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Swift Code Generator Tool

The code generator tool transltes existing .thrift files into Swift interfaces.

Installing the code generator

If you just want the latest release of the generator tool copied to your /tmp directory, use the following command line:

  mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:get -DremoteRepositories=central::default:: -Dartifact=com.facebook.swift:swift-generator-cli:RELEASE:jar:standalone -Ddest=/tmp/

If you want a specific version, you should first determine which version of Swift you will be working with. You can look here at the available releases, and after you've determined which version you want, and replace RELEASE above with the version you will be using.

You can also replace '/tmp/' with the directory from which you would like to run the tool.

After downloading the tool, you should be able to run it like this:

$ java -jar /tmp/swift-generator-cli-0.7.0-standalone.jar
Usage: SwiftGenerator [options] Thrift IDL input files
       Use this package if there is no package specified in the IDL for java
       Generate thrift types as mutable beans
       Default: false
       Generate code for included IDL files as well as specified IDL files
       Default: false
       Output directory
       Default: /home/andrewcox/MyProject
       Force generation of code in a specific package
       Enable specific code generation tweaks
       Default: []
       Use 'java' namespace instead of 'java.swift' namespace
       Default: false


Add a 'namespace java.swift' to your .thrift file. This will differentiate the package that will hold your swift interfaces from the package which will hold your standard java thrift generated code (in case you are using both in the same application).

When running the generator tool, you should start it from the root directory where all .thrift files which are included by your file can be found. Then just invoke it like this, for example:

 java -jar /tmp/swift-generator-cli-0.7.0-standalone.jar common/fb303/if/fb303.thrift


Most of the options should be self-explanatory from the usage message. The exception is -tweak. This can be used to affect various parts of the interface generation. Here they are:

 public enum SwiftGeneratorTweak
      ADD_THRIFT_EXCEPTION,     // Add TException to generated method signatures
      EXTEND_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION, // Make generated exceptions extend RuntimeException instead of Exception
      ADD_CLOSEABLE_INTERFACE   // Make generated Services extend Closeable and add a close() method

To include two or more tweaks, just pass them separately (e.g. '-tweak ADD_THRIFT_EXCEPTION -tweak ADD_CLOSEABLE_INTERFACE')


Suppose there are two .thrift files in my project, laid out as shown:

$ find . -name '*.thrift'

Here's how to invoke the generator:

$ java -jar /tmp/swift-generator-cli-0.7.0-standalone.jar -generate_included_files -tweak ADD_CLOSEABLE_INTERFACE -tweak ADD_THRIFT_EXCEPTION scribe/if/scribe.thrift
15:18:18.258 [main] INFO  c.f.swift.generator.SwiftGenerator - Parsing Thrift IDL from [file:/data/users/andrewcox/fbcode-git/scribe/if/scribe.thrift]...
15:18:18.418 [main] INFO  c.f.swift.generator.SwiftGenerator - IDL parsing complete, writing java code...
15:18:18.649 [main] INFO  c.f.swift.generator.SwiftGenerator - Java code generation complete.

And now it should have generated some Swift interfaces for you:

$ find gen-swift/ -type f