Some features that might be useful to include in the future in no particular order:
- Ensure non-image files can also be downloaded to attachments
- Filter to specify specific accounts / notebooks
- If use short form of parameters should be able to specify parameter without true implicitly
- Option to NOT overwrite files / warn if going to do so
- Clear down directory before download (optionally) - or maybe do backups
- Allow for mailbox and then notebook directory structure
- Filter to only include files that have been changed after a specific date (e.g. date last run)
- Put the .htm files into a different directory to the .html files
- Include a json file in each notebook that gives note metadata such as created date, original note name etc
- Use metadata in json file to update documents or work out if a document needs to be updated to allow for quicker processing - possibly even to determine deletes
- Option to put images at the same level as documents instead of a subdirectory
- Option to group images at the account level
- Option to group images at the notebook level
- Optionally include timestamp in filenames in case of two notes with the same name
- Optionally put proper HTML page tags around the pages so they are properly formatted (e.g. with the title as the original note title)
- Optionally share the files so they are not being duplicated
- Let the different format files be output in different directories to the default - params + env vars
- Optionally delete notes after they have been downloaded (e.g. for migration purposes)
- Possible to change files and sync them back?? json metadata could include the filestamp when it was written) - e.g. convert from markdown to html with embedded data and update / create note
- Consider exports from other note taking applications - e.g. Evernote