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File metadata and controls

307 lines (257 loc) · 12.7 KB

Lesson 3

Extended Components, Observers, Tasks, Network Requests

In this lesson we will add a category picker that will trigger a network request to load a JSON file.
Most languages implement an event pattern for asynchronous communication between objects. In SceneGraph the technique is called Field Observers. For network requests, SceneGraph requires the use of a "task". All HTTP activity must be contained in a task, which spawns a new thread. Threading is a little odd in Roku SceneGraph, read more about it here:

OK, let's go:

  1. In the components directory, create a directory called screens

  2. Inside screens, create 2 files: category_screen.xml and category_screen.brs. Open category_screen.xml and add this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <component name="category_screen"
      <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/screens/category_screen.brs" />
        <!-- color="0x000000" -->
          translation="[75, 150]"
            text="PICK A CATEGORY:"/>
          translation="[100, 200]"

    In category_screen.brs add the following:

    function init()"category_list")
    end function
  3. Modify home_scene.brs to route to the new screen components by replacing what is there with the following:

    function init()
    	? "[home_scene] init"
    	m.center_square ="category_screen")
    end function
  4. Save and run the app. It's pretty lame, nothing happens and the category list is empty. Go back to category_screen.xml and make this change:

      translation="[100, 200]"
    <ContentNode id = "categories" role = "content" >
      <ContentNode title = "DRAMA"/>
      <ContentNode title = "COMEDY"/>
      <ContentNode title = "HORROR"/>

    Run it now as see the populated list:

    All the UI components require a properly constructed ContentNode. Depending on the component, the general rule of thumb is to define a single parent node, then append child nodes to it, all of the same type ContentNode.
    The ContentNode is put to use throughout the Roku environment. Perhaps it's most obvious and important use is as the object that is expected by the Video node when playing content, but as demonstrated here it is also expected as the data container for a List.
    Read more here:

  5. Next the app needs to handle the user interactions with the list. Go back to category_screen.brs and add the following code:

    function init()"category_list")
        m.category_list.observeField("itemSelected", "onCategorySelected")
    end function  
    sub onCategorySelected(obj)
        ? "onCategorySelected field: ";obj.getField()
        ? "onCategorySelected data: ";obj.getData()
    end sub

    You just wrote a field observer, the bedrock of SceneGraph object communication. Pay attention to the argument in the onCategorySelected handler. You can query the provided object for the name of the field (getField) and the value of the field (getData).
    More info here:

  6. Run the app, then select a category in the list and click OK. Check the debugger:

    onCategorySelected field: itemSelected
    onCategorySelected data:  0

    Notice how all you get is a number? You have to do some gymnastics to get the actual ContentNode value associated with that index. Make the following update to onCategorySelected:

    sub onCategorySelected(obj)
        ? "onCategorySelected field: ";obj.getField()
        ? "onCategorySelected data: ";obj.getData()
        ? "onCategorySelected checkedItem: ";m.category_list.checkedItem
        ? "onCategorySelected selected ContentNode: "; m.category_list.content.getChild(obj.getData())
    end sub

    Run it and check the debugger:

    onCategorySelected field: itemSelected
    onCategorySelected data:  0
    onCategorySelected checkedItem:  0
    onCategorySelected selected ContentNode: <Component: roSGNode> =
        change: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
        focusable: false
        focusedChild: <Component: roInvalid>
        id: ""
        feed_url: ""
        TITLE: "DRAMA"

    Notice how obj.getData() and m.category_list.checkedItem provide the same value. More importantly, notice how using a lookup on the content field of the list provides the actual selected node.

    One more thing. Open components/home_scene.brs and add this method:

    function onKeyEvent(key, press) as Boolean
    	? "[home_scene] onKeyEvent", key, press
      return false
    end function

    This will log every remote control button press. Now that the app is handling user interaction, this code is handy for debugging inputs.
    Read more here:

  7. Here's an opportunity to demonstrate how to extend a component. The list needs an update to store a custom value for our feed urls. To accomplish this, we must extend ContentNode to support a custom field.
    In the components directory, add a directory called models. In models, add a file called category_node.xml and write the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <component name="category_node" extends="ContentNode">
    		<field id="feed_url" type="string" />

    This node now inherits all the fields from ContentNode, and supports a new field called feed_url. Now we can wire up the selected category to a category feed on the network. NOTICE - ContentNode transforms to category_node at this point. Edit category_screen.xml with the following code:

      translation="[100, 200]"
    <ContentNode id = "categories" role = "content" >
      <category_node title = "DRAMA" feed_url=""/>
      <category_node title = "COMEDY" feed_url=""/>
      <category_node title = "HORROR" feed_url=""/>

    Using <category_node> automatically finds and uses the extended node we wrote. Now update the code in category_screen.brs:

    sub onCategorySelected(obj)
        ? "onCategorySelected field: ";obj.getField()
        ? "onCategorySelected data: ";obj.getData()
        ? "onCategorySelected checkedItem: ";m.category_list.checkedItem
        ? "onCategorySelected selected ContentNode: ";m.category_list.content.getChild(obj.getData())
        item = m.category_list.content.getChild(obj.getData())
    end sub
    sub loadFeed(url)
      ? "loadFeed! ";url
    end sub

    Run the app to verify the correct value is provided to loadFeed.

  8. Now it's time to introduce a Task to load the data provided by the feed url. Create a new directory in components called tasks. Inside tasks, create the file load_feed_task.xml with the following code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <component name = "load_feed_task" extends = "task" >
        <field id = "url" type = "string" />
        <field id = "response" type = "string" />
      <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/tasks/load_feed_task.brs"/>

    Create another file in tasks called load_feed_task.brs and add the following code:

    sub init() = "request" = ""
    end sub  
    function request()
        url =
        ? "Feed Task URL: ";url ="test."
    end function

    Notice the relationship between the fields defined in the XML <interface> node, and the values manipulated in the BrightScript code. The task code is providing a value for response, but the code also expects a value to be set for url. Field definitions do not enforce access, like getters and setters, they are read/write from either within or without the task code. It is up to the developer to determine the field's use.
    Within the task code, there is a special field called functionname, this is used to define the function the task will run when triggered elsewhere in your application.
    Tasks are a critical part of SceneGraph, read more here:

    Now add some code to exercise the new task. Open screens/category_screen.brs and add this code:

    sub loadFeed(url)
      m.feed_task = createObject("roSGNode", "load_feed_task")
      m.feed_task.observeField("response", "onFeedResponse")
      m.feed_task.url = url
      m.feed_task.control = "RUN"
    end sub  
    sub onFeedResponse(obj)
      ? "onFeedResponse: "; obj.getData()
    end sub

    Run the app and select a category, you should see this in the debugger:

    onCategorySelected field: itemSelected
    onCategorySelected data:  0
    onCategorySelected checkedItem:  0
    onCategorySelected selected ContentNode: <Component: roSGNode> =
        change: <Component: roAssociativeArray>
        focusable: false
        focusedChild: <Component: roInvalid>
        id: ""
        feed_url: ""
        TITLE: "DRAMA"
    Feed Task URL:
    onFeedResponse: test.
  9. Time to make a real HTTP request from the task. At this point, you must have the server/roku_lessons directory hosted on a web server somewhere. In these examples I have it running locally at
    Update load_feed_task.brs with the following code:

    sub init() = "request" = ""
    end sub  
    function request()
        url =
        http = createObject("roUrlTransfer")
        port = createObject("roMessagePort")
        if http.AsyncGetToString() Then
          msg = wait(10000, port)
          if (type(msg) = "roUrlEvent")
            if (msg.getresponsecode() > 0 and  msg.getresponsecode() < 400)
     = msg.getstring()
              ? "feed load failed: "; msg.getfailurereason();" "; msg.getresponsecode();" ";
     = ""
            end if
          else if (msg = invalid)
            ? "feed load failed."
          end if
        end if
    end function

    Say hello again to the weird wait loop! This code is how you load something from the internet on Roku. Get familiar with it.
    If you dig in the docs, you will see another roUrlTransfer method called getToString(). This also preforms a network request, but it does not capture the diagnostic information available from asyncGetToString(). Which method you choose depends on your needs.
    Read more here:

    Take note of this snippet if (msg.getresponsecode() > 0. The request may return negative number response codes that are not part of the HTTP standard, read more here:

    Run this code and you will see the JSON file printed in the debugger.

That's it for Lesson 3.

Next Up:
Lesson 4: Parsing JSON, Data Driven UI