This project is a practical example of how to use the ZKSync library, Solidity, Node.js with TypeScript for the back-end, Hardhat as web3 framework, and Ethers.js to interact with a smart contract deployed on the ZKSync testnet.
Clone the repository: git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/ZKSync-SmartContract.git
Install the dependencies: yarn
Start the project: yarn start
The project contains the following files and directories:
contracts: contains the Solidity smart contract Greeter.sol deploy: contains the back-end code written in Node.js with TypeScript package.json: contains the project dependencies and scripts hardhat.config.ts: contains the configuration for Hardhat, the web3 framework used to interact with the contract and the ZKSync testnet.
The Greeter.sol smart contract is deployed on the ZKSync testnet and allows for the following actions:
Setting a greeting message Retrieving the current greeting message The contract is interfaced with using the ethers.js library, and the Hardhat framework is used to interact with the contract and the ZKSync testnet.
This project uses the following dependencies:
@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy: A Hardhat extension that allows the deployment of smart contracts on the ZKSync network. @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc: A Hardhat extension that allows the compilation of smart contracts using the ZKSync-compatible version of the Solidity compiler. ethers: A library for interacting with Ethereum-compatible networks hardhat: A development environment for building and testing smart contracts ts-node: A TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js typescript: A superset of JavaScript that adds types zksync-web3: A library for interacting with the ZKSync network dotenv: A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file Conclusion This project serves as a practical example of how to use the ZKSync library and Solidity to interact with a smart contract on the ZKSync testnet. Feel free to use this project as a starting point for your own projects and remember that you can always join the development community of ZKSync for more help.