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143 lines (96 loc) · 9.6 KB

File metadata and controls

143 lines (96 loc) · 9.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

0.6.0 - 2021-07-??

This release has significant breaking changes in it. Please ensure you have read over what has changed before upgrading.


  • Added a bin/asyncunit config:generate command that will create a standard async-unit.json file in your project's root directory.
  • Introduce concept of a MockBridge that allows third-party mocking libraries to be integrated into a test suite.
  • Introduce a JsonConfigurationFactory implementation that takes over the previous functionality provided by the ConfigurationFactory.
  • Introduce a ConfigurationValidator implementation that will ensure an instantiated Configuration is valid and tests can properly run.
  • Added an AsyncUnitApplication::VERSION constant for the current version of the application.
  • Introduced the concept of a test error distinctly separate from a test failure. If an unexpected exception is thrown by the test this will be properly marked as an error and not a failure.
  • Added appropriate test error counts to all relevant Statistics models.
  • Added a new TestErroredEvent that will be triggered when a test errors.
  • Added a TestState::Errored enum value.


  • Renamed TestFrameworkApplication -> AsyncUnitApplication
  • Renamed TestFameworkApplicationObjectGraph -> AsyncUnitApplicationObjectGraph
  • Rename DefaultResultPrinter -> TerminalResultPrinter
  • Refactored the ConfigurationFactory into an interface with a single method to make Configuration instances.
  • Moved the AsyncUnitFrameworkRunner out of the CLI tool and into the framework itself. This allows for easier testing and more control over how the framework is processed. This implementation is meant to act as a facade that only requires its dependencies and can run the desired tests while returning a simple boolean value for whether there were test failures.
  • The AsyncUnitApplication now requires a ConfigurationFactory and ConfigurationValidator as constructor dependencies. Additionally, instead of passing the test directories to scan a configuration file is passed and the directories are read from that configuration.
  • Ensure that ResultPrinterPlugin custom loading happens within the object graph and isn't something necessary to add later as additional boilerplate.
  • Updated the TerminalResultPrinter to account for test errors and to output appropriate progress indicators.


  • Removed the RunTestsFromConfgurationCommand in the CLI app.

0.5.0 - 2021-05-26


  • Introduced the amphp/file library to handle async I/O on the filesystem.
  • Introduced a StaticAnalysisParser that uses PHP-Parser and makes significant improvements over the previous parser implementation.
  • Added the labrador-kennel/styled-byte-stream project to support formatted terminal output.
  • Adds the ability to expect that no assertions are expected to take place. If a test expects no assertions and an assertion is made it results in a failure. This method accounts for both Assertion and AsyncAssertion types.
  • Adds a Context\TestExpector that represents the expectations, for example whether an exception is thrown or the amount of assertions to expect, that a test can make.
  • Adds a #[Timeout] Attribute that can be annotated on tests, TestCase, or TestSuite to cause a TestFailure if the test takes longer than the provided number of milliseconds.
  • Introduces a comprehensive statistics API that's accessible through the event system to gather information about the system both pre and post test processing.


  • Breaking Change! Refactored the Parser implementation into an interface to support different types of parsers in the future.
  • Breaking Change! Updates the Parser::parse return type to be a Promise and use async I/O.
  • Breaking Change! The TestFrameworkApplication now expects to get a Parser implementation and the directories to parse as a constructor dependency. The TestFrameworkApplication is now responsible for initiating parsing.
  • Breaking Change! Removes the TestCase::expectException* methods. A TestCase::expect() now returns a TestExpector

0.4.2 - 2021-05-09


  • Updates the exception thrown during compilation if a class annotated with an AsyncUnit Attribute cannot be loaded to better inform the user what has happened.


  • Fixes a bug where the inappropriate directory was used when executing the AsyncUnit executable from vendor/bin

0.4.1 - 2021-05-09


  • Updates Labrador Core to 3.2.0

0.4.0 - 2021-05-09


  • Added a #[Disabled] Attribute that allows for annotating a test, TestCase, or TestSuite to not run. #63
  • Adds the total time and memory usage to default test output. #64
  • Ensures that any test that has output is marked as a failure. #67
  • Randomize all tests so none of them process in any specific order. Depending on the order of the tests is a code smell in your application or testing suite. #68
  • Adds assert()->instanceOf, assert()->isEmpty, and assert()->countEquals along with their asynchronous counterparts. #69
  • Adds the ability to expect that an exception is thrown from your test. #70
  • Adds a TestResult::getState method that returns an enum whether test passed, failed, or was disabled.


  • Breaking Change! Renamed TestInvokedEvent -> TestProcessedEvent to better signify that the test might not have actually been invoked if it was disabled.
  • Breaking Change! Removes the TestOutput interface in favor of using the Amp\ByteStream\OutputStream interface.
  • Breaking Change! Renamed DefaultTestSuite -> ImplicitTestSuite to not conflict with the attribute of the same name.
  • Breaking Change! Renamed #[TestSuite] -> #[AttachToTestSuite] to not conflict with the interface of the same name.
  • Breaking Change! Refactored the HookModel type to be an enum instead of a string.


  • Breaking Change! Removed the TestResult::isSuccessful method. With the addition of a disabled boolean the state of the test became too complex to manage with booleans.

0.3.0 - 2021-05-05


  • Adds initial implementation of an explicit TestSuite. #50
  • Invoke all existing hooks for an explicit TestSuite. Adds #[BeforeEachTest] and #[AfterEachTest] hooks for the TestSuite to have access to invoking hooks around each test. #54
  • Allow for a TestSuite and TestCases associated to it to read and write arbitrary state. #57
  • Adds a TestOutput and ResultPrinterPlugin implementations to facilitate creating result output that's not tied to Symfony Console. #58
  • Improved, reusable implementations of a new interface AssertionMessage that represents the results of an Assertion. #58
  • Emit more complete events representing the complete lifecycle of the testing process. #59


  • Breaking Change! Renamed the CLI namespace to Cspray\Labrador\AsyncUnitCli to more clearly separate it from the framework itself.
  • Breaking Change! Renames Event classes to no longer suffix Event at the end of the class name.
  • Breaking Change! Refactor AssertionResult to return implementations of new interface AssertionMessage that represents the summary and details of the Assertion.

0.2.0 - 2021-04-30


  • Support running tests that are extended from parent test cases. #31
  • Support running assert()->not() and asyncAssert()->not() to run the opposite assertion. Works for built-in and custom assertions. #32
  • Support making your own custom Assertion and running it with assert()->customAssertion() and asyncAssert()->customAssertion(). #33
  • Support for running the same #[Test] multiple times by using a #[DataProvider]. #34


  • Breaking Change! Changed the Assertion::assert and AsyncAssertion::assert methods to no longer take any parameters. This change is required to better support custom Assertions. When interacting with a custom Assertion we don't know what's expected, actual, or a custom error message. Assertions are now expected to pass everything they need to perform their task into the constructor, including the actual value being asserted.


  • Fixes a problem where hooks were erroneously being invoked though the hook does not belong to the TestCase.

0.1.0 - 2021-04-18


  • Parser to analyze PHP code for configured tests and hooks.
  • TestSuiteRunner to execute the parsed tests and hooks
  • A TestCase and Assertions API for writing tests
  • A CLI tool to execute tests in 1 or more directories
  • A Result printer that details what Tests failed and why