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Releases: jestjs/jest


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Symbols are now properly mocked when using jest-mock.
  • toHaveBeenCalledWith() works without arguments again.
  • Newlines in snapshots are now normalized across different operating systems.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Fix infinite loop.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Previously failed tests are now always run first.
  • A new concurrent reporter shows currently running tests, a test summary, a progress bar and estimated remaining time if possible.
  • Improved CLI colors.
  • jest <pattern> is now case-insensitive.
  • Added it.only, it.skip, test.only, test.skip and xtest.
  • Added --testNamePattern=pattern or -t <pattern> to run individual tests in test files.
  • Jest now warns for duplicate mock files.
  • Pressing a, o, p, q or enter while tests are running in the watch mode, the test run will be interrupted.
  • --bail now works together with --watch.
  • Added test.concurrent for concurrent async tests.
  • Jest now automatically considers files and tests with the .jsx extension.
  • Added jest.clearAllMocks to clear all mocks manually.
  • Rewrote Jest's snapshot implementation. jest-snapshot can now be more easily integrated into other test runners and used in other projects.
  • This requires most snapshots to be updated when upgrading Jest.
  • Objects and Arrays in snapshots are now printed with a trailing comma.
  • Function names are not printed in snapshots any longer to reduce issues with code coverage instrumentation and different Node versions.
  • Snapshots are now sorted using natural sort order.
  • Snapshots are not marked as obsolete any longer when using fit or when an error is thrown in a test.
  • Finished migration of Jasmine matchers to the new Jest matchers.
  • Pretty print toHaveBeenLastCalledWith, toHaveBeenCalledWith, lastCalledWith and toBeCalledWith failure messages.
  • Added toBeInstanceOf matcher.
  • Added toContainEqual matcher.
  • Added toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot matcher.
  • Improved moduleNameMapper resolution.
  • Module registry fixes.
  • Fixed invocation of the setupTestFrameworkScriptFile script to make it easier to use chai together with Jest.
  • Removed react-native special case in Jest's configuration.
  • Added --findRelatedTests <fileA> <fileB> cli option to run tests related to the specified files.
  • Added jest.deepUnmock to babel-plugin-jest-hoist.
  • Added jest.runTimersToTime which is useful together with fake timers.
  • Improved automated mocks for ES modules compiled with babel.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Fixed issues with test paths that include hyphens on Windows.
  • Fixed testEnvironment resolution.
  • Updated watch file name pattern input.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Pretty printer updates for React and global window objects.
  • jest-runtime overwrites automocking from configuration files.
  • Improvements for watch mode on Windows.
  • afterAll/afterEach/beforeAll/beforeEach can now return a Promise and be used together with async/await.
  • Improved stack trace printing on Node 4.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Fixed Jest with npm2 when using coverage.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Updated toThrow and toThrowMatchers and aliased them to the same matcher.
  • Improvements for watch mode.
  • Fixed Symbol reassignment in tests would break Jest's matchers.
  • Fixed --bail option.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • See
  • Jest by default now also recognizes files ending in .spec.js and .test.js as test files.
  • Completely replaced most Jasmine matchers with new Jest matchers.
  • Rewrote Jest's CLI output for test failures and summaries.
  • Added --env option to override the default test environment.
  • Disabled automocking, fake timers and resetting the module registry by default.
  • Added --watchAll, made --watch interactive and added the ability to update snapshots and select test patterns in watch mode.
  • Jest uses verbose mode when running a single test file.
  • Console messages are now buffered and printed along with the test results.
  • Fix testEnvironment resolution to prefer jest-environment-{name} instead of {name} only. This prevents a module colision when using jsdom as test environment.
  • moduleNameMapper now uses a resolution algorithm.
  • Improved performance for small test runs.
  • Improved API documentation.
  • Jest now works properly with directories that have special characters in them.
  • Improvements to Jest's own test infra by merging integration and unit tests. Code coverage is now collected for Jest.
  • Added to the node environment.
  • Fixed babel-jest-plugin-hoist issues with functions called mock.
  • Improved jest-react-native preset with mocks for ListView, TextInput, ActivityIndicator and ScrollView.
  • Added collectCoverageFrom to collect code coverage from untested files.
  • Rewritten code coverage support.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • Changed Jest's default cache directory.
  • Fixed jest-react-native for react 15.3.0.
  • Updated react and react-native example to use react-test-renderer.
  • Started to refactor code coverage.


16 Aug 10:37
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  • babel-jest bugfix.