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The CLI is used to build the cypress npm module to be run within a terminal.

The CLI has the following responsibilities:

  • Allow users to print CLI commands
  • Allow users to install the Cypress executable
  • Allow users to print their current Cypress version
  • Allow users to run Cypress tests from the terminal
  • Allow users to open Cypress in the interactive Test Runner.
  • Allow users to verify that Cypress is installed correctly and executable
  • Allow users to manages the Cypress binary cache
  • Allow users to pass in options that change way tests are ran or recorded (browsers used, specfiles ran, grouping, parallelization)


The CLI's dependencies can be installed with:

cd cli
npm install


See scripts/build.js. Note that the built npm package will include as its public README file.



You can run unit tests with:

npm test

This will take and compare snapshots of the CLI output. To update snapshots, see snap-shot-it instructions:


To build and test an NPM package:

  • npm install
  • npm run build

This creates build folder.

  • cd build; npm pack

This creates an archive, usually named cypress-<version>.tgz. You can install this archive from other projects, but because there is no corresponding binary yet (probably), skip binary download. For example from inside cypress-example-kitchensink folder

npm i ~/{your-dirs}/cypress/cli/build/cypress-3.3.1.tgz --ignore-scripts

Which installs the tgz file we have just built from folder Users/jane-lane/{your-dirs}/cypress/cli/build.