#Hot to run and config the app
- edit settings in backend_test/
add to the env var the slack token and SITE_URL
export SLACK_TOKEN=token_here
export SITE_URL=site_url_here
by default the notification in the slack notification will be send until 10 and will block lunch until 11, if you want to change this you can set the following en vars
- config data
for create the basic user run the following command
python manage.py create_user 'slack_key_here'
the slack_key_here must be the id in slack than point to the channel
- run the app
for run the app you must run the following
3.1 Django
python manage.py runserver
3.2 Celery (this will be required to send the menu to slack)
celery -A backend_test worker -l info
3.3 Celery beat (this will be required run periodically the task)
celery -A backend_test beat
3.4 Docker
if you are using the docker container you must connect to the base and run the following
dev run
dev celery
dev cbeat