Focuses on using git with Github.
Git configuration: ~/.gitconfig.
git config --global "<name>" git config --global "<email>" git config --global color.ui true git config --global color.status auto git config --global color.branch auto git config --list
Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b <branch> git push origin <branch>
Create a remote-tracking branch and switch to it
git checkout -b <branch> origin/<branch>
Remove a file you added to the staging area
git add <file> git reset <file> rm <file>
Show logs at different verbosities
git log --stat --summary git log -p
Show a version of a file
git show <tag|branch|commit|HEAD>:<file>
Show differences between versions (diff or log). and can be revisions, tags, branches (tips), or HEAD.
git diff <from>..<to> [things] git diff <from>.. [things]
Push a tag to Github
git push origin <tag>
Delete a branch
git branch -d <branch> git push origin :<branch>
Clean/Reset working tree completely
git clean -fdx
Revert a merge
git revert -m 1 <SHA of the merge commit>
Re-"parent" a branch from one to another (RISKY)
git rebase --onto <new parent> <old parent> <branch> (conflicts) git add <files> && git rebase --continue (abort during conflicts) git rebase --abort
Prune remote branches that are dead
git remote update --prune
Keep up-to-date with a repo you forked
git remote add upstream <repo> git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
- Locations: Working Set/Tree, Staging Area/Index, Local Repository, Remote Repository
- Git configuration: ~/.gitconfig.
- Fast-forward merge: Git only moves the HEAD pointer to the latest commit on the branch