Releases: man-group/dtale
Releases · man-group/dtale
D-Tale 2.9.0
Highlights include:
- #703: fix for matplotlib imports
- #704: fix for replacing nan with zero
- #677: include row dropping in history
D-Tale 2.8.1
Highlights include:
- Added to
D-Tale 2.8.0
Highlights include:
- #693: updated streamlit script to work with 1.12.0
- #694: shortened long_description to help with hadoop downloads
D-Tale 2.7.1
Highlights include:
- #688: updated calls to Flask.url_for for version 2.2.1
- #676: Changed final_query to include column
- Fix filtering string columns with special characters and explicitly support regex
D-Tale 2.6.0
Highlights include:
- added build of python 3.10
- #671: updated substring replacement function regex
- #254: Fixes for disabling actions
D-Tale 2.5.1
Highlights include:
- #617: encoding updates for stylesheets
- #668: update warning filtering to only filter dash_html_components message
- #669: fixed correlation code export
D-Tale 2.4.0
Highlights include:
- #665: removed dependency on ppscore and unpinned sklearn
D-Tale 2.3.0
Highlights include:
- Added the ability to export correlations or PPS heatmaps to PNG
- #653: added "version" entry to dtale module
D-Tale 2.2.0
Highlights include:
- #601: added update_id functionality
- #649: fixed incorrect property in pivot operations
D-Tale 2.1.2
Highlights include:
- #617: file loading on windows
- #643: correlation grid dropdown display
- #646: initial show/hide grid display