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79 lines (68 loc) · 6.44 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (68 loc) · 6.44 KB


Then: build Flask server - prediction is currently hardcoded to read from and write to conllu files - need to load model in an init method and use it for subsequent requests

  • Remove 26.1, etc. from Conllu data. We can't predict these right now.
  • train --early-stop to turn off use of patience parameter

Update readme with new build info: poetry, poe commands, pytest, verification, pre-commit, etc.

  • there is no multi-ling training setup (where we load the LLM once and then switch between adapters/taggers to train on multiple languages without reloading the LLM layer). This would require some refactoring, and isn't a super important use-case yet.
    • need to save current weights to self._checkpoints[self._active_model] before switching
    • training epochs take long enough that I don't think it's a huge deal to just re-load the LLM layer for each language
    • would require some management of the rng state. Need to save/restore between creating each adapter layer, and also restore a pre-activation state at the beginning of each activate() call.
  • Try XLM-RoBERTa-XL, which is 2 years newer than xlm-roberta
  • train_adapter is always called; only needed during training. Doesn't actually hurt anything for us, since in our prediction code we use with torch.no_grad():
  • Try CANINE embeddings, which would probably remove many OOV's
  • Support CUR_DIR variable for the directory containing the config file
  • Progress bar for batches in training epochs
  • Fix out-of-filehandles error
  • Epoch timing data should be saved in history file
  • What is adapter_config_type? Can I remove it?
  • Add example using UD data
  • Clarify that conf file for prediction should be the one generated in the model directory, not the one that was used during training
  • How to resume training on one paused with CMD-C?
  • Clarify how to train with partially annotated data
    • only marked morphology, only marked lemmas, etc.
  • Add a flag to output the predictions in conllu format
  • Research: UDPipe 2.0-based lemmatization has a bias towards assuming that suffixation is the most common morphological process in a language. Some languages use circumfixation and I'm certain some use prefixation. Maybe we can experiment here?
  • assert best_tree is not None -> do something better than throwing an error here
  • Why do we have an adapter on the LLM layer but then also do a down-projection in PosAndDeprelParserHead? Doesn't the adapter already do a down-projection?
  • Port functionality from Trankit/UDPipe:
    • paragraph segmentation
    • sentence segmentation
    • tokenization
      • The input tokens must be in Roberta's token dictionary, otherwise we hit Exception: The token 22 of sentence train-s1679 is not present in the tokenizer vocabulary, resulting in a 0-length token_ids vector. Adding our own tokenization would fix this.
        • Shouldn't we also support OOV tokens?
    • multi-word token expansion
  • Add multi-word expression detection (need a data set for this)
    • or other stuff in the UD/SUD spoken corpora annotation guidelines paper from Kahane et al.
      • Could probably do data augmentations to generate disfluencies, corrections, re-wordings, un-finished sentences, co-constructions, etc. with correct tags
  • Lemmatizer: try Unicode denormalization of the input, normalization of the output (when can't be normalized, use a different script) to make data less sparse
    • could also try romanize/de-romanize, for e.g. syllabaries
  • Lemmatizer: try a seq2seq model
  • grok all evaluation metrics output
  • Try using the Chu-Liu/Edmond's available from PyPi: (just curious if it would be plug-n-play for us; not sure if we have a bottleneck there but it is C++ so it might be faster)

Done/Not Doing

  • Add calls to torch.compile and see if it speeds up
    • Not supported in python 3.11+ yet
  • Try to_bettertransformer on the llm model
    • nah, once you do self.llm_layer = self.llm_layer.to_bettertransformer(), you can't add adapters anymore (AttributeError: 'XLMRobertaModel' object has no attribute 'add_adapter')
  • explain this warning:
Some weights of the model checkpoint at xlm-roberta-large were not used when initializing XLMRobertaModel: ['lm_head.dense.bias', 'lm_head.layer_norm.weight', 'lm_head.dense.weight', 'lm_head.layer_norm.bias', 'lm_head.decoder.weight', 'lm_head.bias']
- This IS expected if you are initializing XLMRobertaModel from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing XLMRobertaModel from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).

This is expected for our case, since we are using the model on a different task. The original model has weights for performing a specific task, and we only use the parts of the model that are considered task-agnostic.

  • Research: Trying different adapter methods could also be interesting.

    • reduction_factor set to 2
      • not worth it
    • gating where different head gate values are not tied together
      • only matters for UniPelt or other combined adapters, which are not worth it
    • PfeifferInvConfig() instead of Pfeiffer
      • this is used for isolating task from language knowledge for zero-shot transfer learning, so it's not relevant for us
  • Research: Try using LayerNorm instead of dropout in BiAffine layer

  • Research: Try using GeLU instead of ReLU in BiAffine layer

  • Generate architecture diagram

    • generation done with torchviz, but it's hard to understand; has every single computation. Would rather have something more summarized for understanding, which really means doing it by hand.
  • Document how to treat training data during fine-tune. Do I just train on the new data, or do I train on the new data + the old data?

    • This will be something to tune; training on just specific data gives its features more weight. Will have to test it.