Qyra provides a cryptographic Proof-of-Work (PoW) system that utilizes Kyber-768 for quantum-safe encryption and AES-256-CBC for graph-based mining and validation. This document outlines the main classes and functions in the Qyra API.
This class is the core interface for interacting with the Qyra PoW system.
Initializes the Qyra object and internal components. -
Cleans up resources used by the Qyra instance. -
bool Initialize(const uint8_t* public_key, const uint8_t* secret_key)
Initializes the Qyra system with the provided public and secret keys for cryptographic operations. -
void EnableParallelDFS()
Enables parallel execution of Depth-First Search (DFS) using multiple threads. -
void SetHeader(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch)
Sets the block header data used in mining and validation. -
void SetNonce(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch)
Sets the nonce used during the mining process. -
bool Validate(const std::vector<unsigned char>& vch) const
Validates a solution by checking both the graph and DFS path. -
bool Mine()
Begins the mining process to find a valid graph solution. -
bool IsValid() const
Checks if the current solution is valid.
Manages solution-related data, including encryption and cryptographic information.
std::vector<unsigned char> enc
Encrypted message. -
std::vector<unsigned char> iv
Initialization vector used in AES-256-CBC encryption. -
std::vector<unsigned char> ciphertext
Ciphertext generated from Kyber-768 encryption. -
std::vector<unsigned char> hash
The Blake3 hash of the solution's DFS path.
void Clear()
Clears the current solution data. -
std::vector<unsigned char> Get() const
Returns the current solution as a vector. -
std::string ToString() const
Converts the solution data to a human-readable string. -
std::size_t Size() const
Returns the size of the solution data.
#include <qyra.h>
int main() {
LibQYRA::CQYRA qyra;
// Initialize public and secret keys for Kyber-768
uint8_t publicKey[Kyber768_PUBLICKEYBYTES] = { /* Public key data */ };
uint8_t secretKey[Kyber768_SECRETKEYBYTES] = { /* Secret key data */ };
// Initialize Qyra with cryptographic keys
qyra.Initialize(publicKey, secretKey);
// Set block header and nonce
std::vector<unsigned char> header = { /* Block header data */ };
std::vector<unsigned char> nonce = { /* Nonce data */ };
// Enable parallel DFS for mining
// Start mining
if (qyra.Mine()) {
// Solution found
std::cout << "Solution found: " << qyra.solution.ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Is the solution valid: " << (qyra.IsValid() ? "True" : "False") << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "No solution found." << std::endl;
return 0;
#include <qyra.h>
int main() {
LibQYRA::CQYRA qyra;
// Initialize public and secret keys for Kyber-768
uint8_t publicKey[Kyber768_PUBLICKEYBYTES] = { /* Public key data */ };
uint8_t secretKey[Kyber768_SECRETKEYBYTES] = { /* Secret key data */ };
// Initialize Qyra with cryptographic keys
qyra.Initialize(publicKey, secretKey);
// Set block header and nonce
std::vector<unsigned char> header = { /* Block header data */ };
std::vector<unsigned char> nonce = { /* Nonce data */ };
// Enable parallel DFS for mining
// Assume we have a valid solution to validate
std::vector<unsigned char> solution = { /* Solution data */ };
// Validate the solution
if (qyra.Validate(solution)) {
std::cout << "The solution is valid!" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "The solution is invalid." << std::endl;
return 0;
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Qyra is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.