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Installing TornadoVM with JDK 8


  • Maven Version 3
  • CMake 3.6 (or newer)
  • OpenCL: GPUs and CPUs >= 1.2, FPGAs >= 1.0
  • GCC or clang/LLVM (GCC >= 5.5)
  • Python 2.7 (>= 2.7.5)
  • JDK 8 >= 1.8.0_141

For Mac OS X users: the OpenCL support for your Apple model can be confirmed here.

1. Compile JDK 8 with JVMCI-8 support

TornadoVM is built by using a JDK 1.8 version with JVMCI-8 support. The directory which contains the Java binary is used as both the JAVA_HOME (Step 2) and the JVMCI root path (Step 3).

Before building the new JDK, the JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to an already existing installation of a JDK 8 >= 1.8.0_141.

 $ git clone --depth 1
 $ export PATH=`pwd`/mx:$PATH
 $ git clone --depth 1
 $ cd graal-jvmci-8
 $ mx build

These steps will generate on Linux a new Java binary into jdk1.8.0_<your_version>/<os-architecture>/product and jdk1.8.0_<your_version>/<os-architecture>/product/Contents/Home for MacOS.

E.g: jdk1.8.0_131/product. This directory is used as the JAVA_HOME (Step 2) and the JVMCI root path (Step 3).

2. Download TornadoVM

 $ cd ..
 $ git clone tornadovm
 $ cd tornadovm
 $ vim etc/sources.env

Create the etc/sources.env file and add the following code in it (after updating the paths to your correct ones):

export JAVA_HOME=<path to 1.8 jdk with JVMCI> ## This path is produced in Step 1
export PATH=$PWD/bin/bin:$PATH    ## This directory will be automatically generated during Tornado compilation
export TORNADO_SDK=$PWD/bin/sdk   ## This directory will be automatically generated during Tornado compilation
export CMAKE_ROOT=/usr            ## or <path/to/cmake/cmake-3.10.2> (see step 4)

This file should be loaded once after opening the command prompt for the setup of the required paths:

$ source ./etc/sources.env

3. Setting the default maven configuration

Create (or update) the file in ~/.m2/settings.xml with the following content. Modify the jvmci.root with your path to JDK 1.8.0 that you built in step 1 and the jvmci.version with the corresponding version.

<settings xmlns=""
			<!-- Your PATH TO YOUR JDK1.8-JVMCI-->
			<!-- Your JDK1.8-JVMCI version-->

4. Install CMAKE (if cmake < 3.6)

$ cmake -version

If the version of cmake is > 3.6 then skip the rest of this step and go to Step 5. Otherwise try to install cmake.

For simplicity it might be easier to install cmake in your home directory.

  • Redhat Enterprise Linux / CentOS use cmake v2.8
  • We require a newer version so that OpenCL is configured properly.
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ wget
$ cd ~/opt
$ tar -tvf ~/Downloads/cmake-3.10.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
$ mv cmake-3.10.1-Linux-x86_64 cmake-3.10.1
$ export PATH=$HOME/opt/cmake-3.10.1/bin/:$PATH
$ cmake -version
cmake version 3.10.1

Then export CMAKE_ROOT variable to the cmake installation. You can add it to the ./etc/sources.env file.

export CMAKE_ROOT=/opt/cmake-3.10.1

5. Compile TornadoVM

$ cd ~/tornadovm
$ . etc/sources.env
$ make

and done!!

Known issues

For Ubuntu >= 16.04, install the package ocl-icd-opencl-dev

In Ubuntu >= 16.04 CMake can cause the following error: Could NOT find OpenCL (missing: OpenCL_LIBRARY) (found version "2.2"). Then the following package should be installed:

$ apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev