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@surajssd surajssd released this 07 Sep 15:35
· 1070 commits to master since this release

We're happy to announce the release of Lokomotive v0.4.0 (Darjeeling Himalayan).

This release packs new features, bug fixes, code optimizations, better user interface, latest versions of components, security hardening and much more.

Changes in v0.4.0

Kubernetes Updates

Platform updates

  • Update Kubernetes version to 1.17.9 (#849).
  • AWS: Add support for custom taints and labels (#832).

New Components

  • Add component experimental-istio-operator (#686).
  • Add component experimental-linkerd (#690).

Component updates

  • Update etcd to v3.4.13 (#838).
  • Update Calico to v3.15.2 (#841).
  • Update Grafana to 7.1.4 and chart version 5.5.5 (#842).
  • Update Velero chart to 1.4.2 (#830).
  • Update ExternalDNS chart to 3.3.0 (#845).
  • Update Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) CSI driver to v0.6.0 (#856).
  • Update Cluster Autoscaler to v2 version 1.0.2 (#859).
  • Update cert-manager to v0.16.1 (#847).
  • Update OpenEBS to v1.12.0 (#781).
  • Update MetalLB to v0.1.0-789-g85b7a46a (#885).
  • Update Rook to v1.4.2 (#879).
  • Use new bootkube image at version v0.14.0-helm-7047a87 (#775), later updated to v0.14.0-helm-ec64535 as a part of (#704).
  • Update Prometheus operator to 0.41.0 and chart version 9.3.0 (#757).
  • Update Contour to v1.7.0 (#771).

Terraform Providers Updates

  • Update all Terraform providers to latest versions (#835).


  • Add autocomplete for bash and zsh in lokoctl (#880).

    Run the following command to start using auto-completion for lokoctl:

    source <(lokoctl completion bash)
  • Add kubeconfig fallback to Terraform state (#701).


  • Add label <namespace_name> to all namespaces (#646).
  • Add admission webhook to lokomotive, which disables automounting default service account token (#704).
  • [Breaking Change] Kubelet joins cluster using TLS Bootstrapping now, add flag enable_tls_bootstrap = false to disable. (#618).
  • Add csi_plugin_node_selector and csi_plugin_toleration for rook-ceph's CSI plugin (#892).


  • Setting up third party OAuth for Grafana (#542).
  • Upgrading bootstrap kubelet (#592).
  • Upgrading etcd (#802).
  • How to add custom monitoring resources? (#554).
  • Kubernetes storage with Rook Ceph on Packet cloud (#494).

Bug fixes

  • aws: Add check for multiple worker pools with same LB ports (#889).
  • packet: ignore changes to plan and user_data on controller nodes (#907).
  • Introduce platform.PostApplyHook interface and implement it for AKS cluster (#886).
  • aws-ebs-csi-driver: add NetworkPolicy allowing access to metadata (#865).
  • pkg/components/cluster-autoscaler: fix checking device uniqueness (#768).


  • Replace use of with fmt (#831, #877).
  • Refactor assets handling (#807).
  • cli/cmd: improve --kubeconfig-file flag help message formatting (#818).
  • Use host's /etc/hosts entries for bootkube (#409).
  • Refactor Terraform executor (#794).
  • Pass kubeconfig content around rather than a file path (#631).

Upgrading from v0.3.0

Lokoctl Host binary upgrades

  • Update the ct Terraform provider to v0.6.1, find the install instructions here.

Disable TLS Bootstrap

In this release we introduced TLS bootstrapping and we enable it by default. To avoid cluster recreation, disable it by adding the following attribute to the cluster ... block:

cluster "packet" {
  enable_tls_bootstrap = false

Cluster upgrade steps

Go to your cluster's directory and run the following command:

lokoctl cluster apply --skip-components -v

The update process typically takes about 10 minutes.
After the update, running lokoctl health should result in an output similar to the following.

Node                     Ready    Reason          Message

lokomotive-controller-0  True     KubeletReady    kubelet is posting ready status
lokomotive-1-worker-0    True     KubeletReady    kubelet is posting ready status
lokomotive-1-worker-1    True     KubeletReady    kubelet is posting ready status
lokomotive-1-worker-2    True     KubeletReady    kubelet is posting ready status
Name      Status    Message              Error

etcd-0    True      {"health":"true"}

Cluster nodes component upgrade (optional)

  • Manually upgrade etcd following the steps mentioned in the doc here.
  • Manually upgrade the kubelet running on the nodes, by following the steps mentioned in the doc here.

Manual Cluster Changes

The latest version of Metallb changes the labels of the ingress nodes. Label all the nodes that have asn set with the new labels:

kubectl label $(kubectl get nodes -o name -l \

Find a peer address of a node and assign it new label:

for node in $(kubectl get nodes -o name -l; do
  peer_ip=$(kubectl get $node -o jsonpath='{.metadata.labels.metallb\.universe\.tf/peer-address}')
  kubectl label $node$peer_ip

Now it is safe to update:

lokoctl component apply metallb

Ceph Upgrade steps

These steps are curated from the upgrade doc provided by rook:

  • Keep note of the CSI images:

    kubectl --namespace rook get pod -o \
      jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}' \
      -l 'app in (csi-rbdplugin,csi-rbdplugin-provisioner,csi-cephfsplugin,csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner)' | \
      sort | uniq
  • Ensure autoscale is on

    Ensure that the output of the command ceph osd pool autoscale-status | grep replicapool says on (in the last column) and not warn in the toolbox pod. If it says warn. Then run the command ceph osd pool set replicapool pg_autoscale_mode on to set it to on. This is to ensure we are not facing: rook/rook#5608.

    Read more about the toolbox pod here:

    NOTE: If you see this error [errno 5] RADOS I/O error (error connecting to the cluster) in
    toolbox pod then tag the toolbox pod image to a specific version using this command: kubectl -n rook set image deploy rook-ceph-tools rook-ceph-tools=rook/ceph:v1.3.2.

  • Ceph Status

    Run the following in the toolbox pod:

    watch ceph status

    Ensure that the output says that health is HEALTH_OK. Match the output such that everything looks fine as explained here:

  • Pods in rook namespace:

    Watch the pods status in another from the rook namespace in another terminal window. Just running this will be enough:

    watch kubectl -n rook get pods -o wide
  • Watch for the rook version update

    Run the following command to keep an eye on the rook version update as it is rolls down for all the components:

    watch --exec kubectl -n rook get deployments -l rook_cluster=rook -o jsonpath='  {range .items[*]}{}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.  status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \trook-version="}{.metadata.  labels.rook-version}{"\n"}{end}'

    You should see that rook-version slowly changes to v1.4.2.

  • Watch for the Ceph version update

    Run the following command to keep an eye on the Ceph version update as the new pods come up:

    watch --exec kubectl -n rook get deployments -l rook_cluster=rook -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"  \treq/upd/avl: "}{.spec.replicas}{"/"}{.status.updatedReplicas}{"/"}{.status.readyReplicas}{"  \tceph-version="}{.metadata.labels.ceph-version}{"\n"}{end}'

    You should see that ceph-version slowly changes to 15.

  • Keep an eye on the events in the rook namespace

    kubectl -n rook get events -w
  • Ceph Dashboard

    Keep it open in one window, but sometimes it is more hassle than any help. It keeps reloading and logs you out automatically. See this on how to access the dashboard:

  • Grafana dashboards

    Keep an eye on the Grafana dashboard, but the data here will always be old, and the most reliable state of the system will come from the watch running inside toolbox pod.

  • Run updates

    kubectl apply -f
    lokoctl component apply rook rook-ceph
  • Verify that the csi images are updated:

    kubectl --namespace rook get pod -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{"\n"}' -l 'app in (csi-rbdplugin,csi-rbdplugin-provisioner,csi-cephfsplugin,csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner)' | sort | uniq
  • Final checks:

    Once everything is up to date then run following commands in the toolbox pod:

    ceph status
    ceph osd status
    ceph df
    rados df


OpenEBS control plane components and data plane components work independently.
Even after the OpenEBS Control Plane components have been upgraded to 1.12.0,
the Storage Pools and Volumes (both jiva and cStor) will continue to work with
older versions.

Upgrade functionality is still under active development. It is highly recommended to schedule a
downtime for the application using the OpenEBS PV while performing this upgrade. Also, make sure
you have taken a backup of the data before starting the below upgrade procedure. - Openebs

Upgrade the component by running the following steps:

lokoctl component apply openebs-operator openebs-storage-class
Upgrade cStor Pools
  • Extract the SPC name using the following command and replace it in the subsequent YAML file:
$ kubectl get spc
NAME                          AGE
cstor-pool-openebs-replica1   24h

The Job spec for upgrade cstor pools is:

# This is an example YAML for upgrading cstor SPC.
# Some of the values below need to be changed to
# match your openebs installation. The fields are
# indicated with VERIFY
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  # VERIFY that you have provided a unique name for this upgrade job.
  # The name can be any valid K8s string for name. This example uses
  # the following convention: cstor-spc-<flattened-from-to-versions>
  name: cstor-spc-11101120

  # VERIFY the value of namespace is same as the namespace where openebs components
  # are installed. You can verify using the command:
  # `kubectl get pods -n <openebs-namespace> -l`
  # The above command should return status of the openebs-apiserver.
  namespace: openebs
  backoffLimit: 4
      # VERIFY the value of serviceAccountName is pointing to service account
      # created within openebs namespace. Use the non-default account.
      # by running `kubectl get sa -n <openebs-namespace>`
      serviceAccountName: openebs-operator
      - name:  upgrade
        - "cstor-spc"

        # --from-version is the current version of the pool
        - "--from-version=1.11.0"

        # --to-version is the version desired upgrade version
        - "--to-version=1.12.0"

        # Bulk upgrade is supported from 1.9
        # To make use of it, please provide the list of SPCs
        # as mentioned below
        - "cstor-pool-openebs-replica1"
        # For upgrades older than 1.9.0, use
        # '--spc-name=<spc_name> format as
        # below commented line
        # - "--spc-name=cstor-sparse-pool"

        #Following are optional parameters
        #Log Level
        - "--v=4"
        - name: OPENEBS_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        tty: true

        # the image version should be same as the --to-version mentioned above
        # in the args of the Job
        imagePullPolicy: Always
      restartPolicy: OnFailure

Apply the Job manifest using kubectl. Check the logs of the pod started by the Job:

$ kubectl get logs -n openebs cstor-spc-1001120-dc7kx
I0903 12:25:00.397066       1 spc_upgrade.go:102] Upgrade Successful for spc cstor-pool-openebs-replica1
I0903 12:25:00.397091       1 cstor_spc.go:120] Successfully upgraded storagePoolClaim{cstor-pool-openebs-replica1} from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0
Upgrade cStor volumes

Extract the cstor volume names using the following command and replace it in the subsequent YAML file:

$ kubectl get cstorvolumes -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                                       STATUS    AGE   CAPACITY
openebs     pvc-3415af20-db82-42cf-99e0-5d0f2809c657   Healthy   72m   50Gi
openebs     pvc-c3d0b587-5da9-457b-9d0e-23331ade7f3d   Healthy   77m   50Gi
openebs     pvc-e115f3f9-1666-4680-a932-d05bfd049087   Healthy   77m   100Gi

Create a Kubernetes Job spec for upgrading the cstor volume. An example spec is
as follows:

# This is an example YAML for upgrading cstor volume.
# Some of the values below need to be changed to
# match your openebs installation. The fields are
# indicated with VERIFY
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  # VERIFY that you have provided a unique name for this upgrade job.
  # The name can be any valid K8s string for name. This example uses
  # the following convention: cstor-vol-<flattened-from-to-versions>
  name: cstor-vol-11101120

  # VERIFY the value of namespace is same as the namespace where openebs components
  # are installed. You can verify using the command:
  # `kubectl get pods -n <openebs-namespace> -l`
  # The above command should return the status of the openebs-apiserver.
  namespace: openebs

  backoffLimit: 4
      # VERIFY the value of serviceAccountName is pointing to service account
      # created within openebs namespace. Use the non-default account.
      # by running `kubectl get sa -n <openebs-namespace>`
      serviceAccountName: openebs-operator
      - name:  upgrade
        - "cstor-volume"

        # --from-version is the current version of the volume
        - "--from-version=1.11.0"

        # --to-version is the version desired upgrade version
        - "--to-version=1.12.0"

        # Bulk upgrade is supported from 1.9
        # To make use of it, please provide the list of cstor volumes
        # as mentioned below
        - "pvc-3415af20-db82-42cf-99e0-5d0f2809c657"
        - "pvc-c3d0b587-5da9-457b-9d0e-23331ade7f3d"
        - "pvc-e115f3f9-1666-4680-a932-d05bfd049087"
        # For upgrades older than 1.9.0, use
        # '--pv-name=<pv_name> format as
        # below commented line
        # - "--pv-name=pvc-c630f6d5-afd2-11e9-8e79-42010a800065"

        #Following are optional parameters
        #Log Level
        - "--v=4"
        - name: OPENEBS_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        tty: true

        # the image version should be same as the --to-version mentioned above
        # in the args of the job
        imagePullPolicy: Always
      restartPolicy: OnFailure

Apply the Job manifest using kubectl. Check the logs of the pod started by the Job:

$ kubectl get logs -n openebs cstor-vol-1001120-8b2h9
I0903 12:41:41.984635       1 cstor_volume_upgrade.go:609] Upgrade Successful for cstor volume pvc-e115f3f9-1666-4680-a932-d05bfd049087
I0903 12:41:41.994013       1 cstor_volume.go:119] Successfully upgraded cstorVolume{pvc-e115f3f9-1666-4680-a932-d05bfd049087} from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0

Verify that all the volumes are updated to the latest version by running the following command:

$ kubectl get cstorvolume -A -o jsonpath='{.items[*].versionDetails.status.current}'
1.12.0 1.12.0 1.12.0

Upgrade other components

Other components are safe to upgrade by running the following command:

lokoctl component apply <component name>