Apk is a zip file (kinda)
$ unzip app.apk
Java / Dalvik bytecode
- Cannot be run by processor.
- Can be run by VM (JVM/DVM).
- DVM: code that your processor can run, takes Dalvik bytecode as input and executes intended behaviour.
- We use virtual machine so that the same code can run across multiple devices / architectures (DVM is custom).
- There is on security benefit to having a virtual machine.
Dalvik bytecode verifier
- Checks if the bytecode is well-formed.
- Dalvik is easy to disassemble.
- Therefore bad for the bad guys.
What can bad guys do then?
- You can still obfuscate (Reflection).
- You can also load code dynamically.
- Or use native code (no such thing as native code verifier, Google NaCl doesn't apply).
Dalvik bytecode
- Knows about OO concepts.
- Dest-to-src syntax.
- Types: V void, B byte, S short, C char, I int, Z boolean.
- Classes: L<fullyqualifiedclassname> (ex.: Landroid.content.Intent;).
- The bytecode is nicely split in "methods" (.smali files).
- Dalvik is register-based.
- Each method has its own register "frame".
- Methods' args are placed in the last registers of the frame.
- If a method is non-static, the first argument is "this".
Register frame
Consider a method s.t.
- it takes 3 arguments
- its register frame has 6 registers
The method will use
- Registers v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5
- Arguments are placed in v3, v4, v5
Register model
- Different from CPU registers.
- Not shared across methods.
- Can contain values and references though.
int pig(int x) {
return 2*x;
.method pig(I)I
.registers 3
mul-int/lit8 v0, v2, 0x2
return v0
.end method
int foo(int a, Peppa p) {
int b = p.pig(a);
return b;
.method foo(ILcom/mobisec/Peppa;)I
.registers 5
invoke-virtual {v4, v3}, Lcom/mobisec/Peppa;->pig(I)I
move-result v0
add-int v1, v3, v0
return v1
.end method
Dalvik instructions ~
; moving
const v5, 0x123
move v4, v5
; arithmetic
add-int v1, v3, v0
mul-int/lit8 v0, v2, 0x2
; invocation
invoke-virtual {v4, v3}, Lcom/mobisec/Peppa;->pig(I)I
invoke-static ...
invoke-{direct, super, interface} ...
; return
move-result v5
; set / get
iget, iget-object, ...
iput, iput-object, ...
sget, sput ... (for static fields)
; new object
new-instance v2, Lcom/mobisec/Peppa;
; control flow
if-ne v0, v1, :label\_a
goto :label\_b
; meta
Which component executes Dalvik?
In the past (uptil Android 4.4)
- DVM, libdvm.so
- When about to execute a method, compile and run it.
- Compilation is done "on-demand" (Just-in-time).
- Compiled code stored in cache.
Then we got Android ART (introduced in Android 5)
- Android Run-Time replaced the old DVM (optional in Android 4.4).
- Ahead-of-time compilation (at app installation time).
- App boot and execution are faster, but more space required on RAM & DISK.
- Installation takes much longer, bad repercussion on system upgrades, could take ~15 minutes.
New version of ART (introduced in Android 7)
- Profiles an app and precompiles only the "hot" methods (most likely to be used).
- Other parts of the app are left uncompiled.
- Automatically precompiles methods "near to be used."
- Precompilation only happens when the device is idle and charging.
- Quick path to install / upgrade.
ODEX: optimized DEX
- dex → dexopt → ODEX
- Faster to boot and run.
- Most system apps that start at boot are ODEXed.
- ODEX is an additional file, next to an APK.
- Device dependent.
Analogous of ODEX for ART
- The new ART uses two formats.
- The ART format (.art files):
- pre-initialized classes / objects.
- only one file: boot.art
- contains pre-initialized memory for most of the Android framework.
- The OAT files:
- compiled bytecode to machine code wrapped in an ELF file.
- can contain one or more DEX files (actual Dalvik bytecode).
- obtained with dex2oat (usually run at install time).
- you still have .odex files.
- .odex files are OAT-formatted files!
- one important file: boot.oat
- all traditional ODEX files are OAT files.
- can be inspected with oatdump.
When a new app starts
- All app processes are created by forking Zygote (init, template).
- Optimization trick: boot.oat is already mapped in memory, no need to reload the framework!
More information
$ unzip app.apk
- AndroidManifest.xml (compressed)
- classes.dex
- resources (compressed)
$ baksmali classes.dex -o output
- Disassemble DEX files.
- Output: a .smali file for each class.
- Dalvik bytecode in "smali" format.
$ smali output -o patched.apk
- Assembler for DEX files.
- embeds baksmali/smali.
- unpacks / packs APKs, including resources and manifest files.
$ apktool d app.apk -o output
$ apktool b output -o patched.apk
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -keyalg DSA -sigalg SHA1withDSA -keysize 1024 -validity 10000
$ jarsigner -keystore <path to debug.keystore> -verbose -storepass android -keypass android -sigalg SHA1withDSA -digestalg SHA1 app.apk androiddebugkey
- JEB free version.
- Bytecode Viewer github.
- dex2jar (dalvik bytecode to java bytecode) then jd-gui (java bytecode to java source code)
comes with Android SDK
takes an APK as input
can dump tons of useful info (package name, components, main activity, permissions, strings, resources, ...)
$ aapt dump badging <apk_path>
- interact with apps and devices/emulators
$ adb devices
$ adb install app.apk
$ adb uninstall com.mobisec.testapp # package name
$ adb logcat
$ adb push file.txt /sdcard/file.txt # push to device
$ adb pull /sdcard/file.txt file.txt # pull from device
$ adb shell # get a shell on the device
$ adb shell ls # execute "ls" on the device
$ adb shell am start -n <pkgname>/<component>
$ adb shell pm grant <pkgname> <permission>
$ adb shell dumpsys