This project uses the MERN stack to create a web application that converts a given prompt into an image using OpenAI API. The resulting image can then be downloaded by the user. Tailwind CSS is used for styling and Cloudinary is used for image storage and management.
To view the website, simply visit
- Node.js - a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- Express.js - a web application framework for Node.js
- MongoDB - a NoSQL document database used to store data
- React.js - a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces
- Tailwind CSS - a utility-first CSS framework
- OpenAI API - a deep learning model used for image generation
- Cloudinary - a cloud-based image and video management platform
- Enter a prompt to generate an image using OpenAI.
- Download the generated image.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.