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Releases: kbrsh/moon


23 Mar 23:57
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  • Remove cache: 4e7fdae
  • Correct syntax for getting attribute in m-model generation: 9145942


23 Mar 23:37
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Minor Changes

  • New directive style for events, add option for argument: 331759b
  • Add new syntax for m-literal with argument: 1c71b4f


  • Check if property exists, (allow falsy values in prop): 4f18778
  • Perf boost: skip if element has one text node and hasn't changed: 9ceca42


18 Mar 22:34
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  • Avoid overflow in unclosed tags: 11ac6a1
  • Allow 'this' to refer to instance in hooks: fe8e7e4
  • Indicate if element is svg: 3a2c6a4
  • Add svg support: 11636cc
  • Allow $ and @ signs in templates: 4f95e32


04 Mar 20:21
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  • Add array/conditional classes via m-literal (fixes #14): 5208782
  • Improve lexer for attributes: 2e06692


02 Mar 06:57
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02 Mar 01:31
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Minor Changes

  • Better string escape (wip): 0e4585d
  • Add system for creating a difference between dom and regular attributes: 1acfc72
  • Generate dom props more efficiently, and set them during diffing props: ebddad1
  • Set value of input (proper 2 way data binding), and treat all DOM properties as literal expressions: aa0b27b
  • Allow dynamic values for m-model: 6a58977
  • Add ability to set by index in keypath: 443a136
  • Add ability to have 2 way data binding on checkboxes: 1ef85d1
  • Add basic initializer for computed properties: d9c1e4c
  • Add support for computed properties (fixes #13): 92d5fb9


  • Make sure dom prop hasn't changed before setting: 4bf6158
  • Use value prop for m-model event listener generated code: c403a5d
  • Fix comment for queueing build: 0b18051


27 Feb 00:10
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  • Better look-ahead for elements, and throw error when element is unclosed: c164422
  • Compile double quotes correctly: bf8711e


26 Feb 01:18
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Minor Changes

  • Implement basic component system: 2b3114f
  • Add basic slots + named slots support for components: 52b0b7d
  • Support for binding 'this' to instance when calling methods: d5fc48a


  • Jump directly to creating a functional component: 81a5e19
  • Add prop merger: aef26cf
  • Optimize prop builds by seeing if property changed: 056a4ba
  • Be able to create nodes that are components: 0d7928d
  • Support creating components as a parent: 7e40f0f
  • Support creating components when replacing a child: 759ea23
  • Destroy components that are unmounted: 2d50b14
  • Make element null so there is no detached node tree when destroying instance: 225663e
  • Fix edge case where node needs to be replaced and new node is a component: 866858f


24 Feb 01:49
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  • Only change textcontent if node with single textnode changed (perf boost): 9c99001
  • Allow items to be marked for rendering (partial render): 0f4f076
  • Let moon be able to detect static nodes with one text node: 9d1c78a
  • Better detection of dynamic vnodes: c7f297e
  • Use initial render (ie m-once) to optimize: 0bb74c5


22 Feb 04:19
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  • Check for self closing tag or unclosed tag, fixes #8: 7b3681f
  • Better regex for template compiler: 8d52591
  • Support for keypath in set: 29ca9e0
  • Improve perf by doing a better html check: 42ee6e0
  • Add watcher: cea6ebc
  • Use observer: e8d5a2c
  • Don't queue build every set: 79a2b46
  • Compile text: d86b3d4
  • Fix parser to be able to handle a wide variety of closed/unclosed elements: 149f41c
  • Cache special directives that generate after: ceba52f
  • Push to after/before generated seperately when code generating props: 4a4e584
  • Fix edge case for generator where a node only has beforeGenerated special directives while generating: 7ffcf7a
  • Make m-for require array: fdafa43
  • Optimize by adding a prop cache: dd25830
  • Improve code generator to remove special directives: d1cfdd7
  • Improve code gen performance by removing all special directives: c0fffeb
  • Add m-literal directive: 8c60e1d
  • Allow m-literal to have colons: d143b96
  • Optimize generator for empty elements: 52e0d0a
  • Optimize diff engine to cache nodenames when creating a new node + improve dbmon benchmark: 704a11c
  • Faster child normalizer: ecd1681