My dotfiles and misc stuff to organize the configuration of my unix-like environments.
I currently work in 3 very different environments, which are:
- OSX 10.9 Mavericks
- Fedora 20 (Heisenberg)
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
My main goal is to normalize the configuration of the present programns:
- vim
- git
- zsh
What I want to accomplish with this repo is:
- Keeping track of my configurations on all my environments;
- Maintain the common configurations from all of then;
- Keep my home directory uniform;
- Ease the setup on a new environment;
- Provide a per-program based installation;
- Keep my configurations user based.
On this directory are the files that will be symlinked to home, they will
be prepended with a .
and symlinked to the $HOME
of the current user.
| |--->themes/
| \--->plugins/
This directory represents the the $HOME/.config
, commom in some programmams
configuration structure. The files there will be symlinked in the right
| |--->config
| |--->terminal/
| | |--->terminalrc
This will hold the Source Code Pro for Powerline fonts, so I can copy then to my
use the fc-cache
to install then.
|--->Source Code Pro for Power Line Black.otf
|--->Source Code Pro for Power Line Regular.otf
Local configuration files that shouldn't be present on the repo, will need to be
marked as .local
so that the scripts on the repo can source then.