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Understand Observable and observer chains

Chains of Observable instances and observers are important. Understanding them is the key to understanding how your RxJava code executes.

To begin our understanding, let us start with the most banal of examples:

Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    .filter(x -> (x % 2) == 1)
    .map(x -> x * x)
    .subscribe(integer -> System.out.println("Received value: " + integer));

When run, this prints:

Received value: 1
Received value: 9
Received value: 25

Now most newcomers to RxJava intuitively understand why these values are printed. They have seen filter and map in other contexts and in other languages, and so they can understand how the integer values are filtered and then transformed.

However, just as I did, they may fail to understand why code like the following does nothing:


The addBookmark method returns an Observable<Boolean> that emits true if a new bookmark was added for the content item with the given identifier, or emits false if such a bookmark already existed. (This is similar to the add method of Collection returning true if the collection was changed.) But in this case, we do not care about which value is emitted, and so the returned Observable is not assigned to a value.

But the statement above does not write the bookmark to the database if it does not already exist. This is because the returned Observable is not subscribed to, either directly or through a chain of other Observable instances.

Again, to understand how RxJava code executes, you must understand this chain.

Creating an Observable chain

Factory methods like just and filter and map above return Observable<T> instances. Whereas just is a static factory method invoked on the Observable class, filter and map are instance factory methods invoked on an existing Observable instance. These two categories of factory methods have different state, different behavior, and a different purpose:

  • Typically, an Observable created from a static factory has no upstream Observable instance. It is the root of any chain. It is constructed with some "work" to perform, which we discuss below.
  • An Observable created from an instance factory method has an upstream Observable instance. This upstream Observable instance is the instance on which the factory method was invoked. It is an intermediate or end Observable of any chain. It is constructed with some logic to filter or transform emitted values, which we discuss below.

Let us rewrite our most banal of examples to include some intermediate variables for the Observable instances:

Observable<Integer> o1 = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Observable<Integer> o2 = o1.filter(x -> (x % 2) == 1);
Observable<Integer> o3 = -> x * x);

We can diagram this as:

Chain of Observable instances

And now let us dissect what happens when the client invokes subscribe on o3.

Creating an observer chain

We often talk about subscribing to Observable instances, and we talk about Observable instances filtering or transforming values. But to increase our understanding at the risk of being completely pedantic, a client that calls subscribe on an Observable isn't really subscribing to the Observable instance itself. As we discuss below, calling subscribe on an Observable creates a parallel chain of observers. It is along that chain of observers that values are emitted, and then filtered or transformed.

Above, when the client invokes subscribe on o3, it registers itself as the most downstream observer on a chain of observers that will be implicitly created:

Observer subscribing to o3

o3 then implicitly calls subscribe on its upstream Observable instance, which is o2. To this subscribe method it passes an observer implementation that propagates all events to the observer that the client passed to the subscribe method of o3. But the observer implementation provided by o3 also implements the behavior that o3 was constructed with. Namely, the observer squares a value before propagating it. You can think of its onNext method as similar to:

void onNext(T value) {
    // func is x -> x * x, provided on construction of o3
    final T transformedValue =;

We can diagram this as:

Observer subscribing to o2

Again, o3 implicitly calls subscribe on o2. This repeats a similar process, where o2 implicitly calls subscribe on o1. o2 passes to this method an observer implementation that only propagates values that are odd, which again is the behavior that it was constructed with. You can think of the onNext method of this observer as similar to:

void onNext(T value) {
    // func is x -> (x % 2) == 1, provided on construction of o2
    final boolean isSatisfied =;
    if (isSatisfied) {

We can diagram this as:

Observer subscribing to o1

Again, o2 implicitly calls subscribe on o1. But note that o1 has no upstream Observable instance that it can invoke subscribe on. Instead, it is this call that completes the observer chain and begins the emission of events.

Emitting values on an observer chain

While o3 and o2 are configured to transform and filter values, respectively, o1 is configured to emit values. When its subscribe method is invoked with an observer implementation, it emits the values that it is constructed with to that observer. More generally, the Observable that is the root in a chain of Observable instances is configured to perform some work upon its subscribe method being invoked. This work typically constitutes creating a side-effect that leads to the emission of zero or more values, followed by the delivery of the completion event.

Now we understand why the previous use of addBookmark did not actually write to the database: The side-effect of writing to the database only happens when subscribe is invoked on the returned Observable. By calling subscribe, this work is performed:

        .subscribe(didNotExist -> { /* success */ });

Returning to our banal example, the "work" of o1 is to emit all values to its observer, followed by a completion event. You can think of its subscribe method as executing the following:

for (T element : list) {

These events propagate down the observer chain, where the observer created by o2 filters the values, and then the observer created by o3 squares the values. Those values are then passed to the method passed to the subscribe method of o3, which prints them.


Note that in our banal example above, the subscribe method of o1 immediately emitted all values to its observer and then it completed. That is, the work of the Observable instance happened immediately.

But other Observable instances might define work that takes time to complete or is scheduled for later execution, such as making a network request and emitting the response, or writing data to disk on another thread. In such cases, the time for the Observable to complete its work might exceed the lifetime of the client that invoked subscribe. In many cases, we do not want to extend the lifetime of the client so that it observes the completion of the work. Instead, we want to unsubscribe our observer from the chain of observers.

To do this, we retain the Subscripton instance returned by the subscribe method of Observable:

Subscription s = o3.subscribe(integer -> System.out.println("Received value: " + integer));

If the client later invokes unsunscribe on this Subscription instance, then superficially the observer passed to the subscribe method of o3 no longer receives any events.

To understand what happens implicitly, note that not only does each observer in the observer chain track the downstream observer that it will propagate events to, but each observer refers to the upstream observer that it will receive events from. Each implicitly created observer can unsubscribe from its upstream observer in turn:

  • The client invokes s.unsubscribe(), which unsubscribes the client from the squaring observer implicitly created by calling subscribe on o3.
  • This squaring observer then implicitly unsubscribes from the filtering observer implicitly created by calling subscribe on o2.
  • This filtering observer then implicitly unsubscribes from the source o1.

The call to unsubscribe therefore destroys the chain of observers that was implicitly created by the call to subscribe.

Going forward

You should now have a mental model for how Observable instances form chains, and how observer chains are formed by the Observable instances and propagate events. Later, using this model, we will explore the difference between subscribeOn and observeOn, and discuss the difference between hot and cold observables.