In order to customize Kaui (white-label, add deep links, etc.):
- Create a standard Rails mountable Engine. You can use the deposit-ui engine as a template.
- Configure Kaui to use your engine by setting the environment variable
(which must point to the engine name torequire
). You can also override the root route usingKAUI_ROOT
). - You can drop the engine and its dependencies in the war directly. Alternatively, you can do so via a
file if you are using bundler in your build (e.g. if you are building custom Docker image). - In your engine (
), mount your engine to the main Kaui app :
module Acme
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace Acme
config.assets.precompile += %w( acme/acme.css )
config.acme_engine =
initializer('acme_engine.configuration') do |app|
app.routes.append { mount Acme::Engine => '/acme', :as => 'acme_engine' }
Acme.current_tenant_user = lambda do |session, user|
Kaui.current_tenant_user_options(user, session)
initializer('local_helper.action_controller') do
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
helper Acme::ApplicationHelper
- In your engine, create an initializer
with your customizations:
class ActionController::Base
before_action :do_something
def do_something
module Kaui
# Custom site layout (useful for whitelabeling: you can copy the ones from Kaui and update them to your needs)
self.layout = 'acme/layouts/acme_application'
self.home_path = lambda { '/acme' }
# Custom partial to render bundle details
self.bundle_details_partial = 'acme/bundles/bundle_details'
# Account identifier in the nav bar
self.pretty_account_identifier = lambda { |account| }
# Display pretty plan name & subscription id associated with the invoice item on the refund screen
self.refund_invoice_description = lambda {(index, ii, bundle_result) { ii.pretty_plan_name+' SUBSCRIPTION ID: '+ii.subscription_id }}
# Columns to display in the account search page
self.account_search_columns = lambda do |account=nil, view_context=nil|
['External key', 'Balance'],
account.nil? || view_context.nil? ? nil : view_context.humanized_money_with_symbol(account.balance_to_money)
# Columns to display in the invoices listing page
self.invoice_search_columns = lambda do |invoice = nil, view_context = nil, _cached_options_for_klient = nil|
default_label = 'label-info'
default_label = 'label-default' if invoice&.status == 'DRAFT'
default_label = 'label-success' if invoice&.status == 'COMMITTED'
default_label = 'label-danger' if invoice&.status == 'VOID'
%w[Date Status],
invoice.nil? || view_context.nil? ? nil : view_context.content_tag(:span, invoice.status, class: ['label', default_label])
# Columns to display in the account invoices listing page
self.account_invoices_columns = lambda do |invoice=nil, view_context=nil|
default_label = 'label-info'
default_label = 'label-default' if invoice&.status == 'DRAFT'
default_label = 'label-success' if invoice&.status == 'COMMITTED'
default_label = 'label-danger' if invoice&.status == 'VOID'
['Date', 'Amount', 'Balance', 'Status'],
invoice.nil? || view_context.nil? ? nil : view_context.humanized_money_with_symbol(invoice.amount_to_money),
invoice.nil? || view_context.nil? ? nil : view_context.humanized_money_with_symbol(invoice.balance_to_money),
invoice.nil? || view_context.nil? ? nil : view_context.content_tag(:span, invoice.status, class: ['label', default_label])
# Link to the customer invoice (HTML, PDF, etc.)
self.customer_invoice_link = lambda { |invoice, ctx| ctx.link_to 'View customer invoice html', ctx.kaui_engine.show_html_invoice_path(invoice.invoice_id), :class => 'btn', :target => '_blank' }
# How bundle keys are displayed in the account timeline
self.bundle_key_display_string = ->(bundle_key) { bundle_key }
# Default plugin name to use in payment method forms
self.creditcard_plugin_name = -> { '__EXTERNAL_PAYMENT__' }
# Default reason codes for chargebacks
self.chargeback_reason_codes = ['400 - Canceled Recurring Transaction',
'401 - Cardholder Disputes Quality of Goods or Services' ]
# Default reason codes for credits
self.credit_reason_codes = ['100 - Courtesy',
'101 - Billing Error',
'199 - OTHER']
# Default reason codes for item adjustments
self.invoice_item_reason_codes = ['100 - Courtesy',
'101 - Billing Error',
'199 - OTHER']
# Default reason codes for payments
self.payment_reason_codes = ['600 - Alt payment method',
'699 - OTHER']
# Default reason codes for refunds
self.refund_reason_codes = ['500 - Courtesy',
'501 - Billing Error',
'502 - Alt payment method',
'599 - OTHER']
# Deep links to payment gateways
self.gateways_urls = {
'killbill-adyen' => '',
'killbill-cybersource' => '',
'killbill-stripe' => ''
When modifying the layouts, make sure to import your additional CSS files as needed in acme_application.html.erb
, e.g.:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'acme/acme' %>