cloud/Emulated Storage Account in case of missing AzureWebJobsStorage at local run instead of fail directly.
  • Resource Connection: data related to resource connections are moved from project dir to module dir and the schema is also changed.


  • #7564: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke ", String)" because "store" is null.
  • #7561: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 644 ms to call on EDT DeployFunctionAppAction#update@MainMenu (
  • #7421: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 303 ms to call on EDT ServerExplorerToolWindowFactory$RefreshAllAction#update@ToolwindowTitle ($RefreshAllAction).
  • #7411: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 338 ms to call on EDT RunFunctionAction#update@GoToAction (
  • #7185: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 446 ms to call on EDT AzureSignInAction#update@ToolwindowTitle (
  • #7143: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 403 ms to call on EDT ShowGettingStartAction#update@GoToAction (
  • Fix : Toolkit could not authenticate with Azure CLI when it was run from the dock in Mac OS.
  • Fix : Failed to upload Spark application artifacts in IntelliJ 2023.1.
  • Fix : Local run and remote run failed, only repro in IntelliJ 2022.3.
  • Fix : Show Failed to proceed after clicking on storage account node.
  • Fix : Apache Spark on Azure Synapse\Apache Spark on Cosmos\SQL Server Big Data Cluster cannot be listed.
  • Fix : Load cluster show errors.



  • Basic resource management support for service connections
  • New one click action to deploy Dockerfile (build image first) to Azure Container App
  • Finer granular resource management(registry/repository/images/...) for Azure Container Registry
  • Monitoring support for Azure Container Apps (azure monitor integration & log streaming)


  • Docker development/container based Azure services experience enhancement
    • UX enhancement for docker host run/deploy experience
    • Migrate docker client to docker java to unblock docker experience in MacOS
  • UX enhancement for Azure Monitor
    • Finer time control (hour, minute, seconds...) for montior queries
    • Add customer filters persistence support


  • #7387: Cannot invoke "com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor.getDocument()" because "editor" is null
  • #7020: Uncaught Exception java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
  • #7444: Uncaught Exception initialize Azure explorer
  • #7432: Cannot invoke "com.intellij.psi.PsiDirectory.getVirtualFile()" because "dir" is null
  • #7479: Uncaught Exception java.lang.Throwable: Assertion failed



  • New course about Azure Spring Apps in Getting Started with Azure course list.
  • Resource Management of Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible servers.
  • Add Azure Service Bus support in Azure Toolkits.
    • Resource Management in Azure explorer.
    • Simple Service Bus client to send/receive messages.


  • Warn user if bytecode version of deploying artifact is not compatible of the runtime of target Azure Spring app.
  • JDK version of current project is used as the default runtime of creating Spring App.
  • Remove HDInsight related node favorite function.


  • 'Send Message' action is missing if there is a long text to send
  • #7374: Uncaught Exception initialize editor highlighter for Bicep files
  • Fix : When not sign in to azure, the linked cluster does not display the linked label.
  • Fix : Show the error " cannot find subscription with id '[LinkedCluster]' " in the lower right corner, and will display many in notification center.
  • Fix : Graphics in job view are obscured.
  • Fix : Under the theme of windows 10 light, the background color of debug verification information is inconsistent with the theme color.



  • Support IntelliJ 2023.1 EAP.
  • Add Azure Event Hub support in Azure Toolkits
    • Resource Management in Azure explorer
    • Simple event hub client to send/receive events


  • Azure Function: New function class creation workflow with resource connection
  • Azure Function: Support customized function host parameters and path for host.json in function run/deployment
  • App Service: New UX for runtime selection
  • Azure Spring Apps: Integrate with control plane logs, more diagnostic info will be shown during deployment


  • Fix: Toolkit will always select maven as build tool in function module creation wizard
  • Fix: Copy connection string did not work for Cosmos DB
  • Fix: Only local.settings.json in root module could be found when import app settings
  • Fix: Linked cluster cannot display under the HDInsight node.
  • Fix: Open the sign into Azure dialog after click on "Link a cluster/refresh" in the context menu.
  • Fix: Failed to open Azure Storage Explorer.
  • Fix: In config, only display linked cluster in cluster list, but in Azure explorer both linked cluster and signincluster exist.



  • [Azure Monitor] Azure Monitor to view history logs with rich filters.
  • [Azure Container Apps] Creation of Azure Container Apps Environment.
  • [Azure Explorer] Pagination support in Azure Explorer.


  • Update default Java runtime to Java 11 when creating Azure Spring App.
  • Add setting item to allow users to choose whether to enable authentication cache.


  • #7272: corelibs.log duplicates all the logs from the IDE.
  • #7248: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null.
  • No error message about failing to create a slot when the app pricing tier is Basic.
  • Transport method for container app in properties window is different with in portal.
  • Unable to download functional core tools from "Settings/Azure" on macOS when Proxy with certificate is configured.
  • Error pops up when deleting App setting in property view of Azure Functions/Web app.
  • Can't connect multiple Azure resources to modules using resource connection feature.



  • Bicep Language Support (preview).
  • Resource Management of Azure Container Apps.
  • Resource Management of Azure Database for MySQL flexible server.
  • Support for proxy with certificate.


  • deprecated Resource Management support for Azure Database for MySQL (single server).


  • installed Function Core Tools doesn't take effect right now when run/debug functions locally from line gutter.
  • Status/icon is wrong for a deleting resource.
  • links are not rendered correctly in notifications.



  • Code samples of management SDK are now available in Azure SDK Reference Book
  • Function Core Tools can be installed and configured automatically inside IDE.
  • Data sources can be created by selecting an existing Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL or Azure SQL. (Ultimate Edition only)


  • Action icons of Getting Started would be highlighted for part of those who have never opened it before.
  • UI of Getting Started courses panel is changed a little bit.


  • #7063: ClassNotFoundException with local deployment of function app that depends on another module in the same project
  • #7089: Uncaught Exception Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only
  • #7116: IntelliJ Azure Function SQL Library is not copied to lib folder when running locally
  • editor names of opened CosmosDB documents is not the same as that of the document.
  • exception throws if invalid json is provided when signing in in Service Principal mode.
  • Setting dialog will open automatically when running a function locally but Azure Function Core tools is not installed.



  • Added support for remote debugging of Azure Spring Apps.
  • Added support for remote debugging of Azure Function Apps.
  • Added support for data management of Azure Storage Account in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for data management of Azure Cosmos DB account in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for filtering app settings of Azure Web App/ Function App in properties view and run configuration dialog.


  • Fix Open Spark History UI link no reaction, when there is no job in the cluster.
  • Fix local console and Livy console run failed.
  • Fix error getting cluster storage configuration.
  • Fix linked clusters cannot be expanded when not logged in to azure.
  • Fix local console get IDE Fatal Error when the project first create.



  • Users are able to deploy artifacts to Azure Functions Deployment Slot directly.


  • #6939: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "" is null
  • #6930: you are not signed-in.
  • #6909: Cannot invoke "org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProject.getParentId()" because "result" is null
  • #6897: There is a vulnerability in Postgresql JDBC Driver 42.3.1,upgrade recommended
  • #6894: There is a vulnerability in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.25,upgrade recommended
  • #6893: There is a vulnerability in Spring Framework 4.2.5.RELEASE,upgrade recommended
  • #6869: Error was received while reading the incoming data. The connection will be closed. java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3
  • #6846: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
  • #6687: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6672: load Resource group (*)
  • #6670: com.intellij.util.xmlb.XmlSerializationException: Cannot deserialize class
  • #6605: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6380: spuriously adding before launch package command
  • #6271: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'virtualFile' of com/microsoft/azure/toolkit/intellij/common/AzureArtifact.createFromFile must not be null
  • #4726: Confusing workflow of "Get Publish Profile"
  • #4725: Misaligned label in Web App property view
  • #301: Should validate username when creating a VM
  • #106: azureSettings file in WebApps shouldn't be created by default
  • No response when click on Open Azure Storage Expolrer for storage while the computer does not install Azure Storage Explorer.
  • The shortcut keys for the browser and expansion are the same.
  • All the roles of the HDInsight cluster are reader.
  • Local console and Livy console run failed.
  • Job view page: The two links in the job view page open the related pages very slowly.
  • Click on Job node, show IDE error occurred.
  • Other bugs.


  • Remove menu Submit Apache Spark Application



  • Fixed the data modification failure issue of Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB Data Sources.


  • Added feature toggle for creating Data Source of Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra, the toggle is off by default.
    • Support for opening Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra with Database and SQL tools plugin from Azure Explorer is disabled by default.
    • Support for creating Data Source of the Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra from Database and SQL tools plugin is disabled by default.



  • Added support for resource management of Azure Cosmos DB accounts in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for resource connection to Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
  • Added support for creating data source of the Mongo and Cassandra API for Azure Cosmos DB from both Azure Explorer and Database tool window (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
  • Added support for connecting an Azure Virtual Machine using SSH directly from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for browsing files of an Azure Virtual Machine from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
  • Added support for adding dependencies to current local project from Azure SDK reference book.
  • Added support for jumping to corresponding Azure SDK page in Azure SDK reference book from Azure Explorer nodes.
  • Added support for configuring environment variables when deploy artifacts to an Azure Web App.
  • Added support for Java 17 for Azure Functions.
  • Added support for refreshing items (when needed) of combobox components at place.


  • Default values of most input components in Azure resource creation/deployment dialogs are now learnt from history usage records.
  • Local meta-data files of Azure SDK reference book is updated to latest.


  • Loading spring apps take more time than normal.
  • Creating resources shows repeatedly in ComboBox components sometimes.
  • Stopped Azure Function app won't be the default app in deploy dialog.
  • App settings of a newly deployed Azure Function app won't be updated in Properties view until sign-out and sign-in again.
  • Validation error message doesn't popup when hovering on the input components.
  • #6790: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.serviceContainer.AlreadyDisposedException: Already disposed: Project(*) (disposed)
  • #6784: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.openapi.util.TraceableDisposable$DisposalException: Library LibraryId(*) already disposed
  • #6813: Uncaught Exception setup run configuration for Azure Functions



  • New Azure service support: Azure Kubernetes service.
    • direct resource management in Azure Explorer.
    • connection to other K8s plugins.
  • Support for running or debugging local projects directly on Azure Virtual Machine by leveraging Run Targets.


  • Most Tool Windows will hide by default and show only when they are triggered by related actions.
  • An explicit search box is added on subscription dialog to filter subscriptions more conveniently.
    • support for toggling selection of subscriptions by space key even checkbox is not focused.
  • A loading spinner would show first when the feedback page is loading.
  • Entries of some common actions in <Toolbar>/Tools/Azure are also added into the gear actions group of Azure Explorer.


  • Error occurs if expand or download files/logs of a stopped function app.
  • Known CVE issues.



  • New "Getting Started with Azure" experience.
  • Support for IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2(EAP).
  • SNAPSHOT and BETA versions of this plugin are available in Dev channel.


  • Error "java.lang.IllegalStateException" occurs if there are resources having same name but different resource groups.
  • Configurations go back to default after deploying an artifact to a newly created Azure Spring App.
  • #6730: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException when creating/updating spring cloud app.
  • #6725: Uncaught Exception you are not signed-in. when deploying to Azure Web App.
  • #6696: Unable to run debug on azure java function on intellij (2022.1) with azure toolkit (3.65.1).
  • #6671: Uncaught Exception java.lang.Throwable: Executor with context action id: "RunClass" was already registered!



  • New "Provide feedback" experience. screenshot of 'provide feedback'
  • New Azure service support: Azure Application Insights
    • direct resource management in Azure Explorer.
    • resource connection from both local projects and Azure computing services.
  • Enhanced Azure Spring Apps support:
    • 0.5Gi memory and 0.5vCPU for all pricing tiers.
    • Enterprise tier.
  • Double clicking on leaf resource nodes in Azure Explorer will open the resource's properties editor or its portal page if it has no properties editor.


  • The default titles (i.e. "Azure") of error notifications are removed to make notification more compact.


  • Log/notification contains message related to deployment even if user is only creating a spring app.
  • Display of Azure Explorer get messed up sometimes after restarting IDE.
  • #6634: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when initializing Azure Explorer.
  • #6550: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: User data is not supported.



  • Azure Explorer: add Resource Groups root node to enable "app-centric" resource management.


  • Resource Management (ARM) in Azure Explorer is migrated to Resource Groups: Azure Resource Management deployments are reorganized from Azure/Resource Management/{resource_group}/ to Azure/Resource Groups/{resource_group}/Deployments/.
  • Rename Azure Spring Cloud to Azure Spring Apps.
  • Improve stability/reliability of Authentication.


  • All level of CVE issues until now.
  • Action Access Test Endpoint is missing from context menu of Azure Spring app.
  • Test Endpoint entry is missing properties view of Azure Spring app.
  • #6590: ClassCastException when get Azure Functions configuration
  • #6585: ClassCastException when create application insights in Azure setting panel
  • #6569: Uncaught Exception: Illegal char <:> at func path
  • #6568: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.serviceContainer.AlreadyDisposedException: Already disposed



  • Azure Explorer: add Provide feedback on toolbar of Azure explorer.
  • Azure Explorer: add support for pinning favorite resources.
  • Storage account: add Open in Azure Storage Explorer action on storage account nodes to open Storage account in local Azure Storage Explorer.
  • Functions: add action on Function app node to trigger http function with IntelliJ native http client(Ultimate Edition only) directly.
  • App service: add support for Tomcat 10/Java 17.


  • Azure Explorer: node of newly created resource would be automatically focused.
  • Storage account: more actions (e.g. copy Primary/Secondary key...) are added on Storage accounts' nodes.
  • Authentication: performance of authentication with Azure CLI is improved a lot.
  • Proper input would be focused automatically once a dialog is opened.


  • #6505: IntelliJ Crash When logging in to Azure on Mac OS X.
  • #6511: Failed to open streaming log for Function App.
  • [Test] Some apps keep loading when expand a Spring cloud service node at first time.



  • Azure Explorer: a Create action (link to portal) is added on Spring Cloud node's context menu to create Spring Cloud service on portal.
  • Add support for IntelliJ 2022.1 EAP。


  • You need to confirm before deleting any Azure resource.
  • App Service: files can be opened in editor by double clicking.
  • Azure Explorer: most context menu actions of Azure Explorer nodes can be triggered via shortcuts.
  • Functions: port of Azure Functions Core tools can be customized when run Function project.
  • ARM & Application Insights: migrate to Track2 SDK.


  • #6370: Opening IntelliJ IDEA settings takes 60+ seconds with Azure Toolkit plug-in enabled.
  • #6374: Azure Functions local process not killed properly on Mac/IntelliJ.
  • MySQL/SQL/PostgreSQL server: NPE when open properties editor of a deleting MySQL/SQL/PostgreSQL server.
  • MySQL/SQL/PostgreSQL server: expandable sections in properties view of a stopped MySQL server can be folded but can not be expanded.
  • Redis Cache: Redis data explorer UI blocks when read data in non-first database.
  • Redis Cache: pricing tier keeps Basic C0 no matter what user selects in Redis cache creation dialog.



  • #6364: [IntelliJ][ReportedByUser] Uncaught Exception com.intellij.ide.ui.UITheme$1@5b3f3ba0 cannot patch icon path java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0



  • Add a placeholder tree node in Azure Explorer for resource that is being created.
  • Show the status of resources explicitly on Azure Explorer node(right after the name).


  • Details of items in combo box are now loaded lazily, so that user needn't to wait too long. for the items to be ready to be selected when deploy a WebApp/Function App.
  • Nodes in Azure Explorer are now ordered alphabetically.


  • NPE when connecting storage account/redis cache if there is no such resources in the selected subscription.
  • No default Offer/Sku/Image are selected in "Select VM Image" dialog.
  • Validation passed in Create VM dialog even Maximum price per hour is empty.
  • Some modified values will be changed to default when switch back to "More settings" in "Create App Service" dialog.
  • Validation message is not right when selected subscription has no spring cloud service.
  • Tooltips on nodes in azure explorer are not correct.
  • Error occurs when run or deploy after docker support is added.
  • Icon of action "Open by Database Tools" for PostgreSQL is missing.



  • upgrade log4j to the latest v2.17.1



  • #6294: Uncaught Exception cannot create configurable component java.lang.NullPointerException
  • Signin status will not keep after restarting if user signed in with Service Principal



  • Add dependency support for Azure Functions related libs, so that our plugin can be recommended.
  • Add actions on some error notifications, so that user knows what to do next.
  • Add account registration link in "Sign in" dialog.


  • Performance of restoring-sign-in is improved.


  • #6120: AzureOperationException: list all function modules in project.
  • #6090: Uncaught Exception java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 16: Active code page: 1252.
  • #5038: Dependent Module Jars Are Not Added When Debugging With IDEA.
  • #5035: Resources Are Not Added To Jar When Debugging With IDEA.
  • #6026: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException.
  • Azure Explorer: some nodes are not sorted in natural order.
  • Azure Explorer: keeps showing "signing in..." for a long time after restarting IntelliJ.
  • Virtual Machine: Validation info about name of resource group and virtual machine doesn't contain letters length.
  • Storage Account: "open in portal" and "open storage explorer" link to a same page.
  • Spring Cloud: there is No default value for CPU and Memory if click more settings quickly in "Create Spring Cloud App" dialog.
  • MySQL/SqlServer/PostgreSQL: Test connection result text box has white background color in IntelliJ Light theme.
  • Postgre SQL: No icon in properties view tab title.
  • Some message/icon related bugs.
  • CVE issues



  • Add Support for Azure Database for PostgreSQL, so that user can create/manage/consume PostgreSQL directly in IntelliJ.
    • create/manage PostgreSQL server instances
    • connect PostgreSQL with Intellij's DB Tools
    • consume PostgreSQL from local project/Azure WebApp via Resource Connector feature.
  • Add Add SSH Configuration on Azure Virtual Machine instance nodes, so that user can add Azure VM to SSH Configurations by one click.
  • Add dependency support for Azure SDK libs, so that our plugin will be suggested if Azure SDK is used but the plugin is not installed.
  • Add support for 2021.3


  • BeforeRunTask for Azure Resource Connector will show which resources are connected to the run configuration.


  • CVE issues.
  • progress indicator shows <unknown>.<unknow> on menu actions.
  • URL starts with 'http' instead of 'https' in Web App properties window and Open in Browser option
  • Pops up while deploying spring cloud with a creating service
  • Local run the project for connector, often pops up the error "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException"
  • No validation for invalid values with VNet and Public IP in Create VM dialog
  • Pops up NPE error with invalid values for Quota and Retention Period in Create Web App dialog
  • Web App name and Function name can't pass if it starts with numbers
  • Unclear validation info for invalid values in Create new Application Insights dialog
  • BeforeRunTask Azure Resource Connector will not be added to self-defined run configuration
  • Reopen projects for connector, often pops up the error "java.lang.ClassCastException"
  • Pops up NPE when searching with GET and showing hash typed key value with Redis
  • Creating Web App can be successfully submitted even with an existing name



  • Add support for Azure AD (Preview)
    • Register Azure AD application
    • View Azure AD application templates
  • Support connect to Azure Redis for spring boot project


  • Remove outdated spring cloud dependency management


  • #5923 Fix bug: ADLA accounts can't be listed in Spark on Cosmos subscription issue
  • #5968 Fix bug: HDInsight project wizard accessibility issue
  • #5996 Fix bug: Config not applied when starting livy interactive console



  • #5888 Fix bug: Conflicting component name 'RunManager'



  • Support connect to Azure Storage account for spring boot project


  • Redesign the creation UI of VM
  • Redesign the creation UI of Redis
  • Show supported regions only for Redis/MySql/Sql Server/Storage account in creation dialog
  • Remove JBoss 7.2 from webapp since it is deprecated
  • Show intermediate status for login restore


  • #5857 Fix bug: fail to load plugin error
  • #5761 Fix bug: generated funciton jar cannot be started
  • #1781 Fix bug: blank Sql Server version in property view



  • Support proxy with credential(username, password)
  • Add Samples link for SDK libs on Azure SDK reference book


  • Fix the high failure rate problem for SSH into Linux Webapp operation
  • List all local-installed function core tools for function core tools path setting
  • Synchronize status on storage account in different views
  • Synchronize status on Azure Database for MySQL in different views
  • Synchronize status on SQL Server in different views
  • Redesign the creation UI of storage account



  • Add support for IntelliJ 2021.2



  • New Azure Resource Connector explorer for connection management
    • List all resource connections connected to project
    • Create new connections between Azure resources and module in project
    • Edit/Delete existing connections
    • Navigate to resource properties view of an existing connection
  • Support native proxy settings in IntelliJ
  • Add unified Open In Portal support for Web App/VM/Resource Group in Azure explorer


  • Enhance toolkit setting panel with more configuration
  • Enhance resource loading performance in Azure explorer
  • Support turn off Azure SDK deprecation notification
  • Support create Azure Spring Cloud app in Azure explorer
  • Update Azure icons to new style


  • #5439 Fix project already disposed excpetion while loading azure sdk reference book meta data
  • PR#5437 Fix exception while edit json in service principal dialog
  • PR#5476 Fix url render issue for toolkit notification
  • PR#5535 Fix evaluate effective pom will break app service/spring cloud deployment
  • PR#5563 Fix exception: type HTTP is not compatible with address null
  • PR#5579 Fix reporting error in azure explorer before sign in



  • User would be reminded if deprecated Azure SDK libs are used in project.
  • Development workflow for SQL Server on Azure: user can now connect SQL Server to local project from Azure Explorer, project, module or file.


  • Services are grouped by category in Azure SDK reference book so that user can quickly locate the libs they want.
  • Error messages are unified.



  • Management workflow for Azure SQL Server
  • New login ui for service principal authentication


  • Deprecated file based service principal authentication


  • PR #5228 Fix OAuth/Device login could not be cancelled



  • Support OAuth for authentication
  • Add support for management/client sdk in Azure SDK reference book


  • Improve UI for azure service connector


  • #5121 Fix project disposed exception for workspace tagging
  • PR #5163 Fix enable local access may not work for Azure MySQL



  • Add support for IntelliJ 2021.1 EAP
  • Add Azure SDK reference book for Spring


  • Improve resource list performance with cache and preload
  • Update Azure related run configuration icons
  • Continue with warning for multi-tenant issues while getting subscriptions
  • Remove preview label for function and spring cloud


  • #5002 Failed to run Spark application with filled-in default Azure Blob storage account credential
  • #5008 IndexOutOfBoundsException while create MySQL connection
  • PR #4987 InvalidParameterException occurs when close a streaming log
  • PR #4987 Failed when select file to deploy to Azure Web App
  • PR #4998 Fix IDEA203 regression of Spark failure debug in local
  • PR #5006 Fix NPE of exploring ADLS Gen2 FS in Spark job conf
  • PR #5009 Fix bundle build JCEF issue
  • PR #5014 Failed to create MySQL instance as resource provider is not registered
  • PR #5055 Can't deploy to Azure Web App when there is "Connect Azure Resource" in before launch



  • Development workflow for Azure Database for MySQL
    • Connect Azure Database for MySQL Server to local project from Azure Explorer or file
    • Automatically inject datasource connection properties into runtime environment for local run
    • Publish Azure Web App with datasource connection properties in application settings



  • Collect performance metrics data via telemetry for future performance tuning.
  • Update the status text on progress indicator.
  • Update context menu icons in Azure Explorer.



  • Update icons in Azure toolkits
  • Update Tomcat base images
  • Using non-blocking UI to replace blocking progress indicator
  • Remove non-functional "cancel" buttons in foreground operations



  • Add Azure Database for MySQL support in Azure Toolkits
    • Manage Azure Database for MySQL instance (create/start/stop/restart/configure/show properties)
    • Configure Azure Database for MySQL to allow access it from azure services and local PC
    • Show sample of JDBC connection strings on Azure Database for MySQL
    • Open and connect to Azure Database for MySQL server by Intellij database tools
  • Add Stacktrace filter in Spark console
  • Enable speed search in subscription table
  • Enable speed search in Azure explorer tree


  • Upgrade Azure Blob batch SDK to 12.7.0
  • Enhance App Service file explorer in Azure explorer


  • #4801 Spark tools library serializer potential issues
  • #4808 Fixes unable to attach function host while running functions
  • #4814 Spark livy console staring being blocked by artifacts uploading failure
  • #4823 Compiling warnings of ConfigurationFactory.getId being deprecated
  • #4827 Fix HDInsight cluster can't link non-cluster-default Azure Blob storage account issue
  • #4829 UI hang issue with changing Spark Synapse run configuration ADLS Gen2 storage key settings



  • Support IntelliJ 2020.3 RC


  • Refactor error handling, unify the error notifications


  • #4764 Fixes HDInsights clusters of all subscriptions(instead of the selected subscription) is listed
  • #4766 Fixes duplicate before run task for Spring Cloud deployment run configuration
  • #4784 Fixes failed to auth with Azure CLI with multi Azure environment enabled



  • #4765 Fixes no before run tasks when deploy Spring Cloud app in project menu



  • Add file explorer for Web App and Function App in Azure explorer
  • Support flight recorder for Web App


  • New creation wizard for Function App with basic and advanced mode
  • More monitoring configuration in Web App/Function App creation wizard
  • Update template for function project


  • #4703 Fix NPE issue in Function creation/deployment
  • #4707 Enhace error handling for azure cli token expires
  • #4710 Register service provider for insights before get insights client



  • Support new runtime JBOSS 7.2 for Linux Web App
  • Support Gradle projects for Web App and Spring Cloud
  • Support file deploy for Web App


  • New creation wizard for Web App with basic and advanced mode


  • #2975,#4600,#4605,#4544 Enhance error handling for network issues
  • #4545,#4566 Unhandled ProcessCanceledException while start up
  • #4530 Unhandled exception in whats new document
  • #4591,#4599 Fix Spring Cloud deployment error handling
  • #4558 Unhandled exception in device login



  • Support SSH into Linux web app


  • Update Spring Cloud dependency constraint rule for spring-cloud-starter-azure-spring-cloud-client


  • #4555 Azure CLI authentication does not show subscriptions for all tenants
  • #4558 Unhandled exception in device login
  • #4560 Unhandled exception while create application insights
  • #4595 Unhandled exception in Docker Run/Run on Web App for Containers
  • #4601 Fixed customized configuration are wrongly cleared after blob storage is slected for Synapse batch job issue
  • #4607 Fixed regression in service principal authentication



  • Support Custom Binding for Azure Functions


  • #1110 Fixes XSS issue in authentication



  • #4576 Can not list webapps in web app deployment panel



  • Changed default tomcat version for app service to tomcat 9.0
  • Scaling Spring Cloud deployment before deploy artifacts


  • #4490 Fix plugin initialization exceptions while parsing configuration
  • #4511 Fix AuthMethodManager initialization issues
  • #4532 Fix NPE in FunctionRunState and add validation for function run time
  • #4534 Create temp folder as function run/deploy staging folder in case staging folder conflict
  • #4552 Fix thread issues while prompt tooltips for deployment slot
  • #4553 Fix deployment target selection issue after create new webapp



  • Support IntelliJ 2020.2


  • Show non-anonymous HTTP trigger urls after function deployment



  • Support Azure Functions with Java 11 runtime(Preview)
  • Support authentication with Azure CLI credentials


  • Show Apache Spark on Cosmos node by default no matter whether there are SoC clusters under user's subscription or not
  • Remove Docker Host in Azure Explorer


  • Fix Spark history server link broken for Azure Synapse issue
  • #3712 Fixes NPE while refreshing Azure node
  • #4449 Fixes NPE while parsing Function bindings
  • #2226 Fixes AuthException for no subscrition account
  • #4102 Fixes Exception when app service run process is terminated
  • #4389 Fixes check box UI issue when create function project
  • #4307 Selecting wrong module automatically when adding function run configuration for gradle function project



  • Support create application insights connection while creating new function app


  • Deprecate Docker Host(will be removed in v3.39.0)


  • #4423 Spark local run mockfs issue with Hive support enabled
  • #4410 the context menu Submit Spark Application action regression issue at IDEA 2020.1
  • #4419 the run configuration Spark config table changes didn't take effects regression
  • #4413 the regression issue of Spark local console with Scala plugin 2020.1.36
  • #4422 Fixes ConcurrentModificationException while refreshing spring cloud clusters
  • #4438 Fixes modality state issue when open what's new document



  • Add what's new document in Azure menu
  • Filter unsupported regions when creating new app service plan


  • Sort Spark on Cosmos Serverless jobs in descending order by job submission time


  • Fixed Spark batch job submission skipped after uploading artifact to SQL Server big data cluster issue
  • Fixed no permission issue after submitting Spark batch job to ESP HDInsight cluster with ADLS Gen2 as default storage account type
  • #4370 Fixes NPE while loading Function deployment panel
  • #4347 Fixes NPE while getting action status
  • #4380 Fixes validation may freeze UI in spring cloud deployment panel
  • #4350 Fixes null value in spring cloud property view



  • Support log streaming for webapp
  • Support open portal Live Metrics Stream for linux function app
  • Validate Azure dependencies version before deploying
  • Tag log line with log source(azuretool, livy, driver.stderr) for Spark batch job logs and interactive session logs


  • Remove version of Azure Spring Cloud dependencies when it is not necessary


  • #4179 Fix NPE caused job submission failure issue
  • #4204 Deploy Azure Spring Cloud App dialog default value is apply
  • #4231 Cannot use Auth file for spring cloud authentication



  • Add Azure Spring Cloud support in Azure Toolkits
    • Manage Azure Spring Cloud project dependencies
    • Manage Azure Spring Cloud apps in Azure Explorer
      • Create/Delete/Start/Stop/Restart
      • Assign/un-assign public endpoint
      • Update environment variables
      • Update JVM options
      • View app properties
    • Deploying apps from current project
    • Monitoring and troubleshooting apps
      • Getting public url
      • Getting test endpoint
      • Instance status(shown in app properties view)
  • Support trigger function with timer trigger
  • Support log streaming for Windows functions


  • #4157 Can't trigger function/admin http function when click 'Trigger Function' button
  • #4160 Nothing shown in function run mark
  • #4179 Fixed NPE caused Spark job submission failure in 201EAP
  • #4213 Unhandled error when creating function app
  • #4215 App settings not loaded when openning the deploy wizard



  • Add Azure Function support in Azure Toolkits
    • Scaffold functions project
    • Create new functions class by trigger type
    • Local run/debug functions
    • Create/deploy Function apps on Azure
    • List/view existing Function apps on Azure
    • Stop/start/restart Function apps on Azure
    • Trigger azure functions
  • Support project artifact dependencies in Spark interactive console
  • Add more debug log when creating Spark Livy interactive console


  • Enable Spark on Synapse feature by default



  • #4061 The error of Spark job remote debugging
  • #4079 The regression of Spark console can not start



  • Support upload artifact to ADLS Gen1 storage for Spark on Cosmos Spark Pool
  • Detect authentication type automatically when user types cluster name and lost focus when link an HDInsight cluster
  • Fetch more Livy logs when submit Spark job to HDInsight cluster failed
  • Add background task indicator to improve user experience
  • Support virtual file system on ADLS Gen2 storage for HDInsight Spark cluster and Synapse Spark pool


  • Separator for multiple referenced jars and referenced files is changed from semicolon to space in Spark batch job configuration
  • "Continue Anyway" is changed to "Cancel submit" in "Change configuration settings" dialog when validation check failed for spark batch job
  • The behavior of "Rerun" button action for Spark batch job is changed from re-run with current selected configuration to re-run with previous job configuration


  • #3935 Clean up HDInsight clusters from cache when user signs out
  • #3887, #4023 Fix uncaught StackOverflowError reported by user
  • #4045 Fix uncaught NullPointerException reported by user



  • Support Synapse default ADLS Gen2 storage uploading artifacts
  • Support Synapse default ADLS Gen2 storage explorer for reference files/jars
  • Synapse Spark batch job detail page link after submission
  • Support HIB cluster default ADLS Gen2 storage explorer for reference files/jars
  • Support Spark Job remote debugging for HIB cluster
  • Support Authentication type detection when linking HIB cluster


  • Mute warning messages when refreshing HDInsight cluster node in Azure explorer


  • #3899 ADLS Gen2 Virtual File System explorer special characters in path issue
  • Linked HDInsight cluster persistent issue
  • #3802 HIB linked cluster logout issue
  • #3887 Stack Overflow issue of SparkBatchJobDebugExecutor



  • Support for IntelliJ 2019.3
  • Support link an HDInsight HIB cluster for no ARM permission users(Supported by smiles-a-lot girl Yi Zhou @lcadzy)


  • List only Synapse workspaces rather than mixed Arcadia and Synapse workspaces
  • Remove Storage Accounts explorer


  • #3831 Fix ClassCastException when link an SQL Server big data cluster
  • #3806 Fix showing two 'scala>' when run Spark local console issue
  • #3864, #3869 Fix scala plugin version breaking change
  • #3823 Fix uncaught StackOverflowError when calling SparkBatchJobDebugExecutor.equals() issue



  • Add shorcut ctrl+shift+alt+F2 for disconnect spark application action
  • Integrate with HDInsight Identity Broker (HIB) for HDInsight ESP cluster MFA Authentication, cluster navigation, job submission, and interactive query.


  • Rename brand name from Arcadia to Synapse
  • Deprecate Storage Accounts(will be removed in v3.31.0)
  • Upload path changes to abfs scheme for default ADLS GEN2 storage type


  • #2891 Hidden Toolkit directory in user home
  • #3765 Fix upload path shows null for spark serverless
  • #3676,#3728 Fix job view panel show failure
  • #3700,#3710 Fix Spark configuration name shorten issue in 193EAP
  • Fix Spark job submission dialog accessibility issues of Eclipse plugin



  • Support IntelliJ 2019.3 EAP
  • Add support for Windows Java SE web apps


  • Improving the accessibility of IntelliJ plugin



  • HDInsight emulator function is removed
  • Upgrade Azure SDK dependencies to most new versions


  • #3534 Fix errors when starting Spark interactive console
  • #3552 Fix Spark remote debugging regresion
  • #3641 Fix NPE error in customer survey dialog
  • #3642 Fix Not Found error when HDInsight refreshing
  • #3643 Fix errors when create service principals





  • Support spark 2.4 template projects
  • Introduce Spark console view message bars


  • Refine important message show in the error report
  • Provide Spark Submission panel minimum size to help form building


  • #3308 Fix Scala plugin 2019.2.15 regression
  • #3440 Fix can't open Yarn UI for Aris cluster issue
  • #2414 Fix NPE error when open multi IntelliJ window and sign in/out.
  • #3058 Remove duplicated error notification when auth with no subscription account
  • #3454 Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when pop up customer survey window



  • Support IntelliJ 2019.2


  • Move customer survey to qualtrics and refactor survey ui.


  • #3297 Fix NPE error when submit job to Spark on cosmos cluster



  • Support EAP 2019.2
  • Support parameter file for Azure Resource Manager
  • Integrate intelliJ virtual file system with ADLS Gen2 storage on reference text field in HDI configuration
  • Show Yarn log for jobs submitted to Spark on SQL Server cluster


  • Change app service deploy method to war/zip deploy.
  • Given more cluster detail when refreshing Azure explorer encounters exceptions on report dialog
  • Better format JSON text of Spark serverless job detail


  • #3230,#3159 Fix related issues for upload path refresh is not ready scenario
  • #3223,#3256 Fix main class and cluster info missing on Aris configuration after reopen
  • #3190,#3234 Fix Spark on Cosmos node disappear after sign in account of dogfood environment
  • #3198 Fix misclassified service exception



  • Support Azure Resource Manager, you can deploy and manage azure resource template with toolkit
  • Support choosing remote reference jars through folder browser button for HDI cluster with ADLS Gen2 account


  • Optimize refreshing HDInsight clusters performance
  • Handle access related exceptions for linked reader role cluster


  • #3104 Fix linked role reader cluster issue
  • #2895 Fix unnecessarily killing finalizing or ended state job for serverless job



  • Automaticly fill in Azure Blob account name or ADLS Gen1/Gen2 root path for linked HDInsight Reader role cluster in run configuration dialog


  • Improve app service data loading performance
  • Restrict upload storage type to cluster default storage type and spark interactive session storage type for linked HDInsight Reader role cluster




  • Fix telemetry shares same installation id



  • Support Java 11 App Service
  • Add failure task debug feature for HDInsight cluster with Spark 2.3.2
  • Support linking cluster with ADLS GEN2 storage account
  • Add default storage type for cluster with ADLS GEN2 account


  • Breaking change: Users with cluster ‘Reader’ only role can no longer submit job to the HDInsight cluster nor access to the cluster storage. Please request the cluster owner or user access administrator to upgrade your role to HDInsight Cluster Operator or Contributor in the Azure Portal. Click here for more information.
  • AadProvider.json file is no longer needed for Spark on Cosmos Serverless feature


  • #2866 Fix uncaught exception when remote debug in HDI 4.0
  • #2958 Fix deleted cluster re-appeared issue for Spark on Cosmos cluster
  • #2988 Fix toolkit installation failure with version incompatibility issue
  • #2977 Fix "Report to Microsoft" button been disabled issue



  • Support Failure Task Local Reproduce for Spark 2.3 on Cosmos
  • Support mock file system in Spark local console
  • Support ADLS Gen2 storage type to submit job to HDInsight cluster
  • Introduce extended properties field when provision a Spark on Cosmos cluster or submit a Spark on Cosmos Serverless job


  • Use device login as the default login method.
  • Change icons for HDInsight cluster and related configuration


  • #2805 Save password with SecureStore.
  • #2888, #2894, #2921 Fix Spark on Cosmos Serverless job run failed related issues
  • #2912 Check invalid access key for submitting with ADLS Gen2 account
  • #2844 Refine WebHDFS and ADLS input path hints
  • #2848 Reset background color for not empty ADLS path input
  • #2749, #2936 Fix Spark run configuration cast issues and classified exception message factory NPE issues



  • Support open browser after Web App deployment.
  • Support to link SQL Server Big Data cluster and submit Spark jobs.
  • Support WebHDFS storage type to submit job to HDInsight cluster with ADLS Gen 1 storage account.


  • Update UI of Web App creation and deployment
  • Subscription ID need to be specified for ADLS Gen 1 storage type




  • Supports Cosmos Serverless Spark submission and jobs list.
  • Accepts SSL certificates automatically if the bypass option is enabled.


  • Wording of HDInsight and Spark UX.
  • Enhanced Spark Run Configuration validation.


  • #2368 Device login will write useless error log.
  • #2675 Error message pops up when refresh HDInsight.



  • The menu option for default Spark type to create Run Configuration.
  • The menu option for bypassing SSL certificate validation for Spark Cluster.
  • The progress bar for Spark cluster refreshing.
  • The progress bar for Spark interactive consoles.


  • SQL Big Data Cluster node of Azure Explorer is changed into a first level root node.
  • Link a SQL Big Data Cluster UI is aligned with Azure Data Studio UX.
  • Spark for ADL job submission pops up Spark master UI page at the end.


  • #2307 Spark Run Configuration storage info for artifacts deployment issues
  • #2267 Spark Run Configuration remote run/debug actions overwrite non-spark codes Line Mark actions issue
  • #2500,#2492,#2451,#2254 SQL Big Data Cluster link issues
  • #2485,#2484,#2483,#2481,#2427,#2423,#2417,#2462 Spark Run Configuration validation issues
  • #2418 Spark for ADL provision UX issues
  • #2392 Azure Explorer HDInsight Spark cluster refreshing errors
  • #2488 Spark remote debugging SSH password saving regression



  • Support both dedicated Azure explorer node and run configuration for Aris linked clusters.
  • Support Spark local run classpath modules selection.


  • Use P1V2 as the default pricing tier for App Service.
  • Spark run configuration validate checking is moved from before saving to before running.


  • #2468 Spark Livy interactive console regression of IDEA183 win process
  • #2424 Spark Livy interactive console blocking UI issue
  • #2318, #2283 Cosmos Spark provision dialog AU warning issue
  • #2420 Spark cluster name duplicated issue in the run configuration
  • #2478 Cosmos Spark submit action can't find the right run configuration issue
  • #2419 The user can submit Spark job to unstable Cosmos Spark cluster issue
  • #2484, #2316 The uploading storage config issues of Spark run configuration*
  • #2341 Authentication regression of InvalidAuthenticationTokenAudience



  • Support new runtime WildFly 14 for Web App on Linux.
  • Support to connect Spark Cosmos resource pool with Spark Interactive Console.
  • Support to deploy Spark Application JAR artifacts by WebHDFS service (only support Basic authentication method).


  • #2381 Spark local interactive console jline dependence auto-fix dialog always popped up issue.
  • #2326 The Spark Run Configuration dialog always popped up issue for correct config.
  • #2116 #2345 #2339 User feedback issues.



  • Support to show application settings of Deployment Slot.
  • Support to delete a Deployment Slot in Azure Explorer.
  • Support to config ADLS Gen1 Storage settings for Spark Run Configuration (only for HDInsight ADLS Gen 1 clusters and the interactive sign in mode).
  • Support to auto fix Spark local REPL console related dependency.
  • Support to classify Spark remotely application running error and provide more clear error messages.
  • Support to start a Spark local console without a run configuration.


  • Change the Deployment Slot area in "Run on Web App" to be hideable.
  • Use Azul Zulu JDK in Dockerfile of Web App for Containers.
  • Spark linked cluster storage blob access key is saved to the secure store.




  • Support to deploy an application to Deployment Slot.
  • Support to show and operate Deployment Slots of a Web App in Azure Explorer.
  • Support to link an independent Livy server for Spark cluster.
  • Add Spark Local interactive console.
  • Add Spark HDInsight cluster interactive console (Only for 2018.2, Scala plugin is needed).


  • Change the Spark Job context menu submission dialog, to unify with IntelliJ Run Configuration Setting dialog.
  • Move the storage information of HDInsight/Livy cluster to linked into Run Configuration settings.


  • #2143 The element "filter-mapping" is not removed when disabling telemetry with Application Insights.



  • Support to deploy applications to Web App (Linux).
  • Support to show the Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision log outputs.


  • List Web Apps on both Windows and Linux in Azure Explorer.
  • List all app service plans of the selected subscription when creating a new Web App.
  • Always upload the web.config file together with the .jar artifact when deploying to Web App (Windows).


  • #1968 Runtime information is not clear enough for Azure Web Apps
  • #1779 #1920 The issue of Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool Update dialog pop up multi times.


  • Added the main class hint when users choose to submit a Spark job using a local artifact file.
  • Added Spark cluster GUID for Spark cluster provision failure investigation.
  • Added the "AU not enough" warning message in Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision.
  • Added the job queue query to check AU consumption in Azure Data Lake Spark resource pool provision.
  • Fixed cluster total AU by using systemMaxAU instead of maxAU.
  • Refresh node automatically when node is clicked in Azure explorer.
  • Updated the Azure SDK to 1.14.0.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Supported to fix Spark job configuration in run configuration before Spark job submission.
  • Updated Application Insights library to v2.1.2.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added Spark 2.3 support.
  • Spark in Azure Data Lake private preview refresh and bug fix.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Supported to run Spark jobs in Azure Data Lake cluster (in private preview).
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Users do not need to login again in interactive login mode, if Azure refresh token is still validated.
  • Updated ApplicationInsights version to v2.1.0.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Updated ApplicationInsights version to v2.0.2.
  • Added Spark 2.2 templates for HDInsight.
  • Added SSH password expiration check.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added open Azure Storage Explorer for exploring data in HDInsight cluster (blob or ADLS).
  • Improved Spark remote debugging.
  • Improved Spark job submission correctness check.
  • Fixed an login issue.


  • Users can use Ambari username/password to submit Spark job to HDInsight cluster, in additional to Azure subscription based authentication. This means users without Azure subscription permission can still use Ambari credentials to submit/debug their Spark jobs in HDInsight clusters.
  • The dependency on storage permission is removed and users do not need to provide storage credentials for Spark job submission any more (storage credential is still needed if users want to use storage explorer).


  • Added support of Enterprise Security Package HDInsight Spark cluster.
  • Support submitting Spark jobs using Ambari username/password instead of the Azure subscription credential.
  • Updated ApplicationInsights version to v1.0.10.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Fixed Spark job submission issue when user right click Spark project and submit Spark job in project explorer.
  • Fixed HDInsight wasbs access bug when SSL encrypted access is used.
  • Added JxBrowser support for new Spark job UI.
  • Fixed winutils.exe not setup issue and updated error message.


  • Fixed compatibility issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.
  • HDInsight tools UI refactoring: Added toolbar entry and right click context menu entry for Spark job submission and local/in-cluster debugging, which make users submit or debug job easier.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Support submitting the script to HDInsight cluster without modification in Spark local run.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Support view/edit properties of Azure Web App (Windows/Linux).
  • Support interactive login mode for Azure China.
  • Support running docker locally for multiple modules in current project (simultaneously).
  • Users can now use the same code for both Spark local run and cluster run, which means they can test locally and then submit to cluster without modification.
  • HDInsight tools for IntelliJ now generate run/debug configuration automatically to make Spark job run/debug easier for both local and cluster run.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Support pushing docker image of the project to Azure Container Registry.
  • Support navigating Azure Container Registry in Azure Explorer.
  • Support pulling image from Azure Container Registry in Azure Explorer.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Fixed "Unexpected token" error when using Run on Web App (Linux). (#1014)


  • Support Spring Boot Project: The Azure Toolkits for IntelliJ now support running your Spring Boot Project (Jar package) on Azure Web App and Azure Web App (Linux).
  • Docker Run Locally: You can now docker run your projects locally after adding docker support.
  • New Node in Azure Explorer: You can now view the property of your resources in Azure Container Registry.
  • Added validation for Spark remote debug SSH authentication.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Support Community Edition: The Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ now supports deploying your Maven projects to Azure App Service from IntelliJ IDEA, both Community and Ultimate Edition.
  • Improved Web App Workflow: You can now run your web applications on Azure Web App with One-Click experience using Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ.
  • New Container Workflow: You can now dockerize and run your web application on Azure Web App (Linux) via Azure Container Registry.
  • Spark remote debugging in IntelliJ now support debugging of both driver and executor code depending on where the breakpoint is set.
  • Fixed some bugs.


  • Added the Redis Cache Explorer that allows users to scan/get keys and their values.
  • Improved Spark job remote debugging support(show log in console, apply and load debugging config).
  • Fixed some bugs.