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  Title: Reusable Payment Codes for Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets, version 3 and 4
  Author: Justus Ranvier <[email protected]>
  Status: Draft
  Created: 2021-02-15

Table of Contents


This RFC extends reusable payment codes as defined by BIP-47 by defining version 3 and version 4 payment codes.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


This RFC is in the public domain.


Version 3 payment codes address two shortcomings of previous payment code versions:

  • Key reuse will occur if the same payment code is used to receive transactions on more than one blockchain.
  • Both version 1 and version 2 notification transactions both require the use of an OP_RETURN output, which limits the number of notifications which can be performed by a standard transaction to one.


Version 3 and 4 payment codes behave identically to version 1 and version 2 payment codes as defined in BIP-47 except where noted below.

Path levels

The recommended BIP-32 path levels for payment code derivation are identical to previous versions except for the coin type.

Coin type

Wallets which only support one coin type and use BIP-44 SHOULD set this value per BIP-44.

Wallets which support multiple coin types and do not use version 3 or higher payment codes SHOULD create a different payment code for each coin type and set this value per BIP-44.

Wallets which support version 3 or higher payment codes should use one payment code per logical user identity regardless of the number of coin types the wallet supports and SHOULD set this value to 0'.

Hardened derivation is used at this level.


Defined Versions

  • Version 1
    • Address type: P2PKH
    • Notification type: address
  • Version 2
    • Address type: P2PKH
    • Notification type: bloom-multisig
  • Version 3 and Version 4
    • Address type: varied, see Payment Output Scripts
    • Notification type: cfilter-multisig

Compatibility Rules

  1. In any case where a notification or payment is sent between payment codes of different versions, the conventions of the recipient's version SHALL be used.
  2. Implementations MUST NOT send notifications or payments to recipient payments codes with a version number for which the conventions are not known.
  3. Implementations which receive notifications from sending payment code with a unknown version SHOULD assume the sender followed the first rule.

Version 3


Binary Serialization

  • Byte 0: version. required value: 0x03
  • Bytes 1 - 33: compressed public key
    • Byte 0: sign. required value: 0x02 or 0x03
    • Bytes 1 - 31: x value, must be a member of the secp256k1 group
The feature bits and chain code fields which were defined in earlier versions are no longer present in version 3 or higher.

If a version 3 code must be serialized in 80 byte form, for example in order to send a notification transaction to a recipient of a lower version, use the serialization method from version 1. The chain code is the derived value defined below and the feature byte and other fields are all zero filled.

Base58 Serialization

When a payment code is presented to the user, it SHOULD be presented encoded in Base58Check form.

  • The version byte is: 0x22 (produces a "P" as the first character of the serialized form)
  • The payload is the binary serialization of the payment code



  • Chain code: Whenever BIP-32 calculations or other procedures require a chain code that corresponds to the public key the required value SHALL be calculated as c = SHA256(SHA256(p)) where p is the compressed public key.
  • Payment code identifier: The script element used by senders to construct notification scripts and by recipient to locate their notifications SHALL consist of the first 32 bytes of c = HMAC-SHA512(c, v) where c is the chain code and v is the one byte version of the sender's payment code.

Notification Output

Note: this procedure is used if Bob uses a version 3 payment code (regardless of the the version of Alice's payment code). If Bob's payment code is not version 3, see the appropriate section of BIP-47.

Note: this procedure may be used to send notifications from senders using older version payment codes to send notifications to version 3 or version 4 recipients with slight modifications noted below.

Version 3 notifications are self-contained to a single transaction output, therefore MAY be included as part of any transaction, whether related to the recipient of the notification or not.

  1. Alice selects the private and associated public key designated for change output creation: a, A = aG
  2. Alice derives a unique shared secret using ECDH:
    1. Alice selects the public key associated with Bob's notification address: B, where B = bG
    2. Alice calculates a secret point: S = aB
    3. Alice calculates a 64 byte blinding factor: s = HMAC-SHA512(Sx, A) where Sx is the x value of the secret point
  3. Alice serializes her payment code in binary form.
  4. Alice generates renders her payment code P unreadable to anyone except Bob: P'
    1. Replace the x value with x': x' = x XOR (first 32 bytes of s)
  5. Alice composes a notification output and adds it to an outgoing transaction
    1. The notification output consists of a 1 of 3 bare multisig script.
    2. The first key is A and MUST be in compressed form
    3. The second key is the Bob's payment code identifier formatted as a compressed public key F
      1. Byte 0: either 0x02 or 0x03
      2. Byte 1-32: the value of Bob's payment code identifier which corresponds to the version of Alice's payment code
    4. The last key is Alice's blinded payment code G
      1. Byte 1-33: P'
    5. Script opcodes: OP_1 A F G OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
The relative ordering of the keys in the notification output script MUST be maintained as A F G.

  1. Bob watches for any transactions which contain notification output which reference his payment code identifiers.
    1. Bob MUST watch for incoming notifications for his payment code version and SHOULD watch for notifications for all earlier versions
    2. The recommended method for detecting incoming notification transactions is to use BIP-157 client-side filtering with OBPP-4 Enhanced Selectivity (ES) filters.
      1. ES filters are capable of sub-element matching of uncompressed public keys
      2. Bob detects notification transactions by adding his payment code identifiers to the set of elements to be matched.
  2. When a transaction matching the payment code identifier is located, Bob's client examines it to determine if it contains a valid notification
    1. A is the first key and must be 33 bytes
    2. F is the second key may be 33 bytes or 65 bytes, but in either case bytes 1-32 must match one of Bob's payment code identifiers
    3. G is the last key and may be 33 bytes or 65 bytes
  3. Bob determines the version of Alice's payment code based on which of Bob's payment code identifiers was used to form the notification transaction.
  4. If all keys in the script are compressed (33 bytes), then the incoming payment code to be unblinded is 34 bytes long. If F and G are 65 bytes then the incoming payment code to be unblinded is 80 bytes long.
  5. Bob unblinds Alice's payment code
    1. Bob selects the private key associated with his notification address: b
    2. Bob calculates a secret point: S = bA
    3. Bob calculates a 64 byte blinding factor: s = HMAC-SHA512(Sx, A) where Sx is the x value of the secret point
    4. Bob unblinds P' to recover P
      1. Replace the x value of P' with x': x' = x XOR (first 32 bytes of s) where x is the x of Alice's payment code
    5. If the updated x value is a member of the secp256k1 group, the payment code is valid.
    6. If the updated x value is not a member of the secp256k1 group, the payment code is ignored.
Alice's wallet should spend the notification change output at the next appropriate opportunity.

Wallets SHOULD prefer to create of notification outputs in any situation where a change output is required, if the wallet knows of the existence of any payment codes but has not yet sent a notification. The practice of preemptive notification makes assumptions about the relationship between a notification output and the transaction in which it is contained invalid, therefore wallets which practice preemptive notification MAY include the notification output with the first payment to a new transaction recipient.

Earlier Version Senders

Modify the above procedure as follows if the payment code to be conveyed is 80 bytes instead of 34 bytes:

  1. Alice generates renders her payment code P unreadable to anyone except Bob: P'
    1. Replace the x value with x': x' = x XOR (first 32 bytes of s)
    2. Replace the chain code with c': c' = c XOR (last 32 bytes of s)
    3. F is formatted as an uncompressed public key
      1. Byte 0: 0x04
      2. Byte 1-32: the value of Bob's payment code identifier which corresponds to the version of Alice's payment code
      3. Byte 33-64: bytes 0 through 31 of P'
    4. G is formatted as an uncompressed public key
      1. Byte 0: 0x04
      2. Byte 1-48: bytes 32 through 79 of P'
      3. Byte 49-64: arbitrary, MAY be set to any value
Bob recognizes when an incoming notification was sent by an earlier version user with an 80 byte payment code by noting the size of F and G are both 65 bytes.

  1. Bob recomposes P' by concatenating bytes 33-64 of F and bytes 1-48 of G
  2. Bob unblinds P' to recover P
    1. Replace the x value of P' with x': x' = x XOR (first 32 bytes of s)
    2. Replace the chain code of P' with c': c' = c XOR (last 32 bytes of s)


  1. Prior to this procedure, Alice MUST ensure that Bob is capable of accepting payments on the blockchain to be used via a suitable method. Such methods are outside the scope of this specification.
  2. Each time Alice wants to initiate a transaction to Bob, Alice derives a unique public key for the transaction using ECDH as follows:
    1. Alice selects the 0th private key derived from her payment code: a
    2. Alice selects the next unused public key derived from Bob's payment code, starting from zero: B, where B = bG
      1. The "next unused" public key is based on an index specific to the Alice-Bob context, not global to either Alice or Bob
    3. Alice selects the 4 byte registered coin type for the transaction based on SLIP-0044, formatted as a 4 byte big endian integer: t
    4. Alice calculates a secret point: S = aB
    5. Alice calculates a scalar shared secret using the x value of S: s = SHA256(HMAC-SHA512(Sx, t))
      1. If the value of s is not in the secp256k1 group, Alice MUST increment the index used to derive Bob's public key and try again.
    6. Alice uses the scalar shared secret to calculate the ephemeral public key used to generate the payment output script for this transaction: B' = B + sG
  3. Bob is watching for incoming payments on B' ever since he received the notification transaction from Alice.
    1. Bob calculates n shared secrets with Alice, using the 0th public key derived from Alice's payment code, and private keys 0 - n derived from Bob's payment code, where n is his desired lookahead window.
    2. Bob calculates the ephemeral deposit addresses using the same procedure as Alice: B' = B + sG
    3. Bob calculate the private key for each ephemeral address as: b' = b + s

Payment Output Scripts

The pubkeys derived by the above procedure MAY be used to generate any of the following output script types. Receiving wallets SHOULD monitor for all applicable types:

  • Version 3
    • Pay to pubkey (P2PK), preferred
    • Pay to witness pubkey hash (P2WPKH), chains with segwit support only
    • Pay to pubkey hash (P2PKH)
  • Version 4
    • Pay to witness pubkey hash (P2WPKH), chains with segwit support only
    • Pay to pubkey hash (P2PKH), chains without segwit support only
P2PK scripts SHOULD be preferred for security where practical and allowed by the recipient for. Script types which use 20 byte hashes and derived public keys are less secure than 32 byte public keys or non-derived public keys because the sender of a payment only requires 280 attempts on average to generate a public key or script hash with a colliding 20 byte hash.

Senders MUST NOT create P2PK scripts for version 4 recipients.

Senders MUST prefer P2WPKH over P2PKH on chains where segwit is supported.

Outputs that are held in insecure (20 byte hash) scripts SHOULD be swept to secure scripts if the value of the output is large enough to make a 280 work attack profitable.

Test Vectors

Version 3 to Version 3

Alice will receive payments from Bob on the BTC blockchain. Bob will receive payments from Alice on the BTC testnet 3 blockchain.

  • Alice
    • Bip 39 words: response seminar brave tip suit recall often sound stick owner lottery motion
    • Serialized payment code (Base58): PD1jTsa1rjnbMMLVbj5cg2c8KkFY32KWtPRqVVpSBkv1jf8zjHJVu
    • Payment code identifiers
      • Version 1: 77a215775bbacf7e0d325154a093e8d9f69c19f45b08d00114b214cc24b134f9
      • Version 2: f84e63e94e70678ab8367ef91711259fc98885be92479afec1a6a656e2245636
      • Version 3: 05be1671949473c1b252db7aff98a8704841ad7cd19596f9d64ed81bd3e58bc8
    • Public keys for payment scripts
      • 0: 024edba30e70855e7846e850982f2eb3aefe33b292cc9a744604367de14cc018b8
      • 1: 03a769eb57ce38dc3f7d80c4464bc61b02153a8e881c472d6d3e99b1d8fe53100c
      • 2: 038f8e84682fb78ec6fdf3560020df035e144ce60bb9b09dd99b606d130140bd2c
      • 3: 0210964b717a97430e9ca206bf84e1b0834385a03af3c749d60ad632d31e511954
      • 4: 03b24c25099596f0984e4eedcc6147d1faff269a79f919e5d42414ea0691749174
      • 5: 0285b4cda5356a7333510fac98fc27da4df8a3fcf6f50df594fbe6013e78d64114
      • 6: 02a6946888b559db413f94a6de3aa974d4c22d881f132f753297baef510219327c
      • 7: 02ab944a2509a27b9b9f569736e6cb45cb1c900627573a01bb9dffe38131103a12
      • 8: 0276442e645c3f5e412b60ffac771a67b0ef1b652b18f18d101e9c6f70365cd183
      • 9: 039386636f65cbc72a70bacc0f43ee17862ead8d37941e72b630f37e048ef2d405
    • Private key to be used for notification script: (m/44'/1'/0'/1/0) 872313fe1beb41a9e1ae19c0def97591e5c204387b64b85f4077078b232906d0
    • Value of A for notification to Bob: 0383b5e54776628baacee0cbb66b4db31aa95176dba1f62cabf0415103d0fdbda6
    • Value of F for notification to Bob: 02ce75616fcd80345bca54dabd279b155f960c57260378455b872269221de231b6
    • Value of G for notification to Bob: 0292d97c287932848852890ded442311623e32ebfeba12e2020b41c2fbe12f3812
  • Bob
    • Bip 39 words: reward upper indicate eight swift arch injury crystal super wrestle already dentist
    • Serialized payment code (Base58): PD1jFsimY3DQUe7qGtx3z8BohTaT6r4kwJMCYXwp7uY8z6BSaFrpM
    • Payment code identifiers
      • Version 1: 4e299b083f610d5ab6e7e241089f185cf222deb9a790eacf01a72930c90d2261
      • Version 2: a6806034129abafba1511019991cca9bd8bededb1580bdc4fe0eb905dec8da2d
      • Version 3: ce75616fcd80345bca54dabd279b155f960c57260378455b872269221de231b6
    • Public keys for payment scripts
      • 0: 03dc41458b939d966a0e141281c2a7c5faf184dc43bc26160f0ffc3c583600c9b6
      • 1: 02513de274f78ce0c8cb827f25aae2ade941ac9d482002fc04ef60d580c5403afd
      • 2: 033cf4391b3e7daad0220b572d796ac0711e93e2ef389119d3ec0bed2debf0472a
      • 3: 02de639a0d80bc8b6976e71e5242b7f0ba5e9f8f6b317c0a180884424600bcaafc
      • 4: 036b08a58e0d664505c95e2e0ceaa87e34c82cc6ed91a94980fc631967cc8d931f
      • 5: 029d5dae4c27c59a9c207a1beafab9f1b8bef93e19b8bbd7614dae37e8f7c0210c
      • 6: 03003668a8915ba65adb9ff8cfcce7f8d5aae2655a210e1e863eda6cb41dd5e1d2
      • 7: 03a857d0bef97a0e5ffb1911e7cd13ced1bdce9c2a6a838dd5bdd8e805f44b8cc9
      • 8: 02bcfcdc2e7fbdaebf1fa69a74ccd219c919981353433538ff98979c252609c564
      • 9: 029dccbb87fec52713f90afbbef3e78dddef4dfa6858bbf2a5fd2fcd2582a5cf7f
    • Private key to be used for notification script: (m/44'/0'/0'/1/0) 0fb05a28df58b2add0d01eb491962b79092239e4d9396442eed83144b6541f4c
    • Value of A for notification to Alice: 0389087b9573ccc7efc5252a8a7c93d349d9b3dd882724c818e5369cbff0647d35
    • Value of F for notification to Alice: 0205be1671949473c1b252db7aff98a8704841ad7cd19596f9d64ed81bd3e58bc8
    • Value of G for notification to Alice: 027f88837a6d02949388c80c43efd352bea4483bb86764ba3dfa5b0c11e97b0ebc

Version 1 to Version 3

Alice will generate a version 1 payment code and will receive payments from Bob on the BTC blockchain. Bob will generate a version 3 payment code and will receive payments from Alice on the BTC testnet 3 blockchain.

  • Alice
    • Bip 39 words: response seminar brave tip suit recall often sound stick owner lottery motion
    • Serialized payment code (Base58): PM8TJTLJbPRGxSbc8EJi42Wrr6QbNSaSSVJ5Y3E4pbCYiTHUskHg13935Ubb7q8tx9GVbh2UuRnBc3WSyJHhUrw8KhprKnn9eDznYGieTzFcwQRya4GA
    • Public keys for payment scripts
      • 0: 0275fd0d1519ac24f4944a843c6475cda578d6286ee846ece105d5b0c69a1b9b3e
      • 1: 035e6e2c1701229a7a4cddcfa83f42f06cafeba42a63dfb3287c35ffb8d1c6f872
      • 2: 039f32033263f0fac7636fc3f2ffc68d4701dcb81641ed6c0f8d76b4fc7f2b5a3a
      • 3: 02aa38313e99a2e7d8f22a7efa6b1c4b1f2769e4b91622bd4e6d919ffd2a41f388
      • 4: 02ed75fc071317eae5d046389d54614dfb787856739f812e8de0f12f30d4d6bcee
      • 5: 03d6cfc06f11b706a0f34de2486246c4495ce90ee02553d3239b5a235d19153ba3
      • 6: 034b87613a9a6230ad831839e5da55d29970154d6b91bd3e42aeeb70b234b1b9ff
      • 7: 02f014490536f79c0c8c1b2cee39428a1446a74ec1af19ce515da6e3fb29db0cfa
      • 8: 03f96d069cffd4a0bb9430f6cda1376cee63825ec1619b5cc22077122c36b200c9
      • 9: 03406c84ad2c5549af30e0c8886922eb51db925e35b7ed058d52f2458f1ce5d8ca
    • Private key to be used for notification script: (m/44'/0'/0'/1/0) 872313fe1beb41a9e1ae19c0def97591e5c204387b64b85f4077078b232906d0
    • Blinded payment code: 01000292d97c287932848852890ded442311623e32ebfeba12e2020b41c2fbe12f38127e36136254548e0a4dfc14232b6de263a69a1955629b75137d2beeccb639b2d300000000000000000000000000
    • Value of A for notification to Bob: 0383b5e54776628baacee0cbb66b4db31aa95176dba1f62cabf0415103d0fdbda6
    • Value of F for notification to Bob: 044e299b083f610d5ab6e7e241089f185cf222deb9a790eacf01a72930c90d226101000292d97c287932848852890ded442311623e32ebfeba12e2020b41c2fbe1
    • Value of G for notification to Bob: 042f38127e36136254548e0a4dfc14232b6de263a69a1955629b75137d2beeccb639b2d300000000000000000000000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
      • The final 16 bytes may be any value
  • Bob
    • Bip 39 words: reward upper indicate eight swift arch injury crystal super wrestle already dentist
    • Serialized payment code (Base58): PD1jFsimY3DQUe7qGtx3z8BohTaT6r4kwJMCYXwp7uY8z6BSaFrpM
    • Payment code identifiers
      • Version 1: 4e299b083f610d5ab6e7e241089f185cf222deb9a790eacf01a72930c90d2261
      • Version 2: a6806034129abafba1511019991cca9bd8bededb1580bdc4fe0eb905dec8da2d
      • Version 3: ce75616fcd80345bca54dabd279b155f960c57260378455b872269221de231b6
    • Public keys for payment scripts
      • 0: 03bebccead98ce8d1ba065b814ce565ea8a79979a572c901188d5c274af1c82d9b
      • 1: 02f0e0a7998e55c559fa57292a101cf5ab6e6cbe86bfdcf222e26d63c7773bbcf0
      • 2: 038a2b1c008a9e048b2bb93d4eac24357012d5bd0fe84e772af646bad482f0528b
      • 3: 0343cd902a36f5a4dda6bb11489f7bb4ebe381586e07fafc9e5039abb14c314972
      • 4: 02b90e340e73eb2bc1addaf51e2229ec1d2aae78569879d022d208964fa741b6e1
      • 5: 03f1ff5daadfb93ca15dfe4fe96ee77fa6465bcf0b98ab6b599e8b7a8e962ed38d
      • 6: 02d7f5628abf1b64f7f4f1eea11a510740d1110a8f937821870eb5f47155b09c70
      • 7: 02bd05db146de0273e704ecf162bef5de21032fc9b646237038d9f00004436172c
      • 8: 020f0b8c3bf9a97566fae19b30b93b6a19b26905bcf6742260699a1cba39ff639d
      • 9: 03ac995a811b20e68541ab1840671c84cc2765ed9625a53daf57c9f07ecfabfb42
    • Private key to be used for blinding: (m/44'/0'/0'/1/0) 0fb05a28df58b2add0d01eb491962b79092239e4d9396442eed83144b6541f4c
    • Corresponding public key: 0389087b9573ccc7efc5252a8a7c93d349d9b3dd882724c818e5369cbff0647d35
    • Outpoint to be used for blinding: 86f411ab1c8e70ae8a0795ab7a6757aea6e4d5ae1826fc7b8f00c597d500609c01000000
    • Blinded payment code: 030002b07dccadbf4289635ecf85eb12e1a0d7a7c93bcb905d5a5b2e75e9248fe4c92c113ccdbd406889022aa8a3d40d329553586d73914877626479f26b08ef7d3de000000000000000000000000000

Reference Implementation

