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Bitwise Operations

  • integers are represented as a string of bits (binary digits)
  • can be big endian (left digit is most significant bit) or little endian (right digit is the most significant bit)
    • i.e three hundred twenty one - 321 (big endian) or 123 (little endian)
  • representation space for unsigned integers is 2^n, where n is the width of the integer (i.e 256 bit integer has 2^256 possible values)
  • signed integers, most common way of finding representation is 2's complement
    • invert all the bits then add 1
    • provides 1 representation of 0 (instead of a positive and negative representation)
    • with 2's complement, a signed int with n bits represents numbers from -2^(n-1) to 2^(n-1) - 1 (8 bits encodes -128 to 127)
  • Java supports the 2's complement signed primitives
    • byte - 8 bits
    • short - 16 bits
    • int - 32 bits
    • long - 64 bits
    • note: char is a unsigned 16 bits
  • Python supports 4 numeric types link
    • int - implemented using C's long, giving atleast 32 bits of precisions
    • float - implemented using C's double, number of bits is machine dependent
    • long - unlimited precision, expands to the limit of the available memory
    • complex - have a real and imaginary part, both of them float
    • fractions - hold rational numbers
    • decimal - hold floating point numbers with user defined precision


  • adding - normal, just remember to carry the 1
  • subtraction - easiest to treat it as negative addition
  • multiplication - treaat it as left bitshifts. Multiply by 2 is the same as adding a 0 to the end of the digit. Can break down any multiplication into multiplaction with powers of 2
  • division - right bitshifts, but only really handles it as integer division, so rounding will be done implicitly

Bitwise Operations

  • & - AND (1&1 = 1, 0&1 = 0, 0&0 = 0)
  • | - inclusive OR (1|1 = 1, 0|1 = 1, 0|0 = 0)
  • ^ - XOR (1^1 = 0, 0^1 = 1, 0^0 = 0)
  • x << n - left shift x by n places, appeneding 0s to the end (equivalent to x * 2^n)
  • x >> n - right shifts x by n places using sign extensions (equivalent to x / 2^n, integer division)
    • in Python, right shift zero fills
  • ~ - flips bits, not operation

Bit facts and Tricks

  • since operations are bitwsie (occur bit by bit), these are all equivalent to their series-equivalents
  • XOR
    • x ^ 0 = x
    • x ^ 1 = ~x
    • x ^ x = 0
  • AND
    • x & 0 = 0
    • x & 1 = 1
    • x & x = x
  • OR
    • x | 0 = x
    • x | 1 = 1
    • x | x = x
  • swap two values without using a temporary variable
    • a = a ^ b
    • b = a ^ b
    • a = a ^ b

Common (and Uncommon) Bit Tasks

  • return the ith bit
    • first, left shift 1 by i to create a bit mask (a number where everything is 0 except for 1 in the ith spot, 00010000)
    • AND the mask with the number. If the value is not 1, then bit i is 1, else its 0
  • set the ith bit to 1
    • left shift 1 by i to create a bit mask
    • OR the mask with the input number, forcing the ith bit to 1
  • clear the ith bit (set it to 0)
    • left shift 1 by i, then invert it to create mask like (11101111)
    • AND the mask with the input number. The ith spot will be the only zero and will be zeroed out, everying else will remaint
  • update the ith bit with v (set ith bit to v)
    • do a combination of the previous 2. First clear out the ith bit, then shift v to the ith bit and and it.
  • clear the rightmost bit
    • number & (number - 1)
    • this concept forms the basis of parity
  • calculate parity - return true if the number of 1s is odd, 0 otherwise
    • boils down to counting the number of 1s
    • naive method: set parity to false (even), keep clearing the rightmost bit until the result is 0. Everytime you clear, flip the parity
    • time complexity is O(s) where s is the number of set bits
    def countOnes(int n):
        count = 0
        while n != 0:
            n = n & (n-1)
            count += 1
        return count
    • can do a better by using a look up table. Can store parities for values 0 to 15 (16 bit). To find parity for a bigger number then, can just OR with 16 1s and look up in table
  • calculate the Hamming Distance
    • the Hamming Distance between two integers is the number of positions that the bits are different
    def hammingDistance(x, y):
        z = x ^ y   # 1 in every space where they are different
        return countOnes(z) # then its just counting 1s again