- Data types: int(), float(), str(), list()
- Builtins: print(), input(), range(), len()
- keywords: if, for
- operators: +-*/ =>< and or
- install Anaconda
- start Spyder
- create a
file - use keyboard shortcuts
- know where the official Python documentation is
- read data from the keyboard
- store a string in a variable
- print the contents of a variable
- comment your code
- use the arithmetical operators (
+ - * / ** // %
) - distinguish integer and float numbers
- convert integers, floats and strings
- use functions from the
module - look up functions from the
module - calculate absolute and rounded values
- store data in a list
- create data with
- examine the length of a list
- sort and slice lists
- draw a bar plot
- iterate over lists and ranges using a for loop
- indent a code block
- distinguish iterables and loop variables
- count the current iteration using a variable
- collect results of a calculation in a list
- write
statements - count items in a list by a condition
- filter a list by a condition
- combine comparison operators with boolean logic
- modify every second entry of a list
- enumerate operators you can use in comparisons
- code, run, debug and repeat
- recognize and fix SyntaxErrors
- recognize and fix IndentationErrors
- recognize and fix runtime Exceptions
- execute code partially and inspect the result
- look up the documentation of functions