Initial reference information
My current repository
Create as many separate objects / (closed) surfaces as possible from each input stl file, without changing the set of vertex points, or adding or removing any facets. That is, create a separate scad object from each disjoint surface in each stl file.
Initially, the scad options are all polyhedrons. Later enhancements are intended to build objects from primitive objects and operations.
- Turn the detected polyhedron objects into union, intersection, differences of primitive scad objects, operations.
- detect duplicate objects
- in a single file
- across multiple stl file processed together
- as sub components of a single object
How much is practical to do as part of the data format conversion, and how much should use an external, possibly 3rd party tool?
- manifold
- a manifold is not necessarily closed ??
- interpenetrating objects
- interpenetrating surfaces of a single object
disjoint surfaces can touch at one or more vertex points, edges, or faces. They can also interpenetrate.
2 completely disjoint tetrahedrons 2 tetrahedrons that meet at one vertex 2 tetrahedrons that meed at one edges a single surface that meets itself at a single point a single surface that meets itself at a single edge a single surface that meets itself at a single face a single surface that meets itself at multiple single points, edges, faces disjoint surfaces that meet each other at multiple single points, edges, faces Given the surface/face walk processing, interpenetrating surfaces are not a problem when the surface faces do not share any vertices, edges, faces.
intersecting (with or without interpenetrating) surface segments, with either a single or disjoint surfaces. negative surface / volume (hollow interior)
create a dictionary using a list comprehensive.
- Actually a dictionary comprehensive
python stl2scad -i$'\t' file.stl
¦ terms ¦ meanings ¦ acronyms ¦ backronyms ¦ alias ¦
- stl
- STereoLithography
- backronyms
- Standard Triangle Language
- Standard Tessellation Language
- surface geometry of a 3D object
solid <<name>>
«indent» «facet»+
endsolid <<name>>
- «name» is optional, but the preceding space is not
- name is a simple text string
- no spaces?
- indent is one or more spaces (no tabs)
facet normal «n~i~» «n~j~» «n~k~»
«indent» «oloop»
- the normal is a vector or length 1.0. Each «n» is (the decimal number text representation of) a single precision float. «n» may be negative.
outer loop
«indent» «vert»
«indent» «vert»
«indent» «vert»
vertex «v~x~» «v~y~» «v~z~»
- a vertex is a 3 dimensional coordinate in the all-positive octant. Each «v» must be positive-definite (non-negative, and nonzero).
- standard format specification says there are exactly 3 vertex entries in an outer loop (triangle definition). Other information says that technically there could be more data points, as long as they are all co-planar.
80 bytes ASCII characters ¦ header data
4 bytes unsigned long integer ¦ number of facets in file
2 bytes unsigned integer ¦ attribute byte count (0)
4 bytes float ¦ i
4 bytes float ¦ j
4 bytes float ¦ k
4 bytes float ¦ x
4 bytes float ¦ y
4 bytes float ¦ z
- hollow, void, manifold, polyhedron
- stl ASCII vertex format text is close enough to a point in an scad polyhedron to not need to convert to floating point and back. Could just trim extra spaces, insert commas, and wrap with "[]".
The model structure contains an objects array (normally with a single entry) that holds dictionary entries with faces and points data as numpy arrays. The points data is shape (-1, 3). Each point entry holds the x, y, and z coordinates of a single vertex on the surface defined by the object. The faces data is shape (-1, 3). Each face is a triangle, and has 3 index values, one for each vertex. There are no duplicate points. Faces that share vertices with connected faces include 1 or 2 of the same point indexes.
The objects array updated to hold the disjoint surfaces from the input object(s). Each input object entry will generate 1 or more dictionary elements with the same structure as the input. Each dictionary will contain only the points from the input that define a single complete surface. Starting from any face it will be possible to recursively traverse to 3 adjacent faces (based on the command edges), and visit every face in the set. Common edges are used, not common vertices, because 2 (or more) surface could meet at a single point, without sharing any faces. Those cases will create separate disjoint objects.
- directed edge as hash of 2 endpoint indexes
- generate face, edge, reverse edge, face lookup before start disjoint detection
- create empty list of disjoint objects
- for each input object, create directed edges for every face, empty list of disjoint surfaces, and a set of faces (all of them) that are not on any disjoint surface
- while there are any faces not on a disjoint surface
- create a new empty disjoint surface
- add any one face that is not part of a disjoint surface to the surface
- add edges of the face to the surface too
- process edges while there are unprocessed edges in the disjoint surface
- if the reverse of the edge is not in the surface, locate the face for the reverse edge, and add it and its edges to the surface
- add the surface to the list of disjoint surfaces for the object
- update the set of faces that are not yet on a disjoint surface
- for each disjoint surface, create a new scad polyhedron object, and add it to the list of disjoint objects
- while there are any faces not on a disjoint surface
- replace the objects list in the model with the list of disjoint objects
- calculation and reporting
- surface area
- volume
- check for and repair manifold
- split to multiple objects
- disjoint face sets
- handle void as a negated (from stl) object, differenced out of outer object
- convert polyhedron to operations on more primitive objects
- during conversion? separate program that used scad file as input?
- merge co-planar adjacent faces
Generate series of primitive scad operations + actions that will generate an equivalent 3D model.
/home/phil/Documents/evernote/ # language, primitives
curve fitting
- 'knife' edges
- merge co-planar adjacent faces
- intermediate step
¦ virtualenv ¦ venv ¦ python2 ¦ python3 ¦
- /home/phil/Documents/evernote/stl file
Need a sample stl file with separate objects connected at a single edge
IDEA remove test stl file(s) from repository that are generated programmatically (ie export from OpenScad) -- that would rely on other versions of OpenScad creating the same content
NOTE: Remember to post a note to Rick van Hattem ¦ numpy-stl when have a usable / public version of stl2scad
- web search
Existing code is actually fairly simple. It seems to extract all data points from the stl facets, generating matching points in a polyhedron, then creating faces from the points. Could be a lot smarter. As a start, duplicate points could be merged across facets, reducing the number of data points to about 1 third (with triangular mesh faces, each point will typically be used in 3 different faces).
Do heavy math lifting to find edges to generate simpler 3d solids. Or 2d extrusions.
- curve fitting : points, edges
- limited set of equations to attempt to match : limited number of graphic object primitives
- other than polygon / polyhedron, which the intent is to avoid / minimize usage of.
- watch for 2D extrude: straight lines in one dimension, arbitrary polygon shape 90° from that.
- twist, scale can turn 'simple' extrude into complex forms. Going to be interesting to detect
- rotate_extrude: watch for circles with common axis
- locate disjoint subsets, and process separately (in initial passes)
- limited set of equations to attempt to match : limited number of graphic object primitives
Use ?oct?-i-tree? data structure for storing and finding 'near' points. And higher level entities / objects. overlapping cubes at multiple scales.
virtualenv --python=python3 -v --prompt=py3 basepy3
virtualenv --python=python2 -v --prompt=py2 basepy2
Is it practical to user virtualenv for python < 3.3, and venv for 3.3+?
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