Some features rely on their ability to request data from the GitHub API. Access to the API can be restricted in two ways:
- The API is rate limited
- The user is on a private repository
Under these conditions, these features may not work well: adding an access token is highly recommended!
Rate limits: at the time of writing (official docs), without authentication, your IP address gets 60 requests per hour. With authentication, your account gets 5000 requests per hour.
You'll first have to create an access token through the GitHub API: please follow the official documentation. Note: in step 7, you are prompted to select scopes. Select the "repo" box and deselect all other options:
With your access token copied, let's add it to the add-on.
Open the Firefox Add-ons preferences by clicking the 3-line menu button in the browser toolbar and selecting "Add-ons".
Find APT GitHub Improvements and click "Preferences":
- Paste your token into the "GitHub Personal Access Token" field and click save:
Congratulations! You're all set up!