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236 lines (175 loc) · 7.79 KB

File metadata and controls

236 lines (175 loc) · 7.79 KB

1.0.2 (2024-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • merge workflows to improve actions UI (5d27bac)

1.0.1 (2024-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • add github release creation to semantic release (fb3f698)

1.0.0 (2024-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • enable eslint with eslintrc (0c97d21)
  • python version: demote python to 3.11 to enable dependabot (a824edc)


  • add semantic release job (888aa62)
  • update work experience, remove some old stuff, delete some old code that I was scared to delete before I was a git wizard (e97b854)

Archive (pre-2019)


  • Activating hover-card with scroll position rather than actual hover
  • Working on React and Vue versions
  • Removing Bootstrap
    • Challenges:
      • Rows of items
      • Navbar - completed
      • Dropdowns/Dropups - removed
    • Reasons:
      • Can remove jQuery from site
      • Already working against Bootstrap a lot
      • Control media breakpoints better
      • Show my skills


  • Older MS Edge/Internet Explorer works except for gradients


  • New job! Added Flyer Enterprises to work experience


  • Quick spruce up before Fall Career Fair


  • Added background texture to top layer
  • Replaced underline with SVG version


  • Increased mobile font size
  • Brainstorming ways to keep original site accessible when replacing with React version
  • Bootstrap container replacement work
  • Front page mobile fixes
  • Colors
    • Reworked mobile colors
    • Getting ready for HSL switch
    • Brainstorming ideas for a true color scheme, not just blue blue and blue


  • Bootstrap removal progress
  • Cleaned up old code


  • Mobile sizing fixes
  • Added animated gradient to mobile


  • Scaling fixes
  • Dropdown JavaScript fixes
  • Spacing fixes
  • Legibility work


  • Added social link icons to tagline on front page
  • Added scroll hint that links to about page on front page
  • Removed responsive sizing from every page except for front page
  • Added Spotify playlists back! Responsive sizing is what made the footer cover them, so now they fit beautifully!


  • Added navbar-test and navbar-follow, which will eventually replace my Bootstrap navbar
  • Began working on Bootstrap replacements by commenting out link tag and adding classes for things like containers and rows
  • Added script tag for Google data
  • Changed most vertical spacing to rem for better control
  • New navbar is a go!
    • Favicon in top left
    • Navigation pill in top right
    • Updated mobile navbar to match
    • Notes:
      • Removed follow dropdown and moved social links to contact page, may add it back later but I need to learn more
      • May change favicon to transparent background or an actual HTML element so that I can animate wavy underline
      • I want to add some fancy animations
  • Enhanced contact page
    • Social links (Got booted from navbar)
    • Email is now a button
      • Justification: It's an emphasized action, click to send me an email
  • Made some things async, still don't have the greatest grasp of its effects but it should help performance a little at the moment
  • Eliminated some unnecesary JavaScript


  • Commented out Spotify playlists, may come back to them but I need to polish them up first
  • Added underline theme around website
    • NEW: a-anim-zigzag/a-anim-zigzag-light
      • So far just on navbar links, need to work on positioning before I can add them elsewhere
    • NEW: Front title with animated underline, secondary titles with hover animated underline
      • Need to redraw underline as SVG, currently using .png from Outline blown up and recolored
  • Changed navbar image, social icon was too detailed to register as anything but a blob at that size
  • Added media queries, I am currently committing a web dev sin by targeting specific devices, but I am not skilled enough yet to understand exactly why my current queries are not working
  • Changed Personal Website portfolio link to About folder on Google Drive with Design Guidelines presentation, changelog is now a description link
  • Started working on new navbar, favicon in top left, follow in top right, scroll links either across the top, floated to right of favicon, or below favicon


  • More mobile adjustments
  • Front title change to image
  • Updated favicons
    • App icons
  • Added meta tags
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
  • Added Spotify playlists, unsure if I will keep them


  • Fixed mobile issues with Bootstrap grid items
  • Worked on using my own grid for more control over responsiveness
  • Added image expand to secondary titles


  • Added portfolio subtitles
  • Added personal website to portfolio section


  • Working on resume section content
    • Added skills section
    • Added experience section
    • Added education section
  • Excluded about page and contact page from JS page sizing
  • Sized contact page to fit footer
  • Added justify-content-center to rows finally (whoops!)
  • Added hover effects to some elements
  • Adjusted scroll effects
    • Now only classes
    • Added scroll change to dropdown menu
      • Check out the transitions!!!
  • Added box-shadow to navbar
    • Still trying to get radial gradient to follow cursor though
  • Added EGR 103 presentation


  • Refactored JavaScript to use more jQuery
  • Put position checking inside function so I can also call it when page reloads
  • Animated dropdowns
  • Animated dropdown carets
  • Animated top button hover
  • Altered top gradient to be radial
  • Added documentation to CSS for organization
  • Working on reactive spacing using JS


  • Added footer link to changelog :)
  • Added footer-mobile and drop-up menu
  • Customized dropdown carets
  • Added navbar scroll transition with link underlines and borders changing
  • Started working on coloring dropdown when it is on top of text


  • Hosted at with HTTPS from CloudFront
  • Wrote media queries for mobile
    • Change font size
    • Change title size
    • Switch to simple gradient background
  • Added navbar-mobile
  • Added favicon to navbar with animated border
  • Added JS to hide top arrow
  • Made navbar sticky and added transparent background with blur for browsers with backdrop-filter support
  • Added a-anim-light for gradient animated link underlines over dark backrgounds
  • Added pictures to section headings
  • Worked on portfolio grid
  • Fixed top button spacing
  • Added spans to fix link underline spacing on dropdown toggle and dropdown items


  • Changed font
  • Changed animated gradient
  • Added Bootstrap grid to portfolio section
  • Translated font sizes, margins, padding, and shadows into rem's and %
  • Added footer with links to CSS and JS files
  • Started work with media queries
  • Changed top button to arrow


  • Changed font
  • Changed animated gradient
  • Added Bootstrap grid to portfolio section
  • Translated font sizes, margins, padding, and shadows into rem's and %
  • Added footer with links to CSS and JS files
  • Started work with media queries
  • Changed top button to arrow


  • Replaced placeholder text
  • Added links to CPS 150 assignments, writing assignments, and web apps


  • Hosted site in S3 bucket