#Nordvpn Shell script around Systemd and Openvpn to make downloading and selecting a vpn from nordvpn easier
- dnsutils (dig)
- curl
- netselect
- awk
- openvpn
- systemd
apt-get install curl dnsutils openvpn
Netselect is missing from ubuntu for some reason. get it here: https://packages.debian.org/sid/netselect-apt
dpkg -i netselect*.deb
###AutoLogin: (optional)
nordvpn login
Saves the login in the /etc/nordvpn/login.conf file and modifies the vpn config to use that instead of asking everytime you start the service.
nordvpn [-r] [-f] [-t] [-u] [-c "countrycodes"] download
This downloads the configs from nordvpn and autoselects the server with the lowest latancy at the time. Note this will stop the vpn service
Either -t and/or -u must be passed along unless you setup the defaults in /etc/default/nordvpn
-r select random server.
-f select "fastest" (lowest latency) server.
-t use TCP servers.
-u use UDP servers.
-c "countrycodes" only use these countries.
add as a list like: -c "-c dk us br ca " or add them like: -c dk -c us -c br -c ca
nordvpn [-r] [-f] select
This selects a new server.
-r select random server.
-f select "fastest" (lowest latency) server.
nordvpn status
Returns some stats about the current state of the vpn.
nordvpn start
Systemd shortcut to start the vpn client.
nordvpn stop
Systemd shortcut to stop the vpn client.
nordvpn restart
Systemd shortcut to restart the vpn client.