This is a simulation of a slime mold written in C++ implemented as an OpenGL compute shader.
The simulation has a few basic controls that can be manipulated at runtime:
- Blur: Enables or disables blurring.
- Diffuse Speed: How fast the agent's trails will diffuse.
- Evaporate Speed: How fast the agent's trails will evaporate.
- Color Mod: This a modification to the resulting color after the applying the effects. This color is subtracted
from the diffused and evaporated value.
Ex: A color mod of (R:0.0, G:0.0, B:1.0) will remove all blue from the resulting blur.
- Speed: How fast the agents are able to move.
- Turn Speed: How fast the agents are able to turn towards another. This is only applied to the agents angle and does not affect their overall speed.
- Sensor Offset Distance: How far away each agent will look for other agents.
- Sensor Angle Offset: An offset to the agent's current angle, determines the angle that agents can sense each other at.
- Sensor Size: The distance in which an agent can sense another in every direction.
- Color: The color of the agent, also determines whether the slime can sense another species.
I would like to add brushes that allow the user to create new agents using the mouse. When the mouse is clicked and the simulation is running I would like to push the agents away from the mouse.