This is a short overview of wradlib capabilities in 45 minutes. Brace yourself.
Reading routines for several radar data formats based on xarray are shown. Data will be read into xarray datasets with easy access for quick analysis and visualisation. Datasets can be written to ODIM_H5 and CfRadial2-like files. Easy multiprocessing using DASK can be facilitated. Data is gridded and exported to Geoinformation Systems (GIS) formats.
A very short overview on the available data quality algorithms with clutter detection and beamblockage calculations.
Already quite aged, the attenuation correction based on the ZPHI-method (see Testud et. al.) is still one of the most used algorithms in weather radar. A quick walk through the necessary steps to derive specific attenuation is shown. The benefits of specific attenuation derived KDP is shown.
A short introduction into QVPs is given.
Here we just mention the capabilities of wradlib and emphasize a few of the new enhancements in recent wradlib versions.