title | author | tags | abstract | |||||
A Lightning Talk with GHCJS |
Luite Stegeman |
Haskell Symposium 2015
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
## Run Haskell
start ref = staticText ref (take 30 (show fibs) ++ "...")
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
start ref = dynamicText ref "10" (show . (fibs!!) . read)
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
start ref = dynamicText ref "10" (show . (fibs!!) . read)
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
start ref = staticDiagram ref 600 300 (tournament 5)
node :: Int -> Diagram Canvas
node n = circle 0.2 # fc green # named n
arrowOpts = with & gaps .~ small
& headLength .~ local 0.15
tournament :: Int -> Diagram Canvas
tournament n = atPoints (trailVertices $ regPoly n 1) (map node [1..n])
# applyAll [connectOutside' arrowOpts j k | j <- [1 .. n-1], k <- [j+1 .. n]]
start ref = dynamicDiagram ref 600 300 "5" (tournament . read)
node :: Int -> Diagram Canvas
node n = circle 0.2 # fc green # named n
arrowOpts = with & gaps .~ small
& headLength .~ local 0.15
tournament :: Int -> Diagram Canvas
tournament n = atPoints (trailVertices $ regPoly n 1) (map node [1..n])
# applyAll [connectOutside' arrowOpts j k | j <- [1 .. n-1], k <- [j+1 .. n]]
start ref = dynamicDiagram ref 600 300 "0.45" (example . read)
pts = map p2 [(0,0), (1,1), (2,1), (3,0), (3.5,0)]
spline :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
spline = cubicSpline False pts
example :: Double -> Diagram Canvas
example param = frame 0.5 $
strokeLocTrail spline
<> mconcat
[ tangentLine
, baselineText "tangent" # translate tangentVector
, normalLine
, topLeftText "normal" # translate normalVector
, rightAngleSquare
] # moveTo pt # fontSize large
pt = atParam spline param
tangentVector = tangentAtParam spline param
normalVector = normalAtParam spline param
symmetricLine v = fromOffsets [2 *^ v] # center
tangentLine = symmetricLine tangentVector
normalLine = symmetricLine normalVector
rightAngleSquare = square 0.1 # alignBL # rotate (signedAngleBetween tangentVector unitX)
start ref =
let w = 600
h = 300
sq = square 1 # scaleX w # scaleY h # fc green
cir = circle 10 # fc blue
in mouseDiagram ref 600 300 $ \x y ->
translate (r2 (w*x-w/2-5,5+h/2-h*y)) cir `atop` sq
start ref = mouseDiagram ref 600 300 (\x _y -> example x)
pts = map p2 [(0,0), (1,1), (2,1), (3,0), (3.5,0)]
spline :: Located (Trail V2 Double)
spline = cubicSpline False pts
example :: Double -> Diagram Canvas
example param = frame 0.5 $
strokeLocTrail spline
<> mconcat
[ tangentLine
, baselineText "tangent" # translate tangentVector
, normalLine
, topLeftText "normal" # translate normalVector
, rightAngleSquare
] # moveTo pt # fontSize large
pt = atParam spline param
tangentVector = tangentAtParam spline param
normalVector = normalAtParam spline param
symmetricLine v = fromOffsets [2 *^ v] # center
tangentLine = symmetricLine tangentVector
normalLine = symmetricLine normalVector
rightAngleSquare = square 0.1 # alignBL # rotate (signedAngleBetween tangentVector unitX)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Factorization
example = fdGridList 4 # center # pad 1.05
start ref = staticDiagram ref 600 300 example
import Diagrams.TwoD.Factorization
start ref = mouseDiagram ref 600 300 $ \x _ ->
factorDiagram (1 + floor (50 * x))
import Diagrams.TwoD.Apollonian
start ref = mouseDiagram ref 600 300 $ \x y ->
let a = 1 + 6 * x
b = 5 - 4 * y
in apollonianGasket 0.1 2 a b # centerXY # pad 1.1
Brent Yorgey
- Factorization Diagrams
- Tournament Graph
- Apollonian Gasket
Pontus Granström
- Tangent and Normal
Install GHCJS with GHC 7.10.2 and help test improved-base
$ cabal install http://ghcjs.luite.com/improved-base.tar.gz
$ ghcjs-boot
Code for the slides will be available from my Github