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Releases: live-codes/livecodes


22 Jul 05:12
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v8 (2023-07-22)

Bug Fixes

  • import: fix jsbin import regex (78970e6)


  • app: add imports property to custom settings editor if not added (bf71760)


22 Jul 21:30
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sdk-v0.1.1 (2023-07-22)

Bug Fixes

  • editor: fix monaco menus overflow (58a7f6a)
  • editor: fix updating editor types (f0576ff)
  • SDK: improve SDK types bundle (75b919b)


  • app: confirm before deleting user templates (8176622)
  • editor: allow setting default types across all languages (f60ea1a)
  • editor: edit pkg info hover (b728b97)


22 Jul 04:25
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sdk-v0.1.0 (2023-07-22)


19 Jul 22:53
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v7 (2023-07-19)

  • CI: fix deploy to gh-pages


19 Jul 21:12
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v6 (2023-07-19)

  • CI: fix deploy to gh-pages


19 Jul 16:06
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v5 (2023-07-19)

Bug Fixes

  • add encodeURIComponent to bookmarklet (1171d30)
  • app: fix a race condition (a2da49b)
  • app: show formatter (enabled/disabled) in editor toolbar on changing editors (0438deb)
  • compilers: map svelte import to svelte/internal (bdb0d21)
  • compilers: upgrade react in mdx (5644a38)
  • config: fix loading user config (b3983df)
  • config: validate config tools (0698f9f)
  • do not autorun result page if config.autoupdate is false (3e1e405)
  • do not treat safari as mobile (f08ae93)
  • do not use CDN for already bundled imports (e5f3b50)
  • editor: edit monaco addCloseTag regex to improve performance (dd03a69)
  • fallback to blob url if data url is not supported as worker (ea7ac04)
  • import: show error for invalid template/import URL (691afcf)
  • in result mode, hide toolspane by default (e38128c)
  • result: improve console (70106d7)
  • SDK: fix race condition when loading from sdk (bdc25f6)
  • SDK: fix sending config object from SDK (457696f)
  • UI: do not double check saved status on new -> starter template (8675b48)
  • UI: hide editors till they become active (4d52cc7)
  • use appCDN in result page scripts (3d3923e)
  • use appCDN in sync worker (9d20e4f)
  • wait for slow e2e tests (cb44e43)
  • welcome: improve welcome screen layout (6b50c13)


  • about: add about screen (a2f89b4)
  • allow src import in SFCs (08189c0)
  • allow deploying the app +/- docs to gh-pages (0a33c8b)
  • allow stylesheet import from CDNs (1e51790)
  • allow using param ?new as ?screen=new (d75f97b)
  • app: copy code as data URL (3ea5b04)
  • app: if CDN is unreachable, fall back to next CDN (6e72eb4)
  • app: loading spinner (9a5385c)
  • app: show loading screen during recover (6f710e3)
  • compilers: add lang attribute for sfc src imports (63e4dc6)
  • compilers: add ClojureScript support (2a4d723)
  • compilers: add jsx support in vue sfc (2c76b47)
  • compilers: allow generating import maps during compile (1bba4d2)
  • compilers: allow importing remote vue sfc (406c6c6)
  • compilers: allow recursive imports in vue sfc (b438e0b)
  • compilers: allow svelte SFC to import and compile other SFCs (9d5ca48)
  • compilers: do not inline remote style imports by default (3e38335)
  • compilers: retry loading rescript compiler if failed (1e8562f)
  • compilers: support css modules in vue sfc (6169f34)
  • compilers: use official vue SFC compiler for vue 3 (c82ef76)
  • config: use default language if invalid (c2c4b22)
  • editor: auto add close tag in monaco (1cb0db7)
  • embed: allow selecting active tool in embed screen (c66b476)
  • embed: embed as Svelte (707f48d)
  • embed: use permanent url by default for embeds (c091ef9)
  • export-share: allow using permanent url in share (906bcc5)
  • formatter: upgrade @prettier/plugin-php to v0.19.6 (13b5d8b)
  • formatter: upgrade prettier to v3.0.0 (b06d8bd)
  • import: import data url (ab84f2f)
  • result: allow importing stylesheets in script editor (9bc077f)
  • result: maintain result page scroll position on update (0cea826), closes #297
  • services: allow switching default CDN (f5203cc)
  • services: provide permanent SDK url (fa0d76a)
  • UI: 2-column style menu (13d5702)
  • UI: add cookie notice to login screen (5c23a43)
  • welcome: show recent projects above templates (2c7b991)


19 Jul 19:30
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sdk-v0.0.3 (2023-07-19)

  • SDK: fix race condition when loading from sdk (bdc25f6)
  • SDK: fix sending config object from SDK (457696f)


13 May 06:46
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4 (2023-05-13)


13 May 04:09
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3 (2023-05-13)

Bug Fixes

  • add config imports to importmap (63090d7)
  • API: allow API to set full Config not just ContentConfig (69ff21d)
  • app: add es-module-shims to app.html (2c27485)
  • app: avoid unnecessary run before importing external content (d9d0499)
  • app: do not load defaults (template/last used language) if language is specified in query params (1c8da65)
  • app: fix export all sorting (bbbaef8)
  • app: fix loading user config (fab4976)
  • app: fix security issues and unify UI (c6e74fe)
  • app: if mode is codeblock, set config as readonly (b972879)
  • app: import external content on loading config (4328d53)
  • backup: handle the case of selecting no stores to backup (754e6b7)
  • cjs2esm (cb609f2)
  • clean css duplicates (d3873ef)
  • compilers: fix diagrams compiler errors (e5449a2)
  • compilers: fix loading rich text projects (ce3c894)
  • config: remove duplicates in config properties (89e2a22)
  • editor: fix codeblock and show line numbers (093830a)
  • editor: fix losing focus on format (cc51883)
  • editor: fix losing types on language change (cd88f67)
  • editor: fix overriding monaco autocomplete overlay style (28be0fd)
  • embed: avoid changing browser history in embeds (8d1e21e)
  • embed: fix logo link in result mode (52b9466)
  • fix type imports (d0fbf68)
  • hide duplicate tags (from sync) (e60f162)
  • inject css to fix FOUT in index.html (4ceaf98)
  • move from UserData to AppData (2ad2dc0)
  • npm-package: fix loading config object (663941c)
  • postMessage origin for loading default template (23cc869)
  • result: fix converting require if used as method (99c587a)
  • result: fix result flush (d74a759)
  • result: remove messaging script from result in exports (e7415e0)
  • SDK: prevent react SDK from rerendering (d265d2a)
  • services: fix share service (67fe70a)
  • sync: do not re-download unchanged remote sync data (1a56d48)
  • sync: fix sync (cache and encoding) (feec8d5)
  • templates: fix loading starter template from unsaved project (2f09967)
  • tests: fix chai assertion messages by imorting chai from jsdelivr(+esm) (0b9cef0)
  • tools: fix firing onActivate on resizing tools pane (6e26981)
  • UI: disable autofocus in embeds (b009f74)
  • UI: fix focus on hidden editors (2453121)
  • UI: fix logo link (b72ce80)
  • UI: fix logo link (7bbebe1)
  • UI: fix multi-column submenu (70b7e05)
  • UI: fix settings menu external resources handler (9bbd933)
  • UI: remove formatting on paste to project title (198e2b8)
  • web: fix show code styles (b714e4f)


  • API: add params to EmbedOptions (c084b3f)
  • API: add API method destroy (c7a0d5b)
  • API: add API method onChange (0e39347)
  • API: allow going to specific line and column from API (a3740c9)
  • API: allow running tests from API (9917095)
  • API: API watch changes (9488ea1)
  • API: load from API (3e18357)
  • API: load on scroll (e81ee4a)
  • API: show panes from API (a53da9f)
  • app: add detectLanguage utility function (251bcc7)
  • app: add pub/sub (567c514)
  • app: allow adding local files as assets (e12d249)
  • app: allow partial matching in search (84e3c35)
  • app: emit change events (8c025a9)
  • app: sandbox app iframe (cbf2aad)
  • app: type-safe query params (ccf533e)
  • assets: deploy assets to GitHub Pages (13c833a)
  • backup: backup/restore UI (WIP) (10c8f39)
  • backup: implement backup (1804557)
  • backup: implement restore (d71804c)
  • broadcast: broadcast playground state (4f394f4)
  • broadcast: broadcast result page and code to API (78b1f7e)
  • broadcast: inform the server that broadcast has s...
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31 Mar 23:18
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v0.7.0 Pre-release


0.7.0 (2023-03-31)


  • API: rename exported method to createPlayground


  • API: add params to EmbedOptions (c084b3f)
  • API: add API method destroy (c7a0d5b)
  • API: add API method onChange (0e39347)
  • API: allow going to specific line and column from API (a3740c9)
  • API: allow running tests from API (9917095)
  • API: API watch changes (9488ea1)
  • API: load from API (3e18357)
  • API: load on scroll (e81ee4a)
  • API: show panes from API (a53da9f)
  • app: add detectLanguage utility function (251bcc7)
  • app: add pub/sub (567c514)
  • app: allow adding local files as assets (e12d249)
  • app: allow partial matching in search (84e3c35)
  • app: emit change events (8c025a9)
  • app: sandbox app iframe (cbf2aad)
  • app: type-safe query params (ccf533e)
  • assets: deploy assets to GitHub Pages (13c833a)
  • backup: backup/restore UI (WIP) (10c8f39)
  • backup: implement backup (1804557)
  • backup: implement restore (d71804c)
  • broadcast: broadcast playground state (4f394f4)
  • broadcast: broadcast result page and code to API (78b1f7e)
  • broadcast: inform the server that broadcast has stopped (f0bfba4)
  • broadcast: provide a default broadcast service (7023091)
  • broadcast: show broadcast status button in toolbar (5693244)
  • broadcast: use channelToken (9ded492)
  • compiled: show python (brython) compiled code (61fd514)
  • compilers: add support for UnoCSS (53e66d6)
  • compilers: add Clang compiler for C/C++ (040bb2e)
  • compilers: add elkjs in diagram (56c8630)
  • compilers: add R language support (0747b71)
  • compilers: add R language support (e3dca42)
  • compilers: add support for art-template (95da5fc)
  • compilers: add support for C++ (d003ea5)
  • compilers: add support for Clio (8b4c4d9)
  • compilers: add support for common lisp (f2efeb1)
  • compilers: add support for cytoscape in diagram (a9b1322)
  • compilers: add support for Gnuplot (e9acf92)
  • compilers: add support for graphviz (05da2fd)
  • compilers: add support for imba (f375c10)
  • compilers: add support for Julia (52d7ff0)
  • compilers: add support for Lightning CSS (0d7bfe4)
  • compilers: add support for Mustache (ae12f3d)
  • compilers: add support for nomnoml (504075f)
  • compilers: add support for plotly (cb408be)
  • compilers: add support for Prolog using Tau Prolog (8721824)
  • compilers: add support for svgbob (6854d3b)
  • compilers: add support for Tcl (7786b8c)
  • compilers: add support for Token CSS (00c8930)
  • compilers: add support for vega and vega-lite (fa0570f)
  • compilers: add support for wavedrom (3a0f3e8)
  • compilers: commonjs support (87757d5)
  • compilers: diagrams runOrContinue (4635ece)
  • compilers: reload the compiler sandbox page on repeated failure to load compiler (3791fb9)
  • compilers: retry loading compiler on error (c0c3dfd)
  • compilers: rich text editor for markup (using quill.js) (e415f90)
  • compilers: upgrade mdx to v2.0 (438a0da)
  • compilers: use dart-sass instead of sass.js (313ebb3)
  • config: add zoom to config (1cd7973)
  • config: allow setting enabled tools and status from query param tools (4796ba0)
  • config: collect tools config under (c02ef9c)
  • config: improve merging config from external content (b5e4bf6)
  • config: improve tools config (status) (3a6f9e3)
  • console: clear console on result update (c7b47c0)
  • CSS Presets: move CSS preset UI from app menu to external resources screen (a052c8e)
  • CSS Presets: remove github-markdown-css and asciidoctor.css from css presets (88b4391)
  • deploy: save project deploy repo ([b43126c](b431...
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