Contributions, issues, and forks are welcome. Please note that any code/translations you contribute will be licensed under the same license as this project. By making any contributions, you agree to this.
Since this project is small, we use a MAJOR.MINOR versioning system where the major version is bumped on breaking changes and the minor version is bumped on all other features and bug fixes.
The Random Text Generator for Outlook™ extension is used to generate screenshots that don't contain any private data.
If you know another language and want to help out, please follow these steps:
- Create an issue [here][issues_link] with details about which language you are adding. Make sure your language is listed in the table here. If not, your language is not supported unfortunately 😢
- Make sure your language is not already in the _locales folder. If it is, we may have translations for your language already, but they might be out of date.
- Download the english messages file and translate each message into your language. The descriptions explain how each message is used in the extension, so these don't need to be translated.
- Upload your translated messages file to the issue you created
- Profit!
- SCSS is used to make writing styles easier and more maintainable. Please take advantage of its features
- Variables are defined in _vars.scss and should be used whenever possible instead of hardcoding values
- Any styles written should be specific enough to not affect unintended areas of the application, but not overly specific such that styles are broken every time Outlook releases an update (do not use Outlook's randomly generated class names)
- Styles should be as short as possible, and written in relation to other elements with hardcoded attributes. See main.scss for examples