Load a model of hardware attached to johnny-five supported board from a JSON style javascript description object
This package creates johnny-five components based on properties in a javascript object. That object could be loaded from a JSON file, but it (seems) simpler to use the standard node.js package format, and just export the model from the package file. This is intended to support nested component descriptions, so that the model can include information about the relationship between components. For example, a sensor can be the parent / wrapper for the components that change state based on the sensor readings. Where information from multiple sensors is combined to control multiple states, the sensors could be combined into a group, and the group can be configured as the parent for the other controls.
This was initially created to handle the components needed for the auto-water project. Sensors and relays. The code structure is such that it should work without change for any currently existing or future johnny-five component. As long as the component class constructor function is a property of the 'johnny-five' object, this package should be able to create instances.
Install the module with: npm install johnny-load
var johnny_load = require('johnny-load');
var model = {
//hardware description information
board.children = johnny_load(board, model);
./examples/ (Coming soon)
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2015 H. Phil Duby Licensed under the MIT license.