In this challenge, we are given a 32-bit ELF called x96.
After disassembling it in IDA, we get the following code at the entry point.
LOAD:08048054 start proc far
LOAD:08048054 dec eax
LOAD:08048055 mov ax, cs
LOAD:08048058 cmp ax, 23h
LOAD:0804805C jnz loc_80481A5
LOAD:08048062 push eax
LOAD:08048063 or al, 13h
LOAD:08048065 push eax
LOAD:08048066 push offset dword_804806C
LOAD:0804806B retf
The retf
instruction at the end pops the IP followed by the CS register.
Looking at the preceding instructions, we can see that the value of CS
register becomes 0x33
and that of IP becomes 0x804806c
which is
actually the next instruction in the code.
However, IDA fails to identify it as code. After doing some research I
came across the fact that when CS is set to 0x33
the instructions are
interpreted as 64-bit. You can read more about it here. Another
interesting artefact of interpreting the code as 64-bit with IDA thinking
it as 32-bit, is that we see a lot of dec eax
Coincidentally I remembered a tweet related to this that I had stored in my bookmarks.
So, in order to understand the code, we need IDA to interpret it as 64-bit. We can do this by selecting the area that we want to generate code for (in the text-view) then going to Edit > Segment > Create Segment. In the dialog box that follows, make sure to select 64-bit segment. Once we have repurposed that area we can go to Edit > Code to generate the 64-bit code for that segment.
64seg:000000000804806C loc_804806C:
64seg:000000000804806C mov rax, 0DF3A0F66090F1B37h
64seg:0000000008048076 mov rdi, 0E9F4E2EBE86423CAh
64seg:0000000008048080 xor eax, eax
64seg:0000000008048082 xor rdi, rdi
64seg:0000000008048085 mov rsi, 80481F6h
64seg:000000000804808C mov rdx, 24h
64seg:0000000008048093 syscall ; LINUX - sys_read
64seg:0000000008048095 mov rdx, offset sub_8048175
64seg:000000000804809C mov ecx, 0
64seg:00000000080480A1 loc_80480A1:
64seg:00000000080480A1 mov rbx, 358D0150819CF3C4h
64seg:00000000080480AB ror rbx, cl
64seg:00000000080480AE cmp ecx, 24h
64seg:00000000080480B1 jz loc_8048154
64seg:00000000080480B7 mov al, [ecx+80481F6h]
64seg:00000000080480BE xor al, bl
64seg:00000000080480C0 mov r15, 0B8E8AE0F00000000h
64seg:00000000080480CA cmp al, ds:byte_80481C3[ecx]
64seg:00000000080480D1 jz short loc_8048115
64seg:00000000080480D3 push 0
64seg:00000000080480D5 mov rax, 2300000000h
64seg:00000000080480DF shr rax, 18h
64seg:00000000080480E3 mov dword ptr [rsp+4], 0
64seg:00000000080480EB mov [rsp+7], ah
64seg:00000000080480EF mov dword ptr [rsp], offset unk_80480F8
64seg:00000000080480F6 retfq
Beyond this, we get another string of data which IDA didn't recognize as code. However, this time it is 32-bit code. So we can simply hit Edit > Code to get the intended code.
_32seg:080480F8 loc_80480F8:
_32seg:080480F8 dec eax
_32seg:080480F9 mov eax, 0
_32seg:080480FE mov edx, offset loc_80481A5
_32seg:08048103 inc ecx
_32seg:08048104 dec eax
_32seg:08048105 mov eax, 23h
_32seg:0804810A push eax
_32seg:0804810B dec eax
_32seg:0804810C or al, 13h
_32seg:0804810E push eax
_32seg:0804810F push offset loc_80480A1
_32seg:08048114 retf
_32seg:08048114 _32seg ends
After we have the "right" code, the program is trivially easy to crack. It
checks the user input against the XOR of a set of values in the data
section (at address 080481C3
) with a rotating value in a register (all
of this is included in the code above).
Here I have written a python script to get the flag:
rbx = 0x358D0150819CF3C4
data = [0xa2, 0x8e, 0x90, 0x1f, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xfc, 0x9f, 0x87, 0x26, \
0x48, 0xaf, 0xa2, 0xd4, 0x2c, 0x4e, 0xaf, 0x91, 0x0d, 0x46, \
0x74, 0x7c, 0x59, 0x77, 0xb1, 0x1f, 0x52, 0x23, 0x3c, 0xe8, \
0x1d, 0xcc, 0x60, 0xcc, 0x67, 0x57]
def ror(n,d):
return (n>>d)|(n<<(64-d)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
flag = ''
for i in range(0x24):
flag += chr(data[i] ^ (ror(rbx,i)&0xff))
Flag: flag{n3xt_t1m3_w3_jump_t0_r34l_m0d3}