Social Ideation is an application that connects IdeaScale -- one of today's leading online idea management platforms -- with the world's largest virtual space of participation and socialization, Facebook, allowing people to participate on IdeaScale-based public consultations initiatives from Facebook.
More specifically, it enables users to participate (submit ideas, place comments) on IdeaScale initiatives without leaving facebook and using only Facebook's native features: posts, hashtags, comments, and groups. At the same time, the ideas and comments published on IdeaScale are automatically replicated on the Facebook group linked to the initiative.
Social Ideation is a concrete effort toward bringing civic participation platforms, such as IdeaScale, closer to the large and diverse community of Facebook users. Apart from reaching wider and larger sources of information, it aims at reducing as much as possible the participation barrier.
Social Ideation proposes the model outlined in the next figure to map IdeaScale elements (initiatives, campaigns, ideas, comments) with Facebook elements (groups, hashtags, posts and comments).
As seen on the figure the proposed mapping model is based entirely on native elements of Facebook (posts, comments, groups, and hashtags). Posts published on a Facebook group that is linked to an IdeaScale initiative and contain the hashtag of one of the initiative's campaigns are mapped to ideas. Similarly, ideas submitted on an IdeaScale initiatives that is linked to a Facebook groups are mapped to posts published on the timeline of the group.
As the figure also shows, the comments placed to Facebook posts mapped to ideas are taken and transformed into IdeaScale comments and comments published on IdeaScale ideas are mapped to Facebook comments.
On Facebook, hashtags are used to identify initiatives' campaigns.
The system architecture is composed of four modules and interfacing with IdeaScale and Facebook. The figure below shows on the sides the platforms IdeaScale and Facebook providing, through Web APIs, services to our system. The modules Social Network Connector and Ideation Platform Connector support the communication logic with the APIs of IdeaScale and Facebook, respectively.
The module Synchronization Launcher is in charge of launching synchronization tasks. Every certain time (5 minutes by default), it requests Social Network Connector and Ideation Platform Connector for the most recent content (e.g., ideas, comments, replies) of a given Facebook group and IdeaScale community. After receiving the information from Social Network Connector and Ideation Platform Connector, it passes the information to Content Synchronizer. At the request of Content Synchronizer, it asks the third party connectors for the creation, modification, or elimination of posts/ideas, comments, replies, and likes/upvotes.
The synchronization between platforms is carried out by the module Content Synchronizer by following the steps described in the section Algorithm. It also administers a database of records that used to map elements of IdeaScale platform (e.g., campaigns, ideas, comments) to features of Facebook. To detect inconsistencies between platforms, it checks whether the same number of ideas/posts, comments, and replies exists in both the community of IdeaScale and the Facebook group. Besides, the module ensures that mapped instances of ideas, comments, and replies share the same textual information. If inconsistencies are detected, the module fixes them by following the algorithm explain next. The module content synchronizer was also equipped with automatic functionalities to take care of possible failure in the use of our system and to encourage participation from Facebook. If a post is created inside the group and does not contain hashtag or the hashtag is not one of the campaign hashtags, the system automatically places a comment to the post noticing this situation. When a user, who is not already participating from Facebook, put an idea or comment on IdeaScale, the system sends an email motivating the participants to use our system so the new content can be visible by the people on Facebook.
A key ingredient in our implementation is the set of records used to implement the mapping between the elements of IdeaScale platform presented previously (e.g., campaigns, ideas, comments) and the features of Facebook described before (e.g., posts, comments, hashtags). The records are saved in tables of the database controlled by the module Content Synchronizer. We define the record Ideation Initiative (II) to keep the association between instances of IdeaScale communities to concrete cases of Facebook groups. The pairing between campaigns and hashtags is registered in the record Campaign Hashtag (CH). Our system saves the mapping between ideas and posts in the record Idea Post (IP), it also registers the mapping between IdeaScale comments and Facebook comments in the record Comments (C). Similarly, the association between replies in both platforms is kept in the record Replies (R). The record User (U) is used to store the mapping between members of associated IdeaScale communities and Facebook groups. The figure below shows the records with their corresponding properties.
We implement custom synchronization algorithms to handle change propagation. Let's say we want to synchronize the ideas posted on the Facebook group
The synchronization finishes with a double loop that checks that still exist all posts registered in IP records as originally published on Facebook (posts created to mirror ideas are not considered here). If a post associated with an IP record cannot be found in the recently obtained list of posts, we assume that the post has been eliminated and thus its counterpart in IdeaScale together with the mapping record should be deleted to keep the system consistent (lines 15-23). The steps followed by the system to replicate ideas in the other direction, from IdeaScale to Facebook, are alike. Similar algorithms are also used to synchronize comment, replies, and likes.
The ideas and comments deleted on the Facebook group are deleted too on IdeaScale by calling the corresponding API function. On the other hand, IdeaScale doesn't provide the option delete ideas nor comments, only administrators of the initiative can do this. So, if the administrator deletes ideas or comments on IdeaScale, they will be deleted too on the Facebook group only if they have been posted by the Social Ideation App on behalf of the Facebook users.
Clone the repository
git clone
Create a virtual environment by running
virtualenv env
Activate the virtual environment by running
source env/bin/activate
Go inside the repository folder and execute
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install dependencies. If an error occurs during the installation, it might be because some of these reasons: a) Package python-dev is missing b) Package libmysqlclient-dev is missing c) The environment variables LC_ALL and/or LC_CTYPE are not defined or don't have a valid value -
Create a mysql database. Make sure your database collation is set to UTF-8, if not, edit the script and set the user and passwd parameters of your database and then run the script
Set the configuration parameters of the database in social-ideation/
DATABASES = { ... 'NAME': '', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', ... }
python migrate
to set up the database schema -
python syncdb
to create an admin user and install the authentication system -
Install Rabbit MQ broker. Unix installation instructions. Tip: Use the
tar xf archive.tar.xz <name_of_the_rabbit_package>
command to uncompress your Rabbit MQ broker installer. -
Set the static url in social-ideation/ The default value is "static"
Create a copy of the supervisord configuration file from the sample file by typing the command
cp supervisord.conf.sample supervisord.conf
Add the following programs routes (rabbit, celery and celerybeat) at the program section of the supervisor configuration file (supervisord.conf).
Create the folder for the application logs and empty logs files with the following commands
mkdir var
mkdir var/log
touch var/log/rabbit.log
touch var/log/celerybeat.log
touch var/log/worker.log
Choose a Consultation Platform to connect to Social Ideation App:
- Sign up to IdeaScale, or
- Sign up to an AppCivist instance.
If you are using IdeaScale, Create an IdeaScale Community. If you are using AppCivist create an Assembly with at least one member with administrator role, and at least one campaign.
Get an API token from your Consultation Platform.
- If your are using IdeaScale,Request an API token for the new community. You will also need the IdeaScale Portal ID, which you can find on Community Settings -> Integration -> Developer's API -> Community API.
- If you are using AppCivist, get your admin user email and password. These would be used to generate a token.
Create a Facebook App. Because the app requires email, public_profile and publish_actions permissions to work, it, first, has to be approved by Facebook. More details here.
Set the App Domains (Basic) and the Valid OAuth redirect URIs (Advanced) on the App Settings panel.
Create a Facebook Group and set the privacy setting to Public.
Go inside social ideation directory and load initial IdeaScale and AppCivist data by running
python loaddata initial_connectors_data.json
. -
Run the Django server by running the following command
python runserver
. -
Hit the social ideation URL, i.e.,, http://localhost:8000/admin. This will redirect you to the Administration Login page. Log in with the admin credentials.
If your consultation platform is IdeaScale: Create a new IdeaScale initiative (Home->IdeaScale->Initiative->Add). Do not end the url with a / (slash character). If you are using AppCivist Instead: create a new Assembly (Home->AppCivist->Assemblies->Add).
Update the URLs of the callbacks replacing the host part of the callback URLs with the URL where the app is installed (Home->Connectors->URL Callbacks).
Update IdeaScale (or AppCivist) connector token (Home->Connectors->Connectors->IdeaScale) The correct token should be located in the table (Home->Authokens->Tokens) (user_id = 1. This is the user you created as an admin of the Django application). Do not remove the word "Token" from the token value. This value has to be Token followed by a blank space and finally the alphanumeric value you have copied from the Tokens table.
Create a consultation platform (Home->App->Consultation platforms->Add) choosing IdeaScale (or AppCivist) as the connector.
Import the consultation platform initiatives. Select the new consultation platform in (Home->App->Consultation Platforms) and choose the option 'Get Initiatives' from the Action menu located on the top of the list.
Obtain Facebook OAuth token. Go to Graph API Explorer and in the application drop down select the app created in Step 4. Click Get Access Token; in permissions popup go to extended permissions tab and select email and publish_actions.
Create a social network app (Home->App->Social network apps->Add) choosing Facebook as the connector, setting the app id, app secret, app access token ( which is the string |) and the redirect uri (that matches the Site URL) of the created Facebook App in Step 4. Check the batch requests checkbox.
Create a social network app user (Home->App->Social network app users->Add).For the form field called access token, use the value obtained in the Step 15.
Create a social network app community (Home->App->Social network app communities->Add) choosing Group as type and the social network app user created in the Step 17 as the admin.
Edit the social network app previously created: set community to the social network app community created before.
To start syncrhonization run the bash script called with the following command:
. Be sure than the Django server it's up and running before running this command. -
To stop synchronization run the bash script called with the following command:
MySQL database and its corresponding python package
Facebook SDK a python-based Facebook API client
IdeaScaly a python-based IdeaScale API client
If you use social ideation, please write me a short message with a link to your project. It is not mandatory, but I will really appreciate it!