Here you will find examples demonstrating how to run Vert.x applications in Docker container. To run these examples you need Docker installed on your computer. More details about these examples are in the Vert.x Docker Manual.
This example deploys a Java verticle inside Docker.
The link:vertx-docker-java
To build and run it:
docker build -t sample/vertx-java . docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-java
This example deploys a JavaScript verticle inside Docker.
The link:vertx-docker-javascript
To build and run it:
docker build -t sample/vertx-javascript . docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-javascript
This example deploys a Groovy verticle inside Docker.
The link:vertx-docker-groovy
To build and run it:
docker build -t sample/vertx-groovy . docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-groovy
This example deploys a Ruby verticle inside Docker.
The link:vertx-docker-ruby
To build and run it:
docker build -t sample/vertx-ruby . docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 sample/vertx-ruby
This example downloads Ruby Gemfile dependencies from RubyGems using the Bundler gem and then deploys a Ruby verticle inside Docker. The deployed verticle is configured to use a GEM_PATH pointed to where the bundler downloaded the dependencies in the Gemfile.
Initial Startup time of jRuby on slower machines can cause the event loop to be blocked and throw thread blocking warnings.
The verticle will print three dates using the working_hours ruby dependency, such as:
2018-03-03 13:58:46 -0500 2018-03-02 15:58:46 -0500 2018-03-02 14:13:46 -0500
The link:vertx-docker-ruby-gemfile
To build and run it:
docker build -t sample/vertx-ruby-gemfile . docker run -t -i sample/vertx-ruby-gemfile
This example builds and deploys a Java verticle inside Docker using Apache Maven
The link:vertx-docker-example
To build and run it:
mvn clean package docker:build docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 vertx/vertx3-example
This example builds and deploys a Java verticle inside Docker and generate the medatadata required by Fabric8.
The link:vertx-docker-example-fabric8
To build and run it:
mvn clean package docker:build # Set $DOCKER_REGISTRY to poin on the Docker Registry provided by Fabric8 docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/vertx/vertx3-example-fabric8 mvn io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:2.1.4:apply