A npm package to make working with fonts easier.
npm i fontx --save
You'll need Node.JS 6 or newer.
If you want to use the command-line interface you'll probably want to install it globally so that you can run fontx
from anywhere.
npm i -g fontx
fontx <command>
fontx export <font> <directory> export all glyphs to a folder
fontx web <font> start the webserver
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
From example.js:
const fontx = require("./api");
// Initialise the core (required)
const core = fontx.Core("font.ttf");
// Start the Express webserver
fontx.Express(core, 3000);
// Export all glyphs to a folder
fontx.Export(core, "out");