Verify that Terraform is available
Inititialization run a new configuration
terraform init
Create an execution plan
terraform plan
Apply changes in the same directory as .tf file
terraform apply
Inspect current state
terraform show
Import module
terraform import module.instances-PROJECT-ID ./modules/instances
Recreate the instance
terraform taint NAME_INSTANCE
Destroy infrastructure
terraform destroy
Refresh the state
terraform refresh
Modules registry, provision an example environment
Create resource in file with extention .tf example `resource "google_compute_instance" "terraform" { project = "<PROJECT_ID>" name = "terraform" machine_type = "n1-standard-1" zone = "us-central1-a" boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { network = "default" access_config { } } }
#EXAMPLE BUCKET CONFIG -> Storage module resource "google_storage_bucket" "static-site" { name = "IMAGE_NAME" location = "US" force_destroy = true uniform_bucket_level_access = true }
Example file #TERRAFORM BLOCK terraform { required_providers { google = { source = "hashicorp/google" } } } #PROVIDER BLOCK provider "google" { version = "3.5.0" }
terraform { backend "gcs" { bucket = "BUCKET_NAME" prefix = "terraform/state" } }
#MODULES module "instances" { source = "./modules/instances" project_id = var.project_id lifecycle_rules = [{ action = { type = "Delete" } condition = { age = 365 with_state = "ANY" } }] }
module "storage" { source = "./modules/storage" project_id = var.project_id lifecycle_rules = [{ action = { type = "Delete" } condition = { age = 365 with_state = "ANY" } }] }
#RESOURCE INSTANCE EXAMPLE resource "google_compute_instance" "default" { name = "tf-instance-1" machine_type = "e2-medium" network_interface { network = "default"
access_config {
// Ephemeral public IP
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT #!/bin/bash EOT allow_stopping_for_update = true boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } }
resource "google_compute_instance" "default2" { name = "tf-instance-2" machine_type = "e2-medium" network_interface { network = "default"
access_config {
// Ephemeral public IP
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT #!/bin/bash EOT allow_stopping_for_update = true boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } }
#Variables variable "region" { description = "The region of instances" default = "us-east1" }
variable "zone" { description = "The zone of instances" default = "us-east1-c"
variable "project_id" { description = "The project ID to host the network in" default = "FILL IN YOUR PROJECT ID HERE" }`