diff --git a/jquery.jplayer/jquery.jplayer.js b/jquery.jplayer/jquery.jplayer.js index facb17a4..e070c5b7 100644 --- a/jquery.jplayer/jquery.jplayer.js +++ b/jquery.jplayer/jquery.jplayer.js @@ -477,6 +477,7 @@ }, options: { // Instanced in $.jPlayer() constructor swfPath: "js", // Path to Jplayer.swf. Can be relative, absolute or server root relative. + swfFullPathOverride: false, // If true, forces the swfPath option to be treated as the full path to Jplayer.swf, even if it doesn't end with ".swf". solution: "html, flash", // Valid solutions: html, flash. Order defines priority. 1st is highest, supplied: "mp3", // Defines which formats jPlayer will try and support and the priority by the order. 1st is highest, preload: 'metadata', // HTML5 Spec values: none, metadata, auto. @@ -886,7 +887,7 @@ this.internal.flash = $.extend({}, { id: this.options.idPrefix + "_flash_" + this.count, jq: undefined, - swf: this.options.swfPath + (this.options.swfPath.toLowerCase().slice(-4) !== ".swf" ? (this.options.swfPath && this.options.swfPath.slice(-1) !== "/" ? "/" : "") + "Jplayer.swf" : "") + swf: this.options.swfPath + (this.options.swfFullPathOverride ? "" : (this.options.swfPath.toLowerCase().slice(-4) !== ".swf" ? (this.options.swfPath && this.options.swfPath.slice(-1) !== "/" ? "/" : "") + "Jplayer.swf" : "")) }); this.internal.poster = $.extend({}, { id: this.options.idPrefix + "_poster_" + this.count,