This application is sampling analog input A0 of ESP8266. It also helps to check influence of A0 sampling on Wi-Fi connection. According to issue report #1634 continuous sampling of analog input causes Wi-Fi to disconnect.
- Sampling of A0 at maximum speed
- Adjustable number of samples
- Adjustable sampling pause
- Presentation of sampling rates and Wi-Fi connection time
Update SSID and password in EspScopeA0-Alfa.ino sketch so the module can join your Wi-Fi network.
Upload updated sketch to ESP module and open a serial monitor.
After reset or power up the module will display the following message:
EspScopeA0-Alfa 0.1.1
Type h for help
Not connected ........ now connected
1000 : 10556 1/s : 3ms : 1 : 5s : 10400 1/s
1000 : 10553 1/s : 3ms : 1 : 10s : 10400 1/s
1000 : 10553 1/s : 3ms : 1 : 15s : 10400 1/s
After pressing h
you should see available program options displayed.
h : show this help
r/e : reduce/enlarge number of samples by 10
d/i : decrease/increase sampling pause by 1ms
samples : per s : pause ms : reconnects : connected s : avg per s
1000 : 10551 1/s : 3ms : 1 : 60s : 10400 1/s
The last line of help contains headers to sampling statistics:
- number of samples collected in one runper s
- sampling rate (samples / second)pause ms
- pause in milliseconds between sampling runsreconnects
- number of Wi-Fi reconnectsconnected s
- time in seconds since last reconnectavg per s
- average sampling rate (samples / second) including pauses and time to reconnect
Sampling is done continuously without any delays in a loop to collect set number of samples
. After completion application will wait set number of milliseconds pause ms
and then start sampling again.
Using the keyboard you can change the number of samples or duration of pause between sampling. With r
you can reduce and with e
enlarge the number of samples. Keys d
and i
are used to decrease or increase the sampling pause.
For large number of samples and short delays between sampling runs, Wi-Fi will randomly disconnect. This is likely due to interference with RF calibration routines done in background by ESP using the same ADC.
Disconnects will be reported on serial monitor by showing dots ...
while module is reconnecting and by incrementing the counter marked as reconnects
1000 : 10554 1/s : 3ms : 3 : 343s : 10309 1/s
1000 : 10557 1/s : 3ms : 3 : 348s : 10310 1/s
1000 : 10551 1/s : 3ms : 3 : 353s : 10311 1/s
Not connected ............. now connected
1000 : 10553 1/s : 3ms : 4 : 5s : 10400 1/s
1000 : 10552 1/s : 3ms : 4 : 10s : 10400 1/s
Not connected ........ now connected
1000 : 10558 1/s : 3ms : 5 : 5s : 10400 1/s
1000 : 10553 1/s : 3ms : 5 : 10s : 10400 1/s
Sampling rate measured in above test is slightly above 10 kHz and causing Wi-Fi to disconnect. As for comparison the following rates are quoted in Espressif ESP8266 FAQs of 2016.08 on page 18/32:
- 100k samples/sec (Wi-Fi modem turned off)
- 1k samples/sec (Wi-Fi modem normally active)
Do couple of tests changing the number of samples and pause. Gauge at what values module starts disconnecting from Wi-Fi network. This will give you an idea how many samples you will be able to collect, and how often without breaking the Wi-Fi connection. After all you need the Wi-Fi operational to send the samples out for on-line visualization in a web browser.
If you do not like experiments / testing and prefer to be on the safe side, just follow 1k samples/sec figure specified by Espressif FAQ.
Application starts off in setup()
by initializing serial interface and by configuring Wi-Fi connection. Module is configured in station mode.
void setup(void)
Serial.println("\nEspScopeA0-Alfa 0.1.1");
Serial.println("Type h for help");
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Then in the loop()
the following non-blocking functions are executed:
void loop(void)
Below is description of functions in order they are executed.
Monitor Wi-Fi connection if it is alive - if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
. If it is not alive, then wait until it reconnects - while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
void isWiFiAlive(void)
if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("Not connected ");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println(" now connected");
totalSamples = 0;
millisReconnected = millis();
showStatisticsTimer = millisReconnected;
Function is checking serial input if (Serial.available() > 0)
and reading characters entered char inChar =
on keyboard. In response to specific character entered function will change number of samples, sampling pause and display help.
void checkUserInput(void)
if (Serial.available() > 0)
char inChar =;
switch (inChar)
case 'e':
numberOfSamples += 5;
if(numberOfSamples > NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
numberOfSamples = NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES;
Serial.printf("Number of samples enlarged to %d\n", numberOfSamples);
case 'r':
numberOfSamples -= 5;
Serial.printf("Case? (%c)\n", inChar);
This is the key function of this sketch, responsible for sampling of the analog input. New sampling starts only after the samplingPause
expires. This is checked by condition if (millis() < millisLastSample + samplingPause)
. Once started, function will collect numberOfSamples
and save them in the table samples[]
. Variable samplingTime
is used to calculate the sampling rate (number of samples per second).
void analogSample(void)
if (millis() < millisLastSample + samplingPause)
samplingTime = micros();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
samples[i] = analogRead(A0);
samplingTime = micros() - samplingTime;
millisLastSample = millis();
The last function to run in the loop()
is called showStatistics()
and responsible for printing out sampling statistic with interval of 5 seconds.
EspScopeA0-Alfa has been successfully tested with the following h/w and s/w.
- NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) @ 80MHz, 1MB SPIFFS
- Esp8266 / Arduino core 2.3.0 for Arduino IDE and Visual Micro
- framework-arduinoespressif version 13 for PlatformIO
- Arduino IDE 1.6.9 portable version running on Windows 7 x64
- PlatformIO IDE 1.4.0 CLI 2.11.2 running on Windows 7 x64
- Visual Micro 1606.17.10 with Visual Studio Community 2015 running on Windows 7 x64