General info in main Readme
Use Case
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to for image recognition. A prebuilt TensorFlow CNN model is instantiated and used in a Kafka Streams application to do recognize new JPEG images. A Kafka Input Topic receives the location of a new images (another option would be to send the image in the Kafka message instead of just a link to it), infers the content of the picture via the TensorFlow model, and sends the result to a Kafka Output Topic.
Machine Learning Technology
- TensorFlow
- Leverages TensorFlow for Java. These APIs are particularly well-suited for loading models created in Python and executing them within a Java application. Please note: The Java API doesn't yet include convenience functions (which you might know from Keras), thus a private helper class is used in the example for construction and execution of the pre-built TensorFlow model.
- Check the official TensorFlow demo LabelImage to understand this image recognition example
- You can re-use the pre-trained TensorFlow model attached to this project tensorflow_inception_graph.pb or add your own model.
- The 'images' folder contains models which were used for training the model (trained_airplane_1.jpg, trained_airplane_2.jpg, trained_butterfly.jpg) but also a new picture (new_airplane.jpg) which is not known by the model and using a different resolution than the others. Feel free to add your own pictures (they need to be trained, see list of trained pictures in the file: imagenet_comp_graph_label_strings.txt), otherwise the model will return 'unknown'.
Source Code
Unit Test