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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

4.0.0-beta1 - 2022-??-??


  • The method signature for Application::start() and Application::stop() were changed to return an Amp\Future.
  • Property type-hints were added wherever applicable. Many places no longer require explicitly returning Promise.


  • Removed the deprecated DependencyGraph object.

3.2.1 - 2021-06-17


  • Fixes an error where PluginManager::getLoadedPlugins would throw an error after the plugin loading process should have taken place if there were no registered Plugins. Now, when calling getLoadedPlugins with no registered Plugins found an empty array will be returned.

3.2.0 - 2021-05-09


  • An ApplicationEnvironment enum that determines the environment of the host machine running your Labrador app.
  • An Environment interface and implementations that encapsulates access to the ApplicationEnvironment and environment variables that exist on the host machine.
  • A Settings interface and implementation that allows for providing configuration details for both Labrador and your app.
  • A SettingsLoader and SettingsStorageHandler interface and implementations that allow fine-grained control on how the Settings for your application are generated. Comes out of the box with support for both PHP and JSON settings on the local filesystem. You should read over /docs/tutorials/
  • An ApplicationObjectGraph interface that will facilitate more robust bootstrapping code in the future. An instance, the CoreApplicationObjectGraph, takes over the responsibilities of the DependencyGraph while also providing in the injector an Environment instance and, an optional, Settings instance.
  • If pcntl extension is loaded the AmpEngine will respond to signals to stop the application.


  • The DependecyGraph is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Users should transition to use the CoreApplicationObjectGraph instead.

3.1.0 - 2020-08-02


  • Added a protected method AbstractApplication::logException that logs detailed information about an exception as well as additional application specific information as context to the Logger.

3.0.0 - 2020-08-02


  • Added convenience methods on to ApplicationState and EngineState to make it easier to determine if either one is in a specific state.


  • Fixed a problem in AmpEngine where an exception thrown in an event listener to the Engine::SHUT_DOWN_EVENT would result in a memory leak and subsequent hard crash of the application as it went into an infinite loop invoking the Loop's error handler over and over again.


  • Simplified the contents of the in-repo documentation to facilitate easier in-repo use and to allow integration with the new website repo powering

3.0.0-beta7 2019-11-03


  • Adds Application::getState which returns an enum ApplicationState signifying whether the Application is Started, Stopped, or Crashed.


  • The DependencyGraph object now expects you to provide a Logger implementation as a constructor dependency instead of the DependencyGraph creating the Logger object based off of a configuration.


  • Removed the Configuration interface and corresponding ConfigurationFactory. In practice this Configuration was tied to a process for providing an out-of-the-box solution for invoking Applications that was clunky and not well thought out. For now instead of moving forward with a sub-optimal solution each app will need to provide its own boilerplate for executing the app. As more experience is gathered in running real-life apps on this framework we may revisit the Configuration concept.
  • Removed the shell script that created a rough app skeleton. More thought needs to go into how this would work before it is released live.

3.0.0-beta6 2019-11-02


  • Fixes the DependencyGraph aliases to ensure that the appropriate services are shared and aliased to the correct default implementation.

3.0.0-beta5 2019-11-02

This release represents a major refactor to the Plugin system in an attempt to make the more common use case easier to facilitate and to provide more async support for Plugins.


  • Adds the cspray/yape library to create type-safe, powerful enums. Adds a new EngineState enum.
  • Adds the amphp/log library to facilitate asynchronous logging using Monolog\Logger.
  • Pluggable::registerPluginRemoveHandler was added that allows invoking a custom function whenever a Plugin is removed AFTER the loading process has been completed. These handlers will not run if the Plugin is removed before loading is initiated.
  • Pluggable::havePluginsLoaded was added to determine whether or not Plugins have gone through the loading process.
  • Pluggable::getLoadedPlugin was added to retrieve a Plugin by name once the loading process has taken place. Attempting to call this method before loading has occurred will result in an exception.
  • Pluggable::getLoadedPlugins returns a collection of all loaded Plugins. Attempting to call this method before loading has occurred will result in an exception.
  • Added EventAwarePlugin::removeEventListeners that will be invoked whenever a loaded Plugin is removed from its Pluggable.
  • Added the Monolog library and implemented PSR-3 logging throughout the provided Engine and PluginManager. Additionally the DependencyGraph object has been setup so that any object implement the LoggerAwareInterface will automatically have the appropriate Logger set to it.
  • Added the Engine::getState method that normalizes the idea of an Engine having a state and allows consuming code to determine that state with a known API.
  • Added the LoggerAwareInterface to Application so that all apps can easily log whatever data is necessary for their execution.
  • Added the Configuration interface and the ability to load a Configuration that will help determine how Labrador works out-of-the-box. This configuration can be written in native PHP, JSON, or XML. Please checkout the Configuration docs for more information.
  • Introduces a labrador-app-skeleton binary that is meant to easily get started with Labrador by creating some boilerplate configuration, Application skeleton, and a DependencyGraph.


  • The Engine::getState method now returns an EngineState enum as opposed to an arbitrary string.
  • The DependencyGraph implementation now expects a Configuration instance as its only constructor dependency. A Monolog\Logger will be created using the configured log name and log path with a Amp\Log\StreamHandler as the only registered handler. Additional handlers may be registered
  • Pluggable::registerPlugin(Plugin) was changed to Pluggable::registerPlugin(string) where the string is the fully qualified class name of a type that implements the Plugin interface. This was done to more easily facilitate the use case where a Plugin may depend on a service to be constructed.
  • Pluggable::registerHandler was changed to Pluggable::registerPluginLoadHandler to differentiate it from the newly added remove handlers.
  • Pluggable::hasPlugin was changed to Pluggable::hasPluginBeenRegistered to more explicitly state what is being checked with the new differentiation between registering and loading a Plugin.
  • Pluggable::getPlugins was changed to Plugglable::getRegisteredPlugins to be more semantic on what is being returned. This will always be a collection of Plugin names.
  • Changed the invocation of Pluggable load handlers to support resolving Promises.
  • Changed the Engine interface to no longer extend Pluggable.
  • An Application is no longer a Plugin of any type as the expected use case for an Application does not work well with the Plugin loading process.
  • Moved the PluginManager implementation into the Cspray\Labrador\Plugin namespace.
  • Changed the BootablePlugin::boot method to return a Promise instead of a callable now that services may be injected as a constructor dependency.
  • Changed the PluginDependentPlugin::dependsOn method to be static so that dependencies can be provided before the Plugin is instantiated.
  • Changed the Plugin loading process such that a Plugin dependency does not need to be registered to complete the loading process. The Plugin dependency need only be able to be instantiated by the Injector.
  • Changed the name of the Engine::ENGINE_BOOTUP_EVENT -> Engine::START_UP_EVENT to be more consistent with its accompanying event.
  • Changed the name of the Engine::APP_CLEANUP_EVENT -> Engine::SHUT_DOWN_EVENT to be more semantic with its counterpart.


  • Removed the PluginDependencyNotProvidedException and replaced its uses with either an InvalidStateException or an InvalidArgumentException.
  • Removed the StandardApplication in favor of a more robust series of Application implementations out of the box.

3.0.0-beta4 2019-05-11

The previous 3.0 Release Candidate has been found lacking key features that should be implemented for a stable release. The codebase will become more stable before a 2nd RC is released.


  • A new method Pluggable::loadPlugins that must be explicitly called to load Plugins. Additionally, this method is expected to be asynchronous to take advantage of async Plugin booting.


  • Refactors the Bootable::boot method to return a callable that can be invoked in context of the event loop, meaning you can yield Promises etc, and has all dependencies resolved with your Injector.
  • Refactors the Pluggable::registerPlugin method to return void and to throw an exception if a Plugin is attempted to be registered after Pluggable::loadPlugins is called.
  • Changed the InvalidEngineStateException to an InvalidStateException to be more generic and used in multiple places.
  • Renamed ServiceAwarePlugin -> InjectorAwarePlugin and renames the method on this interface to wireObjectGraph. This ensures we are not conflating the term "Service" with other possible meanings in your application, is more explicit to consumers about intent, and matches the naming strategy for the DependencyGraph object convention.

3.0.0-rc1 - 2019-02-16


  • Adds a which directs users to the Labrador Governance repository.
  • Improved the documentation around Plugins and Engines.


  • Renames CoreEngine -> AmpEngine to make it clear which event loop implementation is powering the given Engine.
  • Renames Services -> DependencyGraph to be more clear what the intent of the object is as well as to maintain consistency with other Labrador packages.
  • DependencyGraph will no longer share the Injector with itself to steer users away from using the Injector as a Service Locator.
  • Updates the code style to match the Labrador Coding Standard.
  • Changed the Contributing guide to point to the Labrador Governance repository.


  • Removed the bootstrap() function. You should now invoke DependencyGraph::wireObjectGraph() directly instead.
  • Removed the filp/whoops library as a required dependency. If you wish to retain this error handling functionality you will be required to add this dependency directly to composer.json.

v3.0.0-beta3 - 2019-01-19


  • Fixed a bug in the PluginManager handling custom Plugin types that are instances of an interface. Previously only custom Plugins that were direct instances of the custom type would properly be loaded. Now all custom Plugin handlers will properly be invoked, even for Plugins implementing an interface for a register Plugin handler.

v3.0.0-beta2 - 2019-01-13


  • Added a Pluggable::registerPluginHandler method that allows developers to assign their own custom function to be executed when a Plugin of a specific type is initialized. This custom handler executes after the plugin's dependencies, services, and events have been registered but before the Plugin::boot method is called. Not only can you assign additional handlers to Plugins provided by Labrador out of the box but you can assign your own handlers to Plugins that you provided specifically for your Application or project.

v3.0.0-beta - 2018-01-14

This release represents a major BC Break as we incorporate Amphp's Event Loop support and move to an async architecture. It should be assumed that most items below will represent a break in previous versions.


  • Added new Application interface to act as one conventional place to configure an app's services and event listeners. It also acts as the primary form of execution for your app with the Application::execute() method that returns a Promise that resolves when the app is done executing and wishes to close.
  • Added the amphp/amp 2.0 library.


  • The CoreEngine instance now runs inside an Amp Event Loop. All applications running inside a Labrador Engine are expected to be asynchronous in nature.
  • Refactored the Engine::run() method to require an Application as the first and only argument.
  • Changed the Plugin\Pluggable::getPlugins() method to have a return type of iterable as opposed to forcing the return of an array.
  • Changed methods that are not expected to return anything to return void. All method signatures should now include a return type.


  • Removed the league/event library in exchange for cspray/labrador-async-event.
  • Removes all custom event types in exchange for emitting StandardEvents provided by labrador-async-event.
  • Removed the concept of an AppExecute event; processing that should occur at the time of application execution should be handled in your individual Application instances.

v2.0.0 - 2016-03-20


  • Updates Auryn to 1.4.0
  • Updates Whoops to 2.1.0


  • BC BREAK Removes the Plugin::boot method and introduces a new BootablePlugin interface. In practice very few Plugins actually needed to use the boot method. If your Plugin does make use of this method you'll need to make sure that you implement this new interface otherwise your Plugin WILL NOT boot. If you don't make use of this method you can now remove the useless code from your codebase.


  • Fixes deprecated uses of setExpectedException in test suite.

v1.2.1 - 2016-03-13


  • Updates Auryn to 1.2.
  • Updates several dev dependencies.
  • Updates to appropriately reflect move to labrador-kennel organization.

v1.2.0 - 2016-02-14


  • Adds the ability to create a custom event object with the StandardEventFactory through the StandardEventFactory::register(eventName, factoryFn) method. The factoryFn MUST return an instance of League\Event\EventInterface with a name that matches eventName. An exception will be thrown if an invalid value is returned.


  • BC BREAK Renames the Services::createInjector to Services::wireObjectGraph and allows the passing of an Auryn\Injector that services will be added to instead of simply creating a service container.

  • Minor cleanup of composer.json impacting require-dev and suggests

v1.1.0 - 2016-02-13


  • Adds support for classes extending CoreEngine to append arguments passed to listeners for all triggered events.


  • BC BREAK Removes UnsupportedOperationException and EventStub as they were not used in the codebase


  • Fixes a bug where the Engine::ENGINE_BOOTUP_EVENT could possibly be triggered multiple times if CoreEngine::run() is called multiple times.
  • Fixes README to no longer reflect the Telluris library which is no longer used in the codebase

v1.0.0 - 2016-01-13


  • Moves test suite to PSR-4 autoloading
  • Cleans up use statements to use PHP7 syntax
  • Fixes a couple typos


  • BC BREAK Removes SafeHashMap and ImmutableSafeHashMap as they were not used in the codebase

v0.3.1 - 2016-01-08


  • Update dependencies to use Whoops 2.0 over dev-master

v0.3.0 - 2015-12-17


  • BC BREAK Renames EnvironmentInitializeEvent -> EngineBootupEvent
  • Moves autoloading from PSR-0 to PSR-4


  • BC BREAK Removes Telluris dependency

v0.2.0 - 2015-08-17


  • Adds Cspray\Labrador\bootstrap() function that will set error and exception handlers with Whoops and create an Auryn\Injector with Labrador HTTP's required services.


  • Updates Telluris version
  • Uses for README badges


  • BC BREAK Removes following classes:
    • Cspray\Labrador\ErrorToExceptionHandler
    • Cspray\Labrador\UncaughtExceptionHandler

v0.1.1 - 2015-08-16


  • Updates Ardent to use morrisonlevi repo. Installing requies --ignore-platform-reqs due to PHP7 requirements.
  • Removes the travis.phpunit.xml.dist and changes Travis to use phpunit.xml.dist

v0.1.0 - 2015-08-16


  • Initial launch
  • Engine interface and CoreEngine implementation
  • Plugin system including: EventAwarePlugin, ServiceAwarePlugin, PluginDependentPlugin
  • Event system with support for following events:
    • labrador.environment_initialize
    • labrador.app_execute
    • labrador.app_cleanup
    • labrador.exception_thrown
  • Collection implementations that include: SafeHashMap, ImmutableSafeHashMap. A SafeHashMap returns null when a value is not present compared to an exception thrown from other Ardent maps.
  • Dependencies including: Auryn, League/Event, Ardent, Telluris, Whoops