diff --git a/manual.md b/manual.md index 6c94611..a094b0d 100644 --- a/manual.md +++ b/manual.md @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ But YAML maps aren't necessarily ordered, so let's roll with it. - ![]({{ assets }}/{{ word }}.png) **{{ word }}** {% endfor %} - cp. ![]({{ assets }}/write.png) **write** - - **wr** ![]({{ assets }}/wr.png) is distinguished from ![]({{ assets }}/th.png){: class="tall" } **th** by its size. + - **wr** ![]({{ assets }}/wr.png) is distinguished from ![]({{ assets }}/th.png) **th** by its size. - **wh** ![]({{ assets }}/wh.png) is made by enlarging the _w_ hook so as to look like the _h_- circle; cp. ![]({{ assets }}/who.png) **who**, ![]({{ assets }}/ha.png) **ha**. - **ws** ![]({{ assets }}/ws.png); at the end of a word the addition of the _s_ tick to the _w_ hook forms a loop; thus {% assign words = "sews cows laws" | split: " " %}{% for word in words %}