- Update: Added support for tox 3.7.0 (#60)
Bugfix : Tox-pipenv would skip the installation of Pipfile if the user had not specified any additional deps in tox.ini (#53)
- Bugfix : Support for Tox 3.0+
- Bugfix : Fixed API in Tox 3.4.0+
- Bugfix : Removed pinned version which fixes pipenv issue (#50)
Bugfix : Tox would fail when executed twice if usedevelop was set to True, reported by @ashwinvis #46
- Bugfix : Any additional dependencies specified in deps within tox.ini would be written to the root Pipfile. A temporary Pipfile is created
for each virtualenv now, which is a clone of the root Pipfile
- Update : Update tox to 3.0.0
- Feature : Tox report now uses pipenv instead of pip freeze
- Bugfix : Fixed issue on newer versions of pipenv raising error "AttributeError: 'Project' object has no attribute 'pipfile_sources'" (#41)
- Removed test virtualenv from package, meaning distribution was 18MB, should be 15Kb #38
- Bugfix : Fixed error "LocalPath object has no attribute endswith"
- Bugfix : Fixed error "Cannot run tox for the first time with this plugin installed"
- Bugfix : fixed issue when Pathlib.Path occured instead of string
- Update : updated pipenv to 11.0.1
- Added documentation and fixed pypi build
- Virtual environments are now correctly stored in .tox/<pyver>/.venv
- Packages will be reported by pipenv graph after installation. Pip freeze is still being run, downstream PR raised in tox
- Plugin should not accidentally remove host virtualenv binaries
- Use Pipenv install --dev as the default installation command
- Support for creation and recreation of virtual environments using Pipenv
- Isolation of Pipfile within the tox directory
- Support for installation of tox-specified packages in Pipenv
- Support for execution of test commands within a Pipenv virtual env