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Personal Finance Application.



  1. Go to
  2. Click Add Project and follow the prompt


Get-CLI (Linux)

Install the CLI in your Linux machine
 $ curl -sL | bash
In the firebasae app
Goto Build->Hosting, click **Get Started**
Do not install npm, simply hit next.
Here you will be able to set **Add Custom Domain**
Login with the desired account (Web-Browser will be opened)
firebase login
Begin hosting (Choose desired folder, select app created at the console.firebase and decide if app is a Single-Page-App, in our case its not a Single-Page-App)
notice that an index.html, 404.html, firebase.json and other hidden files will be created.
firebase init hosting
Host locally (if hosting locally, "http://localhost:5000/" will be the default location)
firebase server
Host Publicly (The site's address will be printed in the console. Note that it has automatic SSL certification)
firebase deploy

From here you are freely available to create or paste files (like the .zip file we provided) in the folder

Authentication (Sign-up/Log-in)

Find all methods
Goto Build->Authentication
Choose decired
In our case, the simplest would be google#
Add appropriate "Public-facing" name
This name will be seen by user upon login
Add appropriate "supporting email"
Usually same as the current account
Click **Enable**


We Will Be Using RealTime Database (Which is a noSQL)

Create the DB
Goto side-bar and select "Realtime Database" and then click "Get Started"
Selecting Database location
Choose storage location nearest to you
Setup The Database (after enable, it will redirect to the realtime database console where data will be added)
Choose "Start in test mode" then click "enable"

Interfacing JavaScript with FireBase

Acquire the necessary FireBase Configuration Data (AuthKey, AppID... necessary for communication). Be sure to select the CDN option as its the easier
Goto Project-OverView -> Project-Setting -> (scroll-down and copy project-config)
Communicate with FireBase API using Configuration Data
Paste project-config data into any .mjs that needs to communication with FireBase API
Importing Functions from the SDK (Simply choose the library, and define the functions needed)
import { function-name-heres } from "";
Example FireBase Authentication
 import { getAuth, GoogleAuthProvider, signInWithPopup, signOut, onAuthStateChanged } from "";
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
	// this function by firebase, allows us to place if statements
	loginlogoutreference.removeEventListener("click", userSignOut);
	loginlogoutreference.removeEventListener("click", userSignIn);
	if (user) {
		loginlogoutreference.innerHTML = "Logout";
		loginlogoutreference.addEventListener("click", userSignOut);
		// Upon login gather unique Google ID to access the database
		googleuniqueuserid = user.uid;
	} else {
		loginlogoutreference.innerHTML = "Login";
		googleuniqueuserid = null;
		setTimeout(function() {
		    window.location.href = "../../index.html";
		  }, 1000);