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IDE Support

Peter Thomas edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 34 revisions

Many popular text editors such as Visual Studio Code have support for the Gherkin syntax. Using a Java IDE with Cucumber-JVM support is recommended for the best developer experience. All the options below provide syntax-coloring and the ability to run a test without writing a single line of Java code. And in IntelliJ and Eclipse you will get the JUnit HTML report.

IntelliJ Community Edition

  • refer to this video for clear instructions, skip to 3:45 if needed: Getting Started
  • install only the "Cucumber for Java" plugin and this will automatically prompt you to install the "Gherkin" plugin as well which is required.
  • do NOT install the Substeps IntelliJ Plugin, make sure you un-select it if you see it selected anywhere when it comes to installing a plugin.
  • you will be able to right-click on a *.feature file and run it via the [Run 'Feature:'] menu option
  • you will even able to select a Scenario in the editor view and right-click and run it via the [Run 'Scenario:'] menu option
  • if you see warnings such as Unimplemented substep definition - refer to this ticket

IntelliJ IDEA

  • the needed plugins are already installed, see above for troubleshooting


  • install the free Cucumber-Eclipse plugin from
  • then you will be able to right-click within any *.feature file and [Run As -> Cucumber Feature]
  • Refer to the Cucumber-Eclipse wiki for more:
  • If you see warnings such as Step 'xxx' does not have a matching glue code or required(..)+ loop did not match anything at input Scenario: - refer to this ticket

Visual Studio Code