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0000000..6dde622 --- /dev/null +++ b/cli.js @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node +const argv = require('yargs') + .demandOption(['gh-token', 'owner', 'repo', 'releaseBranch', 'env', 'downstreamTag']) + .option('gh-approval-token', { + description: 'gh token to auto approve the opened pull request', + type: 'string' + }) + .option('customer', { + description: 'customer name', + type: 'string' + }) + .option('infrastructure-path', { + description: 'infrastructure path', + type: 'string', + default: 'livingdocs' + }) + .help(false) + .version(false) + .argv +const run = require('./index') + +run(argv) + .then((pullRequest) => { + console.log(` + The PR for the infrastructure bump has been opened at + ${pullRequest.html_url} + `) + }) + .catch((e) => { + console.log(e.message) + // delete branch + process.exit(1) + }) + +// node cli.js --owner livingdocsIO --repo infrastructure-onboarding-service \ +// --infrastructure-path onboarding-service --releaseBranch release-2024-11-16 --env stage \ +// --downstream-tag v4.20.11 --customer onboarding \ +// --gh-token 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 diff --git a/git/create-approval-for-pull-request.js b/git/create-approval-for-pull-request.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d37d186 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/create-approval-for-pull-request.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/pulls#create-a-review-for-a-pull-request +module.exports = async ({ + owner, repo, token, pullNumber, commitId, event = 'APPROVE' +}) => { + try { + return request({ + method: 'POST', + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls/${pullNumber}/reviews`, + body: { + commit_id: commitId, + event + }, + headers: { + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise', + 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' + }, + json: true + }) + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/create-branch.js b/git/create-branch.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01348f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/create-branch.js @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/git/refs?apiVersion=2022-11-28#create-a-reference +module.exports = async ({owner, repo, token, ref, sha}) => { + try { + return await request({ + method: 'POST', + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/git/refs`, + body: {ref, sha}, + headers: { + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise', + 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' + }, + json: true + }) + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/create-pull-request.js b/git/create-pull-request.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0b30d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/create-pull-request.js @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/pulls#create-a-pull-request +module.exports = async ({ + owner, repo, token, title, head, base, body +}) => { + try { + return request({ + method: 'POST', + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls`, + body: {title, head, base, body}, + headers: { + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise', + 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' + }, + json: true + }) + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/get-content.js b/git/get-content.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3068455 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/get-content.js @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#get-repository-content +// +// @return +module.exports = async ({ + owner, repo, token, path +}) => { + try { + console.log('get-content.js', `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`) + return await request({ + method: 'GET', + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`, + headers: { + 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise', + 'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28' + }, + json: true + }) + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/get-sha-branch.js b/git/get-sha-branch.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3075c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/get-sha-branch.js @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#list-repository-tags +// https://api.github.com/repos/livingdocsio/livingdocs-server/tags?access_token=1234 +// +// @return +// [ +// { +// "name": "v0.1", +// "commit": { +// "sha": "c5b97d5ae6c19d5c5df71a34c7fbeeda2479ccbc", +// "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/commits/c5b97d5ae6c19d5c5df71a34c7fbeeda2479ccbc" +// } +// } +// ] +module.exports = async ({owner, repo, token, branch = 'main'}) => { + try { + const response = await request({ + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/git/refs/heads/${branch}`, + headers: { + 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise' + }, + json: true + }) + + return response.object.sha + } catch (error) { + console.error('Error fetching branch SHA:', error.message) + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/get-tags.js b/git/get-tags.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3dabe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/get-tags.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#list-repository-tags +// https://api.github.com/repos/livingdocsio/livingdocs-server/tags?access_token=1234 +// +// @return +// [ +// { +// "name": "v0.1", +// "commit": { +// "sha": "c5b97d5ae6c19d5c5df71a34c7fbeeda2479ccbc", +// "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Hello-World/commits/c5b97d5ae6c19d5c5df71a34c7fbeeda2479ccbc" +// } +// } +// ] +module.exports = async ({owner, repo, token, page = 1, perPage = 10}) => { + try { + return await request({ + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/tags`, + qs: { + page, + per_page: perPage + }, + headers: { + 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise' + }, + json: true + }) + + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/git/update-content.js b/git/update-content.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ba8be9 --- /dev/null +++ b/git/update-content.js @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +const request = require('request-promise') + +// https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#create-or-update-file-contents +// +// @return +module.exports = async ({ + owner, repo, token, path, message, content, sha, branch +}) => { + try { + return await request({ + method: 'PUT', + uri: `https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/contents/${path}`, + body: {message, content, sha, branch}, + headers: { + 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', + 'Authorization': `token ${token}`, + 'User-Agent': 'Request-Promise' + }, + json: true + }) + } catch (error) { + throw error + } +} diff --git a/index.js b/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0db44a --- /dev/null +++ b/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +const semver = require('semver') +// const gitGetTags = require('./git/get-tags') +const gitGetContent = require('./git/get-content') +const gitGetShaBranch = require('./git/get-sha-branch') +const gitCreateBranch = require('./git/create-branch') +const updateContent = require('./git/update-content') +const createPullRequest = require('./git/create-pull-request') +const createApprovalForPullRequest = require('./git/create-approval-for-pull-request') + +// main application +module.exports = async ({owner, repo, ghToken, ghApprovalToken, customer, infrastructurePath, env, releaseBranch, downstreamTag}) => { // eslint-disable-line max-len + const token = ghToken + const latestSha = await gitGetShaBranch({owner, repo, token}) + const downstreamTagWildcard = semver.coerce(downstreamTag).toString().replace(/\d+$/, 'x') // `4.20.11` -> `4.20.x` + const combinedChanges = [] + let lastCommit + + // create bump pr branch + const branchName = `${env}-${releaseBranch}` + console.log(`trying to create branch "${branchName}"`) + await gitCreateBranch({ + owner, + repo, + token, + ref: `refs/heads/${branchName}`, + sha: latestSha + }) + + // change the content in apps/${infrastructurePath}/${env}/flux/image-${customer}-editor.yaml + // replace: + // policy: + // semver: + // range: "x.x.x" + // with: + // policy: + // semver: + // range: "${downstreamTagWildcard}" + + const base64ObjEditor = await gitGetContent({ + owner, + repo, + token, + path: `apps/${infrastructurePath}/${env}/flux/image-${customer}-editor.yaml` + }) + + if (base64ObjEditor) { + const contentEditor = Buffer.from(base64ObjEditor.content, 'base64').toString() + const updatedContentEditor = contentEditor.replace(/range: ".*"/, `range: "${downstreamTagWildcard}"`) + const contentUpdateEditor = Buffer.from(updatedContentEditor).toString('base64') + combinedChanges.push({ + path: base64ObjEditor.path, + content: contentUpdateEditor, + sha: base64ObjEditor.sha + }) + } + + // // add commit + // const editorCommit = await updateContent({ + // owner, + // repo, + // token, + // path: base64ObjEditor.path, + // message: `chore(release-management): Bump editor version in ${env} for release management`, + // content: contentUpdateEditor, + // sha: base64ObjEditor.sha, + // branch: branchName + // }) + + // console.log(editorCommit) + // change the content in apps/${infrastructurePath}/${env}/flux/image-${customer}-server.yaml + + const base64ObjServer = await gitGetContent({ + owner, + repo, + token, + path: `apps/${infrastructurePath}/${env}/flux/image-${customer}-server.yaml`, + branch: branchName + }) + + if (base64ObjServer) { + const contentServer = Buffer.from(base64ObjServer.content, 'base64').toString() + const updatedContentServer = contentServer.replace(/range: ".*"/, `range: "${downstreamTagWildcard}"`) + const contentUpdateServer = Buffer.from(updatedContentServer).toString('base64') + combinedChanges.push({ + path: base64ObjServer.path, + content: contentUpdateServer, + sha: base64ObjServer.sha + }) + } + + if (env === 'prod') { + const base64ObjEditorStage = await gitGetContent({ + owner, + repo, + token, + path: `apps/${infrastructurePath}/stage/flux/image-${customer}-editor.yaml`, + branch: branchName + }) + + if (base64ObjEditorStage) { + const contentEditorStage = Buffer.from(base64ObjEditorStage.content, 'base64').toString() + const updatedContentEditorStage = contentEditorStage.replace(/range: ".*"/, `range: "x.x.x"`) + const contentUpdateEditorStage = Buffer.from(updatedContentEditorStage).toString('base64') + combinedChanges.push({ + path: base64ObjEditorStage.path, + content: contentUpdateEditorStage, + sha: base64ObjEditorStage.sha + }) + } + + const base64ObjServerStage = await gitGetContent({ + owner, + repo, + token, + path: `apps/${infrastructurePath}/stage/flux/image-${customer}-server.yaml`, + branch: branchName + }) + + if (base64ObjServerStage) { + const contentServerStage = Buffer.from(base64ObjServerStage.content, 'base64').toString() + const updatedContentServerStage = contentServerStage.replace(/range: ".*"/, `range: "x.x.x"`) + const contentUpdateServerStage = Buffer.from(updatedContentServerStage).toString('base64') + combinedChanges.push({ + path: base64ObjServerStage.path, + content: contentUpdateServerStage, + sha: base64ObjServerStage.sha + }) + } + } + + if (combinedChanges.length === 0) { + throw new Error('No files to update') + } + + for (const change of combinedChanges) { + lastCommit = await updateContent({ + owner, + repo, + token, + path: change.path, + message: `chore(release-management): Bump versions in ${env} on ${change.path}`, + content: change.content, + sha: change.sha, + branch: branchName + }) + } + + // create the bump pull request + const pullRequest = await createPullRequest({ + owner, + repo, + token, + title: `Bump versions in ${env} for release management`, + head: branchName, + base: 'main', + body: `## Motivation + +Bump editor and server versions for release management + ` + }) + + // auto approval for pull request + if (ghApprovalToken) { + await createApprovalForPullRequest({ + owner, + repo, + token: ghApprovalToken, + pullNumber: pullRequest.number, + commitId: lastCommit.commit.sha + }) + + // auto approve the pull request + } + + return pullRequest +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..554702f --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +{ + "name": "@livingdocs/create-infrastructure-pr", + "version": "0.0.0-development", + "description": "", + "main": "index.js", + "bin": "./cli.js", + "author": "Jordi Vives", + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "comment-json": "^4.2.3", + "lodash": "^4.17.4", + "request": "^2.88.0", + 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