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286 lines (252 loc) · 9.34 KB

File metadata and controls

286 lines (252 loc) · 9.34 KB

My Cheat Notes

Create Project

  • Do any Upgrade needed

in gradle(app)

  • add plugin
    • id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.7.20'
  • add Dependencies
    • for the viewmodel
    • implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-compose:2.5.1"
    • for retrofit
      • implementation "com.jakewharton.retrofit:retrofit2-kotlinx-serialization-converter:0.8.0"
      • implementation "com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.9.0"
    • for json file
      • implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.4.1"
    • for images in json
      • implementation "io.coil-kt:coil-compose:2.2.2"

Package Structures

  • Add these:
    • data
    • di
    • model
    • network
    • ui > screens

In Manifest

we need:

  • Above <application
    • <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

in ui create FrogsApp.kt

  • ui > FrogsApp.kt - file @Composable
    • fun FrogsApp(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
    • Scaffold Args
      • topbar = {}
        • // todo FrogsTopAppBar()
    • Scaffold Body
      • Surface Args
        • modifier + it-padding... (get rid of error in code)
        • color to theme background
      • Surface Body
        • Text Composable with WTFhello
          • // todo Screens composables

get rid of Greetings()

  • Comment out/ remove Greeting() Composable
  • Comment out/ remove DefaultPreview() Composable, we won't need it here
  • remove Surface
  • inside theme
    • FrogsApp()

In ui create FrogsApp.kt

  • in the Surface body
    • Create HomeScreen() Composable

Run to make sure all is OK


  • In model package
  • Create file: FrogRec.kt - data class
    • @Serializable data class FrogRec(
    • list your fields
      • example
        • val name: String
        • @SerialName(value = "img_src") val imgSrc: String,
      • note: if json use @SerialName()
      • note: if gson use @SerializedName()
      • only needed if the field name coming in is different then what u use


  • In network package
  • Create file : FrogsApiService.kt - Interface class
    • interface FrogsApiService {
      • companion object with BASE_URL
        • this is the url from a "RESTful" server
      • suspend fun getFrogsRecords(): List<FrogRec>
        • Annotate with @GET("amphibians") // This is our EndPoint


  • Inside Data Package
  • Create File : FrogsRepository.kt - Interface class
    • interface FrogsRepository {
      • suspend fun getFrogsRecords(): List<FrogRec>
  • Use place cursor and Alt + Enter to implement FrogsRepository interface.. name it "DefaultFrogsRepository"
    • this will create DefaultFrogsRepository.kt
      • Add Args: private val frogsApiService: FrogsApiService
      • in override: = frogsApiService.getFrogsRecords()

DI - AppContainer

  • Inside DI Package
  • Create file: AppContainer.kt - interface
    • interface AppContainer {
    • in body:
      • val frogsApiService: FrogsApiService
      • val frogsRepository: FrogsRepository
  • Implement... see code below
  • Use place cursor and Alt + Enter to implement AppContainer interface.. name it "DefaultAppContainer"
    • this will create DefaultAppContainer.kt
  • REPLACE both overrides with
    • Also... json ot gson?
    override val frogsApiService: FrogsApiService by lazy {

    override val frogsRepository: FrogsRepository by lazy {


  • Inside root
  • create file: FrogsApplication.kt - class : Application()
    • class FrogsApplication: Application() {
  • see code below
class FrogsApplication : Application() {
    /** AppContainer instance used by the rest of classes to obtain dependencies */
    lateinit var container: AppContainer
    override fun onCreate() {
        container = DefaultAppContainer()

In Manifest

  • Below/inside <application (NOTE.. it might already be there autogen it)
    • Make sure FrogsApplication.kt exists before adding below
    • android:name=".FrogsApplication"


  • inside ui > screens >
  • Note: here we define our 3 states/screens
  • Create file: FrogsUiState - sealed interface
    • sealed interface FrogsUiState {
      • data class Success(val FrogList: List<FrogRec>) : FrogsUiState
      • object Error : FrogsUiState
      • object Loading : FrogsUiState


  • inside ui > screens >
  • Create file: FrogsViewModel.kt - class : viewmodel()
    • class FrogsViewModel(private val frogsRepository: FrogsRepository) : ViewModel() {
    private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow<FrogsUiState>(FrogsUiState.Loading)
    val uiState = _uiState.asStateFlow()

    init {

    fun getFrogRecords() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            _uiState.value = FrogsUiState.Loading
            _uiState.value = try {
            } catch (e: IOException) {
            } catch (e: HttpException) {

     * Factory for FrogsViewModel] that takes FrogsRepository] as a dependency
    companion object {
        val Factory: ViewModelProvider.Factory = viewModelFactory {
            initializer {
                val application = (this[ViewModelProvider.AndroidViewModelFactory.APPLICATION_KEY] as FrogsApplication)
                val frogsRepository = application.container.frogsRepository
                FrogsViewModel(frogsRepository = frogsRepository)

Pass in the ViewModel

  • in MainActivity.kt
  • Change to:
    • val viewModel : FrogsViewModel = viewModel(factory = FrogsViewModel.Factory)
    • FrogsApp(viewModel)
  • in FrogsApp.kt
  • Change to:
fun FrogsApp(
    viewModel: FrogsViewModel,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier


  • Inside ui > screens >
  • Create file: HomeScreen.kt - @Composable
  • notes: Our HomeScreen is really just a container with a when statement
    • Depending on the state.value we display either LoadingScreen, ErrorScreen, or ListScreen
    val uiState = viewModel.uiState.collectAsState().value
        is FrogsUiState.Loading -> LoadingScreen(modifier)
        is FrogsUiState.Success -> ListScreen(frogList = uiState.frogList, modifier = modifier)
        is FrogsUiState.Error -> ErrorScreen(retryAction = retryAction, modifier)
  • I kept the ListScreen inside the HomeScreen. It would be ok as a separate file too
  • ListScreen()
    • private fun ListScreen(frogList: List<FrogRec>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
    • private fun ListItem(frogRec: FrogRec, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {

Other Screens

  • Create a file: LoadingScreen.kt - @Composable
    • fun LoadingScreen(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
  • Create a file: ErrorScreen.kt - @Composable
    • fun ErrorScreen(retryAction: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
  • Note: To manually test Error Screen
    • Set device to Airplane mode
    • Start App... A click on Retry should not load data... no connections
    • Turn off airplane mode... A click on Retry should load data
  • Note: To manually Image no loaded
    • Load App
    • Set device to Airplane mode
    • Scroll down several images, u should see broken-image image
    • Turn off airplane mode
    • Scroll about, images should load


  • Lets return to TopAppBar todo
  • Notes: You can create right inside the Scaffold i like it as a separate file
  • Create file: MyTopAppBar.kt - @Composable (not sure where to place it, so for now i placed it in root)
    • fun MyTopAppBar() {
  • In Scaffold
    • topBar = { MyTopAppBar() }

Beautiful a bit with colors in MaterialTheme

  • In res > colors.xml
    • Comment out all colors.. we are not using
    • Add
      • <color name="green_700">#FF087f23</color>
  • In res > themes.xml
    • Change the statusBarColor to green_700
  • In ui > theme > Color.kt
    • Comment out all colors.. we are not using
    • Add
      • val Green200 = Color(0xFF80e27e)
      • val Green500 = Color(0xFF4caf50)
      • val Green700 = Color(0xFF087f23)
  • In ui > theme > Theme.kt
    • Do this in Both the DarkColorPalette and LightColorPalette
      • Comment out all colors.. we are not using
      • Replace with
        • primary = Green200,
        • primaryVariant = Green700,
        • secondary = Teal200

CleanUp Warnings

  • Things like unused imports and so on
  • The way i do 1 file at a time and look at Problem Tab and fix warnings

Check into Local Git

  • Menu > VCS > Enable Version Control Integration
  • In Commit Tab
    • Select all files
    • Type in some notes "Initial Commit"
    • Click Commit
      • Code will be analyzed. This is also a great place to look for Warnings and fix them
    • if no Errors
      • Once you are happy, Click 'Commit Anyways'