Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/lthemis/DevTracker.git
Install Docker
Create Firebase account, add a new project, click "Web" icon, register app under any name and copy contents of firebaseConfig. Click 'Continue to the console'. Click "Authentication", then "Sign-in method" and enable Google as provider. Finally, go to Settings, then click "Authorised domains" and add "localhost" if it's not there by default.
Create .env file in client folder and paste previously copied contents of firebaseConfig
REACT_APP_apiKey= REACT_APP_authDomain= REACT_APP_projectId= REACT_APP_storageBucket= REACT_APP_messagingSenderId= REACT_APP_appId= REACT_APP_measurementId=
Launch Docker application
Make sure that ports: 3000, 3001 and 27017 are available.
From the root folder run command: "docker-compose up"